This installment focuses on Bill Clinton a man devoid of moral fiber.
President Bill Clinton 1993 to 2001
In 1992 George H. W. Bush’s double cross on his promise of “Read my lips! No new taxes!” combined with the damage done to him by H. Ross Perrot’s third party candidacy, opened the door to the White House for Democrat Bill Clinton, a man devoid of morals or any redeeming qualities.
The sexual stuff
Bill Clinton turned the Oval Office back into the virtual bordello it had been when Lyndon Johnson was using it as his personal sexual hunting grounds.
The most famous episodes in Clintons ongoing degradation of women and our White House involved a 22 year old intern named Monica Lewinsky whose main talent was successfully bring Clinton to orgasm during fellatio. We know this is true because Lewinsky turned a Clinton semen stained blue dress into a “trophy” and saved it. [127]
The Starr Report which recounted Clinton’s psychological degradation of this young woman was actually two reports. There was the one that was released to the public (the sanitized version – as much as his conduct could be “sanitized”) and the REAL version that was printed in only limited quantities.
There is more to be found in the REAL Starr Report as opposed to the one that was made publicly available. The report was named for the prize patsy Ken Starr who conducted the investigation into the affair. The public report hid the most revolting and disgusting aspects of what Starr established took place during the Clinton – Lewinsky sexual encounters. The un-redacted version contains testimony from Monica Lewinsky that she did more than fellate Clinton during their secret meetings.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The next several paragraphs are graphic in nature and those who do not want to relive the Clinton embarrassment might want to skip them.
The Starr Report includes sworn testimony from Lewinsky that she let Clinton insert a cigar into her vagina, and that thereafter he put the cigar in his mouth and remarked “it tastes good,” lit it and smoked it.
Starr Report Footnote #274 [128]
On April 7, 1996, after a photo op with Hillary and Chelsea as they entered a church for an Easter Sunday service, Clinton later met Lewinsky for a fellatio session in the Oval Office.
Starr Report Footnote #323 [129]
But there is still more.
As she testified under oath to investigator Ken Starr Lewinsky performed oral anal sex on Clinton.
According to the un- redacted original version of the Starr Report there was an encounter between Monica Lewinsky that was deemed too inflammatory and prejudicial to Clinton to remain in the publicly available Starr Report.
What is included in the public version of the Starr Report was that on January 7, 1996 Bill Clinton offered to perform oral sex on Lewinsky but, as she testified in her sworn statement, she demurred because she was menstruating. Lewinsky went on to testify that by mutual agreement she then performed fellatio on Clinton and performed oral anal sex on him as well. [130]
The actual report contains this footnote:
28. Id. at 19. They engaged in oral-anal contact as well. See Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 18-20. [131]
Aside from the usual Democrat presidential extramarital sex, Clinton’s behavior with Lewinsky was disgusting because it was a clear violation of his absolute duty to comport himself far above that of the average American. Having engaged in sex with a workplace subordinate is strong evidence that, like Kennedy and Johnson before him, Clinton allowed his sexual urges to control his conduct in office. It is more evidence that Democrat presidents are always to be suspected harboring lecherous intentions toward women regardless of the setting.
Lewinsky’s testimony that she fellated Clinton while he was discussing important government business on the telephone reinforces this point.
Starr Report Footnote # 162 [132]
Clinton the serial rapist and sexual predator
Bill Clinton is such a loathsome individual, that when it came to his treatment of women it was hard to select which cases should be included in this section.
For purposes of brevity, and because they are so typical of the conduct of this serial rapist and sexual predator these cases have been selected.
Isn’t it so true that liberals always say, “Women never lie about rape!”? Then they insist the women accusing Clinton of rape ARE lying.
Kathleen Willey
In November 1993, when Kathleen Willey, a former volunteer campaign worker, was at a low point in her life because her husband was under investigation in a growing financial scandal, she reached out to Clinton to ask him to give her a paying federal job.
Clinton invited her to come to the Oval Office and she cheerfully accepted, secure in the knowledge that her old friend Bill would greet her with open arms.
Willey was right about the “open arms” part but she had no idea she would not be allowed to get out of Clinton’s clutches until she fondled his crotch area and let him grope her breasts. On the very day this happened, Willey was informed that her husband had committed suicide. [133]
Juanita Broaddrick
Juanita Broaddrick told her story in a sworn deposition which only surfaced when another Clinton victim, Paula Jones was forced to sue Clinton for attacking her.
Broaddrick was at a Nursing Home conference in Arkansas on April 25, 1978 where she had occasion to meet Clinton who was their making a campaign stop while he was running for Governor for the first time. She said she was eager to make a friend of Clinton and so she let her drive to succeed in her Nursing Home business cloud her good sense and she agreed to go to Clinton’s room. Once in his room, Clinton quickly turned from potential political connection to rapist.
Because of the forceful brutality of Clinton’s attack (Clinton bit her lips) in his now famous line as he was leaving and Juanita was getting cleaned up and dressed, Clinton said, “You better put some ice on that.” The injury was confirmed by Norma Rogers a nurse, who had accompanied Juanita to the conference.
Interestingly, at the conclusion of the rape, Clinton told Broaddrick that even though he had ejaculated within her, she had no worries about pregnancy since he claimed he was sterile as a result of a childhood bout with the Mumps.
Clinton as a typical Democrat, never opened his health records to public scrutiny, so this may or may not have been true- we’ll never know. Chelsea Clinton was born February 27, 1980; another Clinton mystery? [134] [135]
Besides being a sexual deviant Bill Clinton committed many acts while he was president that should have put him in prison. You know them, selling the Chinese missile technology, keeping an enemies list, taking fat envelops from his Indonesian Muslim pals in the Riady family for whom he used an executive order to make 1.7 million acres of Utah “Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument” a federal park and therefore impossible to use as a clean coal mine. Riady pleaded guilty to illegally contributing $8.6 million to Democrats in 1996.
Indonesia, which was controlled at the time by the Riady family has at least 4.5 billion tons of “clean coal” and now controls the market because Clinton took a bribe in return for locking up our clean coal field in Utah.
For the sake of brevity several of these acts are listed below. Here are some of the Clinton scandals that have been lost in time.
Clinton snooped through illegally obtained FBI files of Republican former White House staffers to determine who his enemies were. He used Craig Livingstone, his Director of the White House’s Office of Personnel Security, to illegally get the files. Livingstone was a former bar bouncer hired on the recommendation of Hillary Clinton. He resigned when the Clintons “discovered” what he had done. This was typical of the Clinton’s disregard for the rule of law. [136]
Links to information on Clinton’s Whitewater scam and the murder of David Koresh and his followers can be found in the footnote section. [137] [138] [139]
Loral Space and Communications
As the Roosevelt Administration had put Americans in danger by selling the Soviet Communists nuclear weapon materials in the 1940s, Bill Clinton endangered all Americans by allowing the sale of missile technology to the Communist Chinese.
In spite of a recommendation NOT to do so, Clinton approved the sale of technology to China which would eventually help it develop more reliable intercontinental missiles – the kind that can reach America’s cities. [140]
In 1996, Democrat Bernard Schwartz was the C.O.O. of Loral Space and Communications Corporation, when he and Clinton, who was desperate for campaign cash for his re-election, struck a deal.
Loral had sold the Chinese rocket technology that was defective. A Loral made Chinese missile crashed and killed 200 people. To keep the Chinese happy Schwartz sent them more missile technology despite that fact that it was deemed to be secret by Clinton’s own Security advisers. They declared it would eventually pose a threat to American security. In the meanwhile the Chinese were using spies to steal our missile technology at various weapons plants across the country. Even knowing this, in February 1998, Clinton approved a new launch of a Loral missile for the Chinese. In the interim, Schwartz had donated $1.5 million to the Democrats.
Experts have postulated that the technology Clinton arranged for China to buy from Loral is at the core of the Dong Feng-31 intercontinental ballistic missile and probably their new Aircraft Carrier killer rockets (the Dong Feng 21A) that can destroy our biggest ships with one direct hit killing 5,000 sailors at a time. Think about that. Clinton sold our security to the Chinese for Schwartz’s $1.5million! [141] [142] [143]
Clinton the draft dodger
The one incident that typifies Bill Clinton’s disdain for the United States Military was the letter he wrote to his draft Board acknowledging he intended to dodge the draft because he loathed the Military.
N.B. In typically slippery Clinton-speak he doesn’t say HE loathes the military, but leaves the reader to conclude that he does. [144]
The Larry Lawrence affair
Creating bogus national parks, selling missile secrets, with Clinton you name it- EVERYTHING was for sale. Sadly this even included a burial plot in Arlington National Cemetery where only America’s military heroes are supposed to be laid to rest unless you were a lying Democrat contributor. In 1996 Clinton saw to it that a Democrat fund raiser with a fraudulent war record was buried in that hallowed ground.
The December 1997 statement from the National Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars says it best, “Given the mounting evidence that Mr. M. Larry Lawrence, a political benefactor and the late ambassador to Switzerland, fabricated his World War II Merchant Marine service and injuries, the Veterans of Foreign Wars believes that his remains should be moved from Arlington National Cemetery….”
Imagine: the Lawrence affair stunk so badly they actually had to dig him up and get him out of Arlington; not even Clinton could do anything about it! [145]
Taxing your Social Security benefits
Clinton was the president who stabbed senior citizen retirees in the back by making Social Security benefits taxable for the first time. Clinton’s Democrat Congress passed the bill easily but, to break a tie in the Senate Clinton’s Vice President Albert Gore cast the deciding vote in favor of the tax. Between them, Clinton and Gore taxed the incomes of elderly retired couples making just $22,000 and up. [146]
Clinton’s final finger up to us
As a final finger in our eye on January 20, 2001 as he was slithering out the White House door after cheapening and degrading everything decent about America, Clinton signed pardons and granted amnesty for 140 people – some of whom had paid him through his brother in law Hugh Rodham.
Among those who got Clinton’s largesse for free were a murdering FALN (Puerto Rican terrorists) who killed four innocent people by bombing historic Fraunces Tavern in New York City where George Washington gave his farewell address and crooked Democrat Congressman Mel Reynolds Weather Underground terrorists Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg.147]
Hillary Clinton’s brother Hugh Rodham was paid over $200,000 for his work in getting a convicted drug dealer a commutation from his brother in law Bill Clinton. In just one month people were questioning this move. When asked about this Rodham lied.
Final thought: involved up to his neck in all of the Clinton slimy pardons and commutations was an as yet unknown lawyer named Eric Holder. [148]
Years later when George W. Bush commuted the sentence of Lewis Libby, Hillary Rodham Clinton said, “This commutation sends the clear signal that in this administration, cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice.” [149]
This is the mindset of the Clintons: lie because the media will always help you.
Norman Hsu
The Chinese contributed to Democrats and Hillary Clinton’s legal defense fund.
When Norman Hsu, one of her big campaign contributors was convicted of stealing $20 million in a Ponzi scheme Hillary Clinton was forced to return $800,000 to Hsu so he could pay back some of his victims.
A voice mail from Hillary to her BFF Norman said, “What am I going to do with you, Norman? You are working so hard for me that I just don’t know what to say any more. I’ve never seen anybody who has been more loyal and more effective and really just having greater success supporting someone than you.” [150]
Barack Obama 2009 to 2013
The purpose of this report is twofold: to tell you things about Democrats only closer research reveals and remind you of things about these people you knew but may have forgotten. Because Obama is right here in front of us and is such a terrible enemy of American freedoms, fully covering him would mean writing a whole separate book.
Consequently I have elected to offer these examples of why this dim-wit in the White House is little different than Jerzy Kosinski’s Being there character Chauncey Gardiner. Just like Chauncey, Obama is ill equipped to think for himself and in his case must use a teleprompter even to speak to school children. Chauncey had an excuse; he was obviously mentally challenged. Obama is intellectually challenged, but morally challenged as well. This is why having him hold the power of life and death over us is so dangerous.
At least “Chauncey” could speak without a teleprompter.
These Obama comments prove the charge of his intellectual deficiency.
“You don’t want Billionaires to pay the same tax rate as JEW… I mean Janitors” – Before Congressional Black Caucus, September 24, 2011. [151]
N.B. There were no reports of boos from the audience.
“We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad,” he said obviously referring to the Baltimore Ohio and London Rail Road, September 23, 2011. [152]
“We all remember Abraham Lincoln as the leader who saved our Union. Founder of the Republican Party” at his Joint Session of Congress address September 6, 2011. In fact, the Republican Party was founded “Under the Oaks” in the City of Jackson in 1854; Lincoln was not present.
Note – Not only did Obama get it wrong but our “friends” at PBS lied about it and CHANGED the transcript to fool the few fools who would consult them looking for honest reporting. [153]
Obama said he would be turning 50 “in a week” on July 15 2011, three weeks before his putative birthday of August 4. [154]
N.B. It’s hard to keep the “facts” of your life straight when someone invented them for you.
When presenting a Medal of Honor to Army SSG Sal Giunta Obama spoke to him as if he was Army SFC Jared Monti who was killed in action and had already been awarded a posthumous Medal of Honor, by Obama himself. Since he had only presented one other Medal of Honor mixing up the names is inexcusable, but it does present a glimpse of his lack of enthusiasm for our military. Sure some Marxists that work for him wrote his notes, but either way this is a slap in our face. [155]
“There are some structural issues with our economy where a lot of businesses have learned to become much more efficient with a lot fewer workers. You see it when you go to a bank and you use an ATM, you don’t go to a bank teller, or you go to the airport and you’re using a kiosk instead of checking in at the gate.” (June 14, 2011)” – President Obama losing jobs to ATMs; however…. [156]
“That’s why I’m here today at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh, one of America’s leading research universities. Behind me is a display from a company called RedZone Robotics. The robots they make are used to explore water and sewage pipes, and find leaks and breaks before they become expensive problems. But the folks at RedZone aren’t just solving problems; they’re working with unions to create new jobs operating the robots, and they’re saving cities millions of dollars in infrastructure costs. This company is just one example of how advanced manufacturing can help spur job-creation and economic growth across this country.” (June 25, 2011) President Obama ATMs lose jobs, Robots create jobs? [157]
“The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries.” –Barack Obama, Tampa, Fla., Jan. 28, 2010. [158]
“Just this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee — which is my committee — a bill to calling for divestment from Iran as a way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don’t obtain a nuclear weapon.” –Barack Obama, Sderot, Israel, July 23, 2008. Obama was not on the Senate Banking Committee. [159]
“The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system.” –Barack Obama, health care roundtable, Washington D.C., July 20, 2009. [160]
“The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person, who, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn’t know, you know, there’s a reaction that’s been bred in our experiences that don’t go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way, and that’s just the nature of race in our society.” He said throwing his grandmother under a bus as a racist. –Barack Obama, 2008 campaign. [161]
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life,” Jesse Jackson once told an audience, “than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery—then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.” Jesse Jackson said this. Maybe if Obama’s grandmother was walking behind him Jackson would feel relived as well. [176]
In a September 7, 2008 interview with ABC TV Obama said, “What I was suggesting — you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith…” Upon hearing this, good little liberal cheerleader George Stephanopoulos corrected him with, “Christian faith.” [162]
“On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes — and I see many of them in the audience here today — our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.”[163]
N. B. CNN removed the “fallen heroes” part from its transcript –Barack Obama, Memorial Day commemoration. [164]
On July 23, 2009 afraid to speak of “victory” in our war on terror, Dim Wit said, “I’m always worried about using the word victory because it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur.” [164]
N.B. Hirohito never showed up on the deck of the Missouri and what’s wrong with a victory in the war on terror? [165]
On May 9, 2008 Obama said, “I’ve now been in 57 states — I think one left to.” –Obama 2008 campaign event, Beaverton, Oregon. [166]
On April 8, 2008, when he thought he would not be quoted, Obama showed his true feelings about conservatives and said, “It’s not surprising; then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” [167]
“In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed.” –Barack Obama, 2007 campaign speech on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people. [168]
“I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.” – Barack Obama defending his tax plan to Joe the Plumber, Toledo, OH, Oct. 12, 2008. [169]
“The Cambridge police acted stupidly.” –Barack Obama, commenting on a white police officer’s arrest of black scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr ., at a news conference, July 22, 2009. [170]
On Feb. 4, 2010 Obama referred to the Navy’s medics – who are called Corpsmen – as “corpse” men not once but twice. That’s a Democrat for you, they really don’t do patriotism well and some of them like Obama can’t even fake it. [171]
While trying to out lie Hillary Clinton who said she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary who only became famous when she was six years old, [172] Obama, whose putative birthday is August 4, 1961, lied on March 4, 2009, when he claimed that the 1965 Civil Rights march in Selma was responsible for his parent’s meeting and having him.[173]
“There’s a lot of — I don’t know what the term is in Austrian…” “…the Austrian language”? April 4 2009.
While talking to a group of his dimwitted supporters, Obama claimed Obamacare would drop insurance premiums 3000%. March 16, 2010. [175]
I know there are a lot more examples that prove Barack Obama and elected Democrats are “Crooks Thugs and Bigots” but this chapter has to end somewhere.
This material comes from my book, Crooks Thugs and Bigots: the Lost Hidden and Changed History of the Democrat Party, but if you cannot wait to read more of the history of the Democrat Party.
If you don’t know the truth all you’ll have are Democrat lies.
I’ll send you a free PDF of my book write me at