George Bush, the decider in chief

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-07-2014, 03:43 PM
Wow, IIFFy, what the he'll is your point?

I have never given a contract to friends or former colleagues.

I have never received a sole source contract.

So I please use your superior intelletc to enlighten me about what you are trying to say.
Whiffy swings and misses one more tie..Way to go Mr potato head.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Don't forget, Obama has awarded no bid contracts to Halliburton as well. So who is running who?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Let's see the difference:

Was Clinton's VP the former CEO of Halliburton when the contracts were let for Kosivo? Was it a former CEO who insisted that Halliburton get those Kosivo contracts without competition?

A decision to obligate billions of government dollars without competition is sometimes necessary. When the person doing the obligating sends those billions to their friends and business associates--that is a bit different, don't you think? Originally Posted by Old-T
Actually it was agreed by Clinton, Bush, and yes, Obama that only Halliburton had the infrastructure and ability to do the job it was being asked to do. You don't give a five man painting company a job to paint the Golden Gate Bridge and when you ask companies who can support, feed, and care for a 100,000 or more troops in a foriegn country and protect your own people there aren't many American names beyond Halliburton. Your letting your partisanship override your common sense. This was all explained many years ago.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-08-2014, 09:09 AM
Actually it was agreed by Clinton, Bush, and yes, Obama that only Halliburton had the infrastructure and ability to do the job it was being asked to do. You don't give a five man painting company a job to paint the Golden Gate Bridge and when you ask companies who can support, feed, and care for a 100,000 or more troops in a foriegn country and protect your own people there aren't many American names beyond Halliburton. Your letting your partisanship override your common sense. This was all explained many years ago. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
There should never have been a war for the former ceo of Halliburton and vp to bid on jad cheney not pushed the false narrative that Saddam was connected to 9/11.

That is the point your dumbass misses. Start a war that I profit from because my former company is the only one capable of supporting our troops. fucking war profiteer.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wouldn't that be "whom?"
lustylad's Avatar
There should never have been a war for the former ceo of Halliburton and vp to bid on had cheney not pushed the false narrative that Saddam was connected to 9/11.

That is the point your dumbass misses. Start a war that I profit from because my former company is the only one capable of supporting our troops. fucking war profiteer. Originally Posted by WTF

So the REAL reason we invaded Iraq was so Cheney's buddies could turn a profit. Who knew? If it was that simple, why didn't we just invade Mexico and Canada and let Halliburton rack up the same profits closer to home?

Of course, now when Obama is going back in it is only with the PUREST of motives, right? Bush and Cheney are war profiteers but Odumbo protects the homeland. Got it, fagboy!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Do YOU "got it "Junior?

Or are you gonna threaten people some more?
lustylad's Avatar
Do YOU "got it "Junior?

Or are you gonna threaten people some more? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Do you feel threatened, assup? Tut tut, little boy. Maybe you should try using logic and persuasion sometime. Do you see the absurdity of WTFagboy's arguments? If so, don't be afraid to speak up and say so. If not, don't be afraid to defend him. I'm sure he will welcome your coming to his defense by rolling out your heavy intellectual artillery (cough, cough).
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why don't you roll out your heavy intellectual artillery, Junior?

You talk a mean game, but are lighter than a popcorn fart.

Where's that laser pointer you threatened me with, Frogmouth?
lustylad's Avatar
Why don't you roll out your heavy intellectual artillery, Junior?

You talk a mean game, but are lighter than a popcorn fart. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Hey lookee! Ass-up Ride-me just rolled out his heavy intellectual artillery! Game over!

Oh, cabana boy, cabana boy... when you are done cleaning up spitballs, fetch me another pina colada!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Er, like I said.

Lighter than a popcorn fart!

LMAO @ underage Bichon...

lustylad's Avatar
Is yappy bitch jealous again?

IBS's Avatar
  • IBS
  • 09-10-2014, 01:39 PM
Assup, whats your opinion on the Michael Brown shooting? Are you one of those mind readers who believes Darren Wilson is racist? Do you believe Brown was just playing around when he robbed and assault the store clerk for a box of cigars?