How to Recover the Real America - Start a New Country!

There is a new law - two conservatives cannot get a room without being accused of plotting against His Majesty's Government!

Obama wanted to fundamentally transform America - he succeeded. I wish it would be fundamentally changed to its former greatness - as contrasted with the current mess where everyone hates each other, and only wishes to harness government to enslave their political enemies. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Have you left for Tel Aviv yet? If not, be sure to take your fag "brother" (COIdiot) with you!

Fuk'n Idiot's!
There is a new law - two conservatives cannot get a room without being accused of makeing butt buddies. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
The colonist seceded, fought the war, and won.

The Confederacy seceded, fought the war, and lost.

As I stated, the citizens of any a State can choose to secede, and form their own Country. But, they will have to fight the war that will surly come.

All I'm saying is, I will side with my Country, The United States of America. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Brothers against Brothers... Sad day for us...

Obama and all the leftist cowards... 10 words... "Let his blood be upon us and upon our children."
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Brothers against Brothers... Sad day for us...

Obama and all the leftist cowards... 10 words... "Let his blood be upon us and upon our children." Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Truly sad, brother killing brother for the concept of a nation state that once was great, and enslaves us with our memories of the sacrifices our brothers made in vain (in retrospect) to continue her existence.
It would be better and more just for humanity for us to peacefully form a new government, just as Moses once said to Pharaoh - "let my people go!"

Eventually, a left wing despot will order a modern day Bull Conner to hose us down and put the dogs upon us for refusing to kneel.

J'accuse ....The United States Government of tyranny!!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm not about to leave the U.S. The US has left me. Im trying to bring her home to America, where she belongs.
Your people should have kept the white's out.
The US has left me. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

COIdiot, if you are so convinced this great country has left you, why don't you simply return the favor? That will show 'em!

The same deal is open for you that I offered to your "brother" JLIdiot. Pick your new future home country to defect to and I will gladly pay your one way airfare. But remember, I only pay as long as you guarantee that you will never to return to the "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave."

Be sure to take all of your fellow Idiot's with you!

This country will be a much better place without the Idiot Klan, errrr Clan.

Fuk'n Idiots!
COIdiot, if you are so convinced this great country has left you, why don't you simply return the favor? That will show 'em!

The same deal is open for you that I offered to your "brother" JLIdiot. Pick your new future home country to defect to and I will gladly pay your one way airfare. But remember, I only pay as long as you guarantee that you will never to return to the "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave."

Be sure to take all of your fellow Idiot's with you!

This country will be a much better place without the Idiot Klan, errrr Clan.

Fuk'n Idiots! Originally Posted by bigtex

bigtex says this "Talk of breaking up the United States" is "nothing short of treason." But he supports this. He thinks rewriting history is patriotic.

Hey for fun I can post the other 18...

This installment focuses on John F. Kennedy the original “Bill Clinton” and Lyndon Baines Johnson the man who referred to his manhood as “Jumbo” and showed it off at every opportunity.

Remember you can get the entire PDF just for the asking; see the instructions at the end of this installment

John F. Kennedy 1961 to Nov 23, 1963

Camelot? More like Potemkin Village on the Potomac!

John F. Kennedy: was there anything about him that was NOT a fraud?

From August 2, 1943 the day his PT 109 was cut in half by a Japanese destroyer the legend of John FitzGerald Kennedy was nurtured and carefully managed. [69]

John Kennedy was not his father Joseph P. Kennedy’s first choice to make one of his sons the president of the United States. The old bootlegger had his eyes on Joe Kennedy junior for that designation. Unfortunately Joe junior – a genuinely brave war hero – was killed while testing a new war plane on August 12, 1944. [70]

After World War II John Kennedy returned to Massachusetts, to win a seat in Congress in 1946. He was a nondescript anti-Communist ally of Richard Nixon.

(That “seat” would eventually pass to the very destructive Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neil.)

In 1953 Kennedy took office as his state’s junior Senator. He remained there until he was elected President in 1960 with major assistance from the corrupt hands of mafia controlled, big city unions working with his father who had sold the Mafia permanent access to the White House in return for their help with voter fraud. [71]

Perverting the Pulitzer Prize

In 1956 when John Kennedy submitted Theodore Sorenson’s manuscript titled, “Profiles in Courage” as his own work, no one questioned it. The next year, when he accepted a Pulitzer Prize in the category of Biography or Autobiography some people did notice the whiff of fraud in the air at Camelot.

In an April 1957, interview on The Mike Wallace Interview show one of the nation’s most respected journalists, Drew Pearson, made the flat declaration that Kennedy had accepted a Pulitzer for a ghost written book. He said he knew for a fact that Kennedy speechwriter Theodore Sorenson had written the book. During the interview, Pearson said Kennedy was the butt of Senate insider jokes that went, “Jack, I wish you had a little less profile and more courage.”[72]

In his 1997 book (which of course did NOT win a Pulitzer Prize) Seymour Hersh apparently considered Kennedy’s fraud so well known and accepted that he wrote, “… it is likely the book was largely ghostwritten and it is the case that his dad’s money kept it on the bestseller list and Joe[Kennedy's] connections won it the Pulitzer.” [73]

Joe Kennedy senior and the Mafia

“Joe Kennedy is one of the biggest crooks who ever lived.” -Sam Giancana

“I helped Joe Kennedy get rich.” -Frank Costello

“Joe always found great favor in Hitler. He would have loved to see him succeed.” -Morton Downey. Jr. [74]

In 1960 the election of a Catholic to the White House was by no means a given. The memory of Al Smith’s disaster in 1928 was still very fresh for many Democrat bosses. As the summer came around, Joe senior went on a road trip through the sewers of the nation’s big cities where the Mafia and their union puppets live.

In a 1997 review of Seymour M. Hersh’s The Dark Side of Camelot the Los Angeles Times said Hersh alleged that Frank Sinatra served as the go between facilitating a deal between Joe Kennedy and Chicago Mafia chief Sam Giancana. The story was told to Hersh by Tina Sinatra, Frank’s daughter.

The L.A. Times also wrote this about how Lyndon Johnson got on Kennedy’s ticket.

“Hersh writes that because Kennedy was “obsessed with sex, and willing to take enormous risks to gratify that obsession,” he made himself vulnerable to blackmail.

“Indeed, according to an unpublished memoir by Hyman Raskin, a Chicago lawyer and political operative whom Hersh cites, Kennedy was forced to pick then – Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson as his running mate in 1960 when Johnson and his fellow Texan, then-House Speaker Sam Rayburn, threatened to divulge some unidentified episode from Kennedy’s past. “Those bastards [Johnson and Rayburn] were trying to frame me,” Raskin claimed Kennedy told him. “They threatened me with problems, and I don’t need more problems. I’m going to have enough problems with Nixon.”

“According to numerous other accounts–including the recollections of Theodore Sorensen, Kennedy’s closest aide–Johnson was offered the vice presidential slot mainly because he could help the ticket carry Southern states.

“Hersh contends that Kennedy’s reckless tendencies extended into foreign policy, notably his backing for undercover plots to subvert the regime of Cuban leader Fidel Castro and to assassinate Castro. These schemes, Hersh argues, helped to pave the way for Castro to accept Soviet missiles in his country, leading to the United States’ near-cataclysmic confrontation with the Soviet Union in 1962.”[75]

Unlike Clinton, Kennedy shared his Lewinsky

In her book, Once Upon a Secret, author Mimi Alford confesses that as an 18 year old intern at the Kennedy White House she started an 18 months sexual relationship with Kennedy beginning with his taking her virginity and ending only when he was murdered on November 22, 1963 in Dallas.

Along the way, Alford recounts how during the “Cuban Missile Crisis” while she was serving him, John Kennedy, the man who just the year before in his Inaugural Address warned the world he would fight any foe and support any friend to defend America’s freedoms, told her he would rather his children be, “Red than dead.” One can only thank God this Democrat coward Kennedy never had to ponder a surrender ultimatum from the Soviet Communists – or anyone else for that matter.

Alford also described being “requested” by Kennedy to perform oral sex on Dave Powers one of his aides. Of course she complied and noted that Kennedy stood by silently leering at them as she completed her assignment. Humiliating women is a hallmark of Democrat Presidents.

If the Mafia killed Kennedy why did they do it?

In 1960 Joe Kennedy promised the Mafia (which had been under almost constant Federal government investigation starting in the late 1950’s), a Kennedy Administration would rein in Estes Kefauver their chief enemy in the Senate. The plan was for the Mafia to use its Blue Collar unions (almost every union in America’s big cities then as now) to “get out the vote” in a vote early and vote often scheme. [76]

When John Kennedy appointed his brother Robert F. Kennedy as his Attorney General, the younger Kennedy almost immediately double crossed the mob and refocused the government’s investigations on them and their unions. Robert Kennedy’s vendetta against Jimmy Hoffa senior was the center piece of his anti-mob, anti-corrupt union crusade. Getting Robert Kennedy off their back by killing John Kennedy became the obvious solution to the Mafia’s Kennedy problem. When John Kennedy started bedding Judith Campbell Exner – Sam Giancana’s girlfriend – a sense of urgency may have followed. Kennedy’s inability to control his sexual urges would be a hallmark of his presidency even before he took office. [77]

Lyndon Johnson blackmailed Kennedy: another witness speaks out.

According to Evelyn Lincoln, Kennedy’s personal secretary, on the night of July 13, 1960 Lyndon Johnson and then Democrat House Speaker Sam Rayburn – two old crooks from Texas- blackmailed Kennedy to get him to name Johnson as his Vice President. To drive home their point they used a dossier about Kennedy’s sexual escapades J. Edgar Hoover had constructed.

“During the 1960 campaign, according to Mrs. Lincoln, Kennedy discovered how vulnerable his womanizing had made him. Sexual blackmail, she said, had long been part of Lyndon Johnson’s modus operandi—abetted by Edgar.

“J. Edgar Hoover,” Lincoln said, “gave Johnson the information about various congressmen and senators so that Johnson could go to X senator and say, `How about this little deal you have with this woman?’ and so forth. That’s how he kept them in line. He used his IOUs with them as what he hoped was his road to the presidency. He had this trivia to use, because he had Hoover in his corner.”

Johnson thought that the members of Congress would go out there and put him over at the Convention; but wound up losing to Kennedy anyway. After that, Hoover and Johnson and their group were able to push Johnson on Kennedy. “LBJ,” said Lincoln, “had been using all the information Hoover could find on Kennedy—during the campaign, even before the Convention. And Hoover was in on the pressure on Kennedy at the Convention.” [78]

During his thirty five months in office, John Kennedy floundered around like a fish on a slippery deck careening from one dumb and ill-advised decision to another.

On April 17 1961, Kennedy authorized the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba as a joint CIA /Cuban exile operation to kick Fidel Castro out of power.

In a 2002 retrospective piece, Joseph Sobran wrote:

“The Bay of Pigs is still one of the most notorious foreign-policy disasters in American history. It was what would today be called a “pre-emptive” strike against Cuba. The Kennedy administration believed it would spark a popular overthrow of Castro; it didn’t. It merely made the United States appear to the world as a feckless aggressor. And it led, the following year, to the terrifying missile crisis that young Americans no longer remember.” [79]

A young inexperienced Democrat over his head as President

After watching Kennedy blunder and dither through the embarrassment of the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Nikita Khrushchev the Soviet Communist leader turned up the heat on the over-his-head young Kennedy.

On June 4 1961, Kennedy met with Nikita Khrushchev in Vienna. The meeting was described as “Little Boy Blue meets Al Capone,” by an anonymous U.S. diplomat.

According to Frederick Kempe’s book “Berlin 1961” Kennedy was completely out maneuvered by a peasant in a cheap suit. Khrushchev ate his lunch and toyed with him, threatening to close off passage between East and West Berlin, something he had to do anyway because he was losing so many productive East Berliners to the West. Seeing the timid Kennedy’s lack of response to this threat must have emboldened the moon-faced Commie.

After his meeting with Khrushchev, Kennedy was so shaken that even days later in a private White House meeting with his brother tears ran down John Kennedy’s face as he recounted the events of his rendezvous with the Bogyman. Yes, John Kennedy the media’s invented son of Camelot wept (and maybe worse?) at the mere thought of Khrushchev.

Kennedy flinches; Khrushchev builds his wall

On August 13, 1961 little more than two months after sizing up Kennedy as the spoiled little rich kid he was, Khrushchev ordered the construction of physical barriers that would quickly become a concrete wall separating East from West Berlin. He surmised Kennedy would do nothing and he was right.

Apparently the words Kennedy spoke in his first State of The Union Address in late January had not been lost of the gangster from Moscow.

Admitting he had been “staggered” by “the enormity of the trials ahead” Kennedy said “Each day the crises multiply. Each day their solution grows more difficult. Each day we draw nearer the hour of maximum danger, as … hostile forces grow stronger. … Our analyses over the last 10 days make it clear that … the tide of events has been running out.” He added that during his term America would learn if our nation could endure.

In other words Kennedy must have been thinking “Wow if this is what a real job is like, this president thing wasn’t such a good idea.” [80]

Whether Kennedy’s lack of courage during the Bay of Pigs disaster prompted Nikita Khrushchev to press his advantage and build missile silos in Cuba just ninety miles from Florida is a question for historians. What is not at issue is that after staggering away from the Cuban missile Crisis during October 1962, Kennedy made a major blunder which is rarely spoken about in the media.

In 1963, in spite of the easily established connections between Iraq’s Baathist Party and the Nazis, Kennedy’s CIA helped engineer the coup which placed the Baathists, including a young Saddam Hussein, in control of Iraq. [81]

Lyndon B. Johnson: November 22, 1963-1969

Lyndon Johnson: Democrat- socialist ahead of his time

Upon the assassination of John Kennedy on November 22, 1963 his blackmailing, conniving, womanizing, cowardly Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson took office.

Lyndon Johnson’s resume of enduring damage to our nation has two items competing for the top spot: Viet Nam and “The Great Society.”

Against good military sense Johnson escalated the troop strength in our war to stop the North Vietnamese and Chinese Communist destruction of South Viet Nam. While Viet Nam was bad enough, Johnson’s all out socialist “Great Society” modeled after his hero Franklin Roosevelt’s “New Deal” was a close second.

Did Johnson have Kennedy killed?

Whether Johnson had Kennedy killed is a question taken up in at least six books listed in the footnotes section. If this subject interests you see the corresponding foot notes. [82]

Johnson’s true feelings toward African Americans

“I’ll have them niggers voting Democrat for the next two hundred years.”

“….Lyndon Johnson was no better. As a senator, he refused to support federal anti-lynching legislation, subverted efforts to end Southern Senators’ ability to filibuster civil rights bills to death and failed to support a Fair Employment Practices law in 1949, arguing that it would “inflame the passions and prejudices” of white folks. Repeatedly, and in public, he called his chauffeur the “n” word. Although he receives credit for shepherding a civil rights bill through Congress in 1957, Johnson in fact eviscerated that law of all substantive content, leading liberal Senators to call it a “sham.” In short, there is no basis for thinking that either Kennedy or Johnson would have voluntarily embraced civil rights reform if left to their own druthers.” [83] January 17, 2008 | William H. Chafe

April 4, 1967, Martin Luther King Jr. denounced the war in Viet Nam. An angry President Johnson will call him “that god dam nigger preacher.” [84]

Susan B. Anthony-II (named for her grand aunt) called Johnson, “The man with the face of ‘a chain-gang boss.”

After signing the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Johnson commented:

“I’ll have them niggers voting Democrat for the next two hundred years.” (Inside the White House, Ronald Kessler, Simon & Schuster, p. 33.)

Talking about one of his Civil Rights bills, Johnson said, “I’m going to have to bring up the nigger bill again.’” (LBJ: Architect of American Ambition by Randall Bennett Woods, Simon & Schuster, p. 326)

Talking about the possibility of appointing an African American to a judgeship Johnson said, “Son, when I appoint a nigger to the court, I want everyone to know he’s a nigger.” [85]

In his book, The Time of My Life Denis Healey, former British Secretary of State for Defence (Brit sp), said “Lyndon Johnson was a Monster!

He was one of the few politicians with whom I found it uncomfortable to be in the same room. Johnson exuded a brutal lust for power which I found most disagreeable. When he said, ‘I never trust a man unless I have his pecker in my pocket,’ he really meant it. He boasted about acting on the principle, ‘Give me a man’s balls, and his heart and mind will follow…” (The Time of My Life, Denis Healey Penguin Books) [86]+ Share #6

Lyndon Johnson was every bit as obsessed with sex as John Kennedy and he was reported to have no second thoughts about exposing his penis (which he called ‘Jumbo’) to make a point; yes exposing his penis!

Referring to Gerald Ford, he said, “Ford’s economics are the worst thing that’s happened to this country since pantyhose ruined finger-%^&king.”[87]

He was jealous of Kennedy’s womanizing skills.

Johnson was known to trade promotions for sex with women in his secretary pool.

While he enlisted the Secret Service (as Democrats always do) to help cover up his womanizing his comely wife Lady Bird, not only knew about it but at times supported what was going on. [88]

Johnson is famous for crawling into bed with a female overnight guest and whispering “Move over. This is your president.” [89]

Johnson would urinate in public if he felt like. To those who objected he would wave Jumbo and ask, “Have you seen anything bigger than this?” [90] [91] [92]

Johnson’s Great Society Programs

Johnson’s War on Poverty has cost us $9 TRILLION DOLLARS since it started in 1966. [93]

Using the “absolute poverty line” as a measurement, since 1966 the number of Americans aged 18 to 64 living in poverty has fallen just .4% from 10.5% to 10.1% as per the latest available statistics. [94]

Johnson’s sixty Education programs cost us $2 TRILLION DOLLARS in inflation adjusted dollars since 1965. Math and Reading scores remained unchanged up to 2005 (later numbers are not readily available – any wonder?) [95]

Johnson’s Medicare scam was projected to cost $9 billion dollars by 1990 when it actually cost us $67 billion dollars. Today we are looking at a $1.6 TRILLION DOLLAR deficit with no way to fix Medicare currently being debated.[96] [97]

Food Stamps

Johnson gave us Food Stamps with an initial projected cost of $75 million a year.

From a monthly expenditure of just $6.25 million dollars in 1964, this pet monster of Johnson’s Socialist heart has grown to a point where so many Americans need Food Stamps that our monthly Food Stamps bill is $5,601,614,208 per month. [98] [99]

Without examining any of the rest of Lyndon Baines Johnson’s three dozen “Great Society” programs, the point that they have not been worth the $9 TRILLION DOLLARS of our money spent on them can hardly be challenged. [100] [101]

This material comes from my book, Crooks Thugs and Bigots: the Lost Hidden and Changed History of the Democrat Party, but if you cannot wait to read more of the history of the Democrat Party.

If you don’t know the truth all you’ll have are Democrat lies.

I’ll send you a free PDF of my book write me at
This part is my favorite... You sneaky bastards.

By Kevin “Coach” Collins

This installment continues by exposing how Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt was surrounded by Communists and moves into the Truman Administration. Harry Truman was a Klu Klux Klansman and a pure Democrat hack .

Helen Barrett Tenney was a Democrat and a Communist.

Tenney was an employee of the Soviet spy system for many years before she joined the Roosevelt Administration’s Office of War Information from where she sent many reports to her Soviet spy handlers who paid her $50.00 a month for her work. [48]

William Ludwig Ullmann was a Democrat and a Communist.

Ullmann was hired into Roosevelt’s National Recovery Administration where he met Communist spies Nathan Gregory Silvermaster and his wife Helen Silvermaster. He and the Silvermasters bought a house together in 1938. In 1942, while working for the Treasury Department Ullmann was drafted; Silvermaster got him a commission and a posting to the Pentagon. He immediately started stealing classified data which was passed on via back channels to Stalin. Ullmann passed Stalin almost every important piece of information that could be had in the period he was at the Pentagon. At one point Ullmann stole so much information that he could not stop to develop the pictures he took and he just forwarded negatives. The damage Ullman did to America is hard to determine, but he is among the worst spies we have ever had in our history. [48]

George Samuel Vuchinich was a Democrat and a Communist.

Vuchinich was an officer in the Office of Strategic Services who passed information to the Soviets during World War II. [48]

Donald Nivan Wheeler was a Democrat and a Communist.

As a member of the Perlo spy ring, Wheeler was considered the most valuable asset the Soviets had in Roosevelt’s Office of Strategic Services during World War II. . The Venona files reveal he was known by the spy code name of Izra. [48]

Flora Don Wovschin was a Democrat and a Communist.

Wovschin was a Soviet spy from her college days when she was hired to work at Roosevelt’s Office of War Information. Afterwards she left that office she joined the Department of State. [48]

Harry Dexter White was a Democrat and a Communist.

White was a senior official at the Treasury Department during Franklin Roosevelt’s Administration. As revealed by the Venon files, he was simultaneously a Soviet spy. White has been described as “the most highly-placed asset the Soviets possessed in the American government.”

Only his death kept him from a conviction on a charge of treason. Had he lived to be tried the main charges against White would have been as follows.

* White was the actual author of a paper released by Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau which declared the intention of the Allied Forces under American leadership was to “turn Germany into a potato field.” It is widely recognized that this reckless bravado galvanized German resistance and prolonged World War II costing countless more American lives.

*White manipulated Treasury Department policy to back Japan into a corner and a war with America. This too cost many American lives.

*White hamstrung efforts to aid Chiang Kai-shek in his battle to keep the Communists from taking control of China; costing still more American lives in Korea and Viet Nam.

White arranged the passing of Allied Military script money printing plates to the Soviet Communists. This resulted in a $250,000,000 hole in the budget allocated to run the occupation of Germany immediately after World War II in Europe. This meant that the American taxpayer ended up funding the Soviet Communist troops occupying Germany and Eastern Europe. [48]

Democrat President Harry Truman’s guilt in regard to Harry Dexter White cannot be overlooked.

On December 4, 1945 the FBI submitted a report to Truman titled “Soviet Espionage in the United States” It clearly identified White’s espionage activities. Democrat Attorney General Thomas Clark received a copy as well. That White was a Soviet Communist operative working in a highly placed spy ring was an established fact in the view of honest Americans in our government in December 1945. According to the Venona files White’s code names were “Jurist” “Richard”, and “Reed”.

These facts make Democrat Harry S. Truman’s announcement just a few weeks later on January 23, 1946 a stunning betrayal. Truman took the opportunity to say he was nominating Communist spy Harry Dexter White to head the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This appointment effectively made White the most influential person in the world. [50]

At the close of World War II the International Monetary Fund oversaw currency exchange rates which means Russian rubles were worth whatever Comrade Harry Dexter White said they were worth. [51]

John Maynard Keynes

John Maynard Keynes was Franklin Roosevelt’s main advisor on economic matters and a close collaborator with Harry Dexter White. The relative value of Keynesian Economics aside, Keynes serves as a glowing example of the penchant Democrats have for totally disregarding personal standards. In the case of John Maynard Keynes, legal/moral considerations meant nothing. Democrats don’t appoint people to important positions for reasons of competence.

Lytton Strachey, Keynes homosexual lover reported Keynes and his friends made “numerous” trips to resorts catering to homosexuals who enjoyed raping little boys. It is hard to believe that Democrat President Franklin Roosevelt could not have found this fact important. It is simply not believable that he knew nothing about Keynes and that if he did he had to hire him because he could not find anyone else suited for the position of the chief economic adviser to the President of the United States [52] - “Sure he hasn’t paid his taxes but Tim Geithner is too important not to confirm” [53]

Earl and Rissa Browder Franklin Roosevelt’s ultimate Communists

In 1940 the General Secretary of the American Communist Party was Earl Browder, who was a convicted World War I draft resister who spent 20 months in a federal prison. He was subsequently also convicted of falsifying his passport to enable him to visit Russia. He was sentenced to 48 months in prison but in 1942 Democrat Franklin Roosevelt commuted his sentence.

Not only was Browder the head of the American Communists he was also a Soviet agent code named “FATHER” in the Venona files. His job was to recruit others to undermine America and bring about our nation’s demise. He ran the spy ring that was eventually taken over by Jacob Golos.

Venona files prove Browder was in close personal contact with KGB agent Iskhak Akhmerov as well as American Soviet spy Nathan Gregory Silvermaster. Browder’s niece Helen Lowry was married to Akhmerov and was also a spy for the Communists. The conduit for information stolen by this ring was Bernard Schuster the Organizational Secretary of the American Communist Party.

Venona files reveal that during 1943 Browder sent the Soviet Communists extensive data on American armament production.

In their 1944 presidential campaign Republicans made an issue of the fact that Roosevelt had commuted Browder’s sentence in 1942, claiming Roosevelt had done so to secure the Communist leader’s backing for his re-election. History proves this out.

On May 23, 1944 during a Democrat Party rally in New York’s Madison Square Garden hailing the “Democrat Coalition,” Browder announced the establishment of a “Communist Political Association,” to be “a non-party organization of the American working class dedicated to the traditions of Washington, Jefferson, Paine, Jackson and Lincoln, under the changed conditions of modern industrial society.” [48]

Raissa Browder

The Roosevelt Administration knew Browder’s wife Raissa had illegally entered America in 1933. Nevertheless, Democrat Homer Stille Cummings, Roosevelt’s first Attorney General did nothing about Raissa Browder throughout his entire tenure lasting until 1939. He was followed by Democrats Frank Murphy Robert H. Jackson and Francis Biddle, none of whom saw fit to kick out the illegal Communist alien Raissa Browder. It was only when the Democrats had to spray perfume on the Browders because the Republicans pressed the issue, did the fix come about.

In May 1944, Raissa Browder was permitted to leave America and re-enter through Canada to make her presence in our country legal. Subsequent sworn testimony from former Communist turned informer Howard Rushmore, revealed the unusually rapid fix to Communist leader Browder’s wife’s problem was produced at the urging of Cordell Hull the Secretary of State (whose department was infected with dozens of employees later proved to be Communist) and Eleanor Roosevelt the President’s wife. Making fools and unwitting co-conspirators of our Canadian allies meant nothing to these Democrats. Getting re-elected was all that mattered.

The “fast track” repair of Raissa Browder’s status was a deliberate disregard of the 1940 Smith Act. Under the Smith Act an alien Communist could not be admitted legally into the United States because legal presence in our country was considered a privilege. Communism was defined as an ideology which required an adherent to “knowingly or willfully advocate, abet, advise, or teach the duty, necessity, desirability or propriety of overthrowing the Government of the United States… by force or violence, or for anyone to organize any association which teaches, advises or encourages such an overthrow, or for anyone to become a member of or to affiliate with any such association.”

Then as now Democrats don’t let our laws get in the way of their schemes. Under the provisions of the newly passed Smith Act, both Browder and his Soviet Communist wife should have been put in prison, but their value to Roosevelt’s re-election campaign far outweighed their Smith Act crimes. [54] [55] [56]

Harry S. Truman April 12, 1945 to Jan. 20 1953

Liberal Democrat Harry Truman was a product of Boss Tom Prendergast’s Kansas City Democrat Party Empire. He was so far into Boss Tom’s pocket he was known as “The Senator from Prendergast.” Although his job was to be a fiscal watchdog during World War II, the Roosevelt Administration was easily able to divert $2 billion from the Treasury to fund the Atomic Bomb’s Manhattan Project without “Hapless Harry” Truman’s Truman Committee (tasked with tracking military spending during WWII) knowing anything about it.

No one can say for sure but Truman’s cluelessness may have been what attracted Franklin Roosevelt to him as his fourth Vice President when they ran as a team in November 1944. [57] [58]

Was there ever any doubt we would drop the bombs on Japan?

Harry Truman’s decision to use nuclear weapons on Japan was among the best decisions a Democrat president ever made. But anyone who knew Truman knew he might have taken extra satisfaction at dropping them on Japan.

In a 1911 letter to his future wife Bess, Truman wrote,

“I think one man is just as good as another so long as he’s not a nigger or a Chinaman. Uncle Will says that the Lord made a White man from dust, a nigger from mud, then He threw up what was left and it came down a Chinaman. He does hate Chinese and Japs. So do I. It is race prejudice, I guess. But I am strongly of the opinion Negroes ought to be in Africa, Yellow men in Asia and White men in Europe and America.” [59]

Truman was a Klansman from 1920 to 1922.

The sanitized version of the story of Truman’s membership in the Ku Klux Klan holds that he left after an argument with his local Klan Grand Pointy Head because he wanted to bring in Roman Catholics and the Klan was against that idea. What is probably closer to the truth is that Truman’s stance was based on his desire to suck up to Boss Prendergast who was a Roman Catholic. It would seem inviting people to join a hate group is a Democrat’s way of complimenting them. [60]

When Truman took office after Roosevelt’s death on April 12, 1945 we had all but crushed the life out of the Germans who would surrender just a few weeks later. The final battle in the Pacific War against the Japanese was well on its way and we were clearly winning it. Truman’s decision to use nuclear weapons against Japan, given his predisposition toward them was a foregone conclusion. He pulled the trigger and saved hundreds of thousands of American and Japanese lives and ended World War II. His administration went downhill from there on, however. His ascension to the Presidency did not change the fact that Truman was not the “sharpest knife in the draw.”[61]

Corruption and corrupt people filled the vacuum that was Truman’s administrative acumen.

A 1950 investigation into the corruption in Truman’s Administration uncovered senior people had regularly accepted gifts in return for favors benefitting the politically connected crowd.

The Internal Revenue Service was deeply involved in the corruption mess and some 166 IRS employees were fired or quit their jobs just ahead of federal indictments. The charges centered on tax bill fixing and bribe receiving.

Truman himself had received a valuable hard to find and harder to explain freezer from a perfume manufacturer who traded it for an immediate top priority flight to Europe so he could get an advantage on his competitors.

Truman’s close advisor General Harry Vaughan, a very scandal ridden man, had arranged the flight. What was almost worse than the flight over was the flight back. Truman’s perfume monger bumped a wounded veteran off his homeward bound flight. Truman is said to have been “humiliated” by the disclosure of this story, (humiliated that he got caught) but there is no indication of anyone suffering a penalty for having a part in this awful episode or that Truman returned the freezer. [62] [63]

Harry Truman the team player

During his tenure Truman pardoned politically connected Democrats including Lyndon Johnson’s political mentor. He ordered the crooked Mayor of Boston, Michael Curley released from prison where he was doing a stretch for mail fraud. [64]

Even after being told directly that Harry Dexter White was a Communist Democrat Truman appointed him as the first head of the International Monetary Fund where White was able to artificially set the worthless Russian ruble’s value against the dollar. In fact during Truman’s Administration over 3,000 people were forced out of federal employment because they were unwilling to recite a loyalty oath to America. [65]

McCarthy rips the scab off the Communist wound to our government

In August 1948 Time magazine senior editor Whittaker Chambers confessed to the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) that he was a Communist and a senior State Department official named Alger Hiss was a member of his Soviet spy network.

By February 1950 Wisconsin Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy accused Dean Acheson Truman’s Secretary of State of protecting 205 Communists working in the State Department. That Franklin Roosevelt had tolerated Communists and Eleanor Roosevelt was a “fellow traveler” and highly sympathetic to Reds were accepted facts to those able to divine the truth from the Democrat protective media. The question became: Did Harry Truman do all he could to root out Communists working for him?

The Venona files say no. and McCarty was only wrong he “low balled” the number of Communists Roosevelt and Truman had working for them. Many of those listed as Soviet spies in the KGB archives were Truman Administration government workers.

The hypocritical Truman whose career started with him eating out of the hand of Boss Tom Pendergast and peaked with him eating out of Stalin’s hand found McCarthy repulsive. Party always came first to Harry Truman. Truman became the main Democrat Party cheerleader for the accused Reds. With the help of a “pink” media Truman claimed McCarthy’s charges were an attack on “Americanism.”[66]

Dean Acheson, Truman’s Secretary of State

Democrat Dean Acheson was a political opportunist who was willing to align himself with Communist to further his ambitions by furthering their aims. He is responsible for bring in many of the most dangerous Soviet operatives into the State Department and cleaning out all of the anti Communist pro American State Department people he could identify.

Acheson helped Communist spy Harry Dexter White and the very destructive Socialist John Maynard Keynes create the International Monetary Fund to help trick America into funding world Communism.

Before the news of the Soviet’s nuclear weapons capability became known, Acheson proposed all nuclear weapons be put under the control of an international agency. In 1945 the communist newspaper, “The Daily Worker” gushed that Dean Acheson was “one of the most forward looking men in the State Department.”

The damage Dean Acheson did as Truman’s Secretary of State is incalculable.

He protected Alger Hiss even in the face of solid proof Hiss was a traitorous Communist agent.

He lied about who Chiang Kaishek was and what Mao Tse-tung was (he called Mao an “agrarian reformer.”) His Communist pals in the State and Treasury Departments stalled much needed funds earmarked to help Chiang’s unsuccessful war to keep our ally China free from Communism.

In January 1950 Acheson pronounced Korea “outside our defense perimeter” which encouraged the Communists in North Korea to attack free South Korea six months later on June 25, 1950.

When Army General Douglas MacArthur brilliantly turned the tide of the Korean War against the invading Communists, Acheson successfully advised “Hapless Harry” Truman to put America’s armed forces under the control of the United Nations. This handed the initiative back to the Reds and made pointless the sacrifices of American and allied lives before and after this treacherous move. The Korean War as fought under Harry Truman was the first war in American history our American fighting men were not allowed to win. It made the back stabbing of our forces by the Democrats in Congress during the Viet Nam War all the easier. [67]

N.B. In one of the closing scenes of the 1995 HBO movie “Truman,” Gary Sinise who played the title role is shown keeping Dwight Eisenhower out of the White House until the very last moment of his own presidency. What the movie did not say, but what happened according to contemporary sources, is that Truman kept Eisenhower out because of his anger at Ike for not ordering Joe McCarthy to stop talking about the Communists in the Truman Administration during the 1952 campaign.[68]

Note: Due to the strong interest readers of CiR have shown in this material, this series will continue each Wednesday Friday and Sunday.

This material comes from my book, Crooks Thugs and Bigots: the Lost Hidden and Changed History of the Democrat Party, but if you cannot wait to read more of the history of the Democrat Party.

If you don’t know the truth all you’ll have are Democrat lies.

I’ll send you a free PDF of my book write me at
bigtex says this "Talk of breaking up the United States" is "nothing short of treason." But he supports this. He thinks rewriting history is patriotic. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Please provide the link to me making the claim that I "support this."

But, I consider any talk of breaking up The United States as nothing short of Treason.

We settled this back in 1865. Yes, you can secede and form your own little Country, but you had better be willing to fight and win the war that will follow.. Originally Posted by Jackie S
As for the statement itself, Jackie was the one who first made the actual statement. I just said that I agreed with him.

Get your facts correct prior to making stupid, misleading, inaccurate and/or unsupported remarks. (It should be noted that if COIdiot's ATF "Sweet Ass" IIFFYIdiot was not allowed to make "stupid, misleading, inaccurate and/or unsupported remarks", he would not have anything to write about.)

In and of itself, that would be a good thing!

Fuk'n Idiots!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Slobbrin, you're a bandwidth swine.

As for this topic... SNORT!
Slobbrin, you're a bandwidth swine.

As for this topic... SNORT! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Prove it Butt Sucker...

This installment focuses on Jimmy Carter who is now the second worst president in American history.

Jimmy Carter 1977 to 1981

During his campaign for president Jimmy Carter falsely claimed to be a “nuclear physicist.” [102]

By far the worst president in our history may be Jimmy Carter. Only the presence of Barack Obama in the mix keeps Carter from nailing this title down.

Carter has always been a big fan of dictators. Although (fortunately) he is the only president in history who served at least one full term without having the opportunity to appoint a Supreme Court Justice he has the distinction of having given the world some of its worst dictators, thugs and anti-American criminal regimes.

“Fuck the Shah!”

In 1979 as the Islamists under the Ayatollah Khomeini were circling around him, the Shah of Iran asked Carter for permission to come to America to live out his final days and die peacefully of the cancer eating up his body. Although Iran under the Shah had been a longtime ally of America, that meant nothing to Carter. Carter’s response to the Shah America’s good friend, “Fuck the Shah” which besides providing our enemies with a fresh example of America abandoning our friends, turned out to be no more than an empty threat since the Shah was eventually allowed in anyway by Carter himself. [103] [104]

Iran in 1979

Democrat Carter’s failure to recognize the dangers of helping to get rid of the Shah paved the way for the kidnapping of 53 Americans who were held hostage in the American embassy in Tehran. The Islamist thugs who held them were not afraid of Carter. As so many Democrat presidents before him and since, they knew he was a weak coward who would do nothing but blink and gulp when they stared him down. The hostages were held for 444 days until January 20, 1981 when Ronald Reagan was sworn as our 40th President. The Islamists sized Reagan up as no feckless Democrat: they freed our people at almost the very moment Reagan came into office.

Jimmy Carter: The Worst Ex-President in History

The attraction Jimmy Carter has always felt toward the weird and anti-American has been right before our eyes and easy to see. It surfaced even before his election. In September 1976 at San Francisco’s Stanford Court Hotel, Carter’s wife Rosalyn met privately with Democrat activist Reverend James Warren “Jim” Jones, a cult leader who would go on to murder 900 people including a Democrat Congressman from San Francisco in Guyana South America. At the opening of Democrat headquarters in San Francisco, Jones filled the seats with his “People’s Temple” members.

As an aside, Willie Brown, a Democrat whose own personal life makes him a rather typical Democrat, called Jones, “a combination of Martin King, Angela Davis, Albert Einstein, and Chairman Mao.” [105]

Jones also met with Carter’s Vice President Walter Mondale when they were campaigning in 1976.[106]

In March 2011 Carter responded to an invitation to visit Cuba, the Castro brothers’ island prison. Carter described his visit as a wild eyed 60s radical would have. “We greeted each other as old friends,” he said referring to his dear friend Fidel.

Not to be outdone, Fidel returned the praise saying, “In 2002, we received him warmly. Now, I reiterated to him our respect and esteem.” Raul Castro, Fidel’s malignant little brother chimed in as well, “Jimmy Carter was the best of all U.S. presidents.”

Why the all the bromance?

Carter has always been an outspoken critic of Kennedy’s embargo on Cuba characterizing it as, “….the stupidest law ever passed in the U.S.” [107]

What makes his position so typical of the hypocrisy of Democrats is that as president, Carter was “Mr. Sanctions”. He put economic sanctions on seven nations. All of them were allies at the time.

Carter on North Korea:

To him Kim Il-Sung was, “vigorous, intelligent, surprisingly well-informed about the technical issues, and in charge of the decisions about this country,” adding “I don’t see that [the North Koreans] are an outlaw nation.”[108]

When equating Nicolai Ceausescu of Romania to himself he said, “Our goals are the same: to have a just system of economics and politics . . . We believe in enhancing human rights.” The people of Romania obviously disagreed with Carter because they put Ceausescu and his wife up against a wall and executed them on December 22, 1989. [109]

Yasser Arafat, who died of AIDS in Paris where he was busy spending the money saps like Carter helped him amass, was honored by Carter during his life and after his death as a fellow foaming at the mouth hater of Israel. Traveling to Ramallah to kiss Arafat’s rear one more time in 2008, Carter said, “Yasser Arafat fought for the advancement of the Palestinians and other just causes in the world.” [110]

Jimmy Carter wrote speeches for Yasir Arafat.

Douglas Brinkley’s book about Carter’s post White House years, The Unfinished Presidency tells of Carter serving as a speech writer for Yasir Arafat. Brinkley wrote “On May 24 Carter drafted on his home computer the strategy and wording for a generic speech Arafat was to deliver soon for Western ears . . .” Said Carter, “The audience is not the Security Council, but the world community. The objective of the speech should be to secure maximum sympathy and support of other world leaders … The Likud leaders are now on the defensive, and must not be given any excuse for continuing their present abusive policies.”

Carter went on:

“A good opening would be to outline the key points of the Save the Children report. … Then ask: “What would you do, if these were your children and grandchildren? As the Palestinian leader, I share the responsibility for them. Our response has been to urge peace talks, but the Israeli leaders have refused, and our children continue to suffer. Our people, who face Israeli bullets, have no weapons: only a few stones remaining when our homes are destroyed by the Israeli bulldozers.” . . . Then repeat: “What would you do, if these were your children and grandchildren?” . . . This exact litany should be repeated with a few other personal examples.” [111]

As an elected Democrat, Carter knows all about voter fraud. Carter obviously helped Hugo Chavez steal his 2003 “election” with tried and true Democrat/Marxist formulas for voter fraud. At the time Chavez was facing a recall election and behind 2 to 1. Because they feared cheating by Chavez his opposition called for “impartial” monitors. In response the thug strong man appointed his pal Jimmy Carter as the chief “fox” to guard the hen house. The result? In spite of two polls showing a 2 to 1 margin against Chavez, surprise, surprise, surprise and chazzan! Jimmy’s BFF Hugo won by a 58/42 margin!

Yes, Jimmy Carter gave us Hugo Chavez. An honest 40 point swing is a statistical impossibility, but as a Democrat little things like honest elections never bother the likes of Jimmy Carter. [112] [113]

Carter’s Nobel Peace Prize

One of Carter’s more despicable stunts was his acceptance of a Nobel “Peace” Prize for accomplishing nothing but being a typical feckless Democrat willing to help America haters make a point. He accepted the “prize” to help belittle George W. Bush.

This was confirmed by Norwegian Gunnar Berge, the Nobel Committee chairman who, knowing the type of publicity whore Cater is, did not feel he would be embarrassing Democrat Carter by stated the obvious and saying, “It is clear that with the position that Carter has adopted in the question of Iraq, [giving Carter the prize] must be seen as a criticism of the policy that the current US administration has adopted in relation to Iraq.” [114]

“My answer is, simply, yes,” was the answer from another Nobel official asked directly if it was a snub of President George Bush, [115]

Carter’s malaise speech and misery index

Emblematic of the hangdog “Woe is me,” attitude Carter governed by is his famous Malaise speech. At the height of his manifestly failed presidency Carter addressed the nation on July 15, 1979. The dour Carter whose speech became known as his “Malaise speech” offered a litany of reasons for pessimism that suggested the fault for our miserable economy belonged to the American people not Jimmy Carter. Referring to the sad state of governance in America during the last years of the 1970’s Carter said, “….You often see a balanced and a fair approach that demands sacrifice, a little sacrifice from everyone, abandoned like an orphan without support and without friends.”

Americans knew the major reason for the need to “sacrifice” was traceable directly back to Carter. It is; therefore, fair to say Carter lost any chance of the kind of easy re-election an immediate post -Watergate Democrat should have had after his “Malaise speech.” The “malaise” Americans felt was real and they knew it was caused by Carter. [116]

The Misery Index, where Carter is still the king

The Misery Index is derived by combining the unemployment rate with the rate of inflation.

While campaigning for President in 1976, Carter made a point of attacking Gerald Ford over his “Misery Index” which soared to 13.57%. Carter smugly commented “…no man responsible for giving a country a misery index that high had a right to ask to be President.” By 1980, Carter’s Misery Index was at 21.98% – an all-time record high. [117]

Jimmy Carter was elected in 1976 as a backlash against Republicans for the crimes of Richard Nixon. The American people thought electing a fresh faced small southern state governor like Carter of Georgia would make “it all just go away.”

Of course nothing of the sort happened. Carter was at first affable enough. Then he became an uncomfortable presence. Then he showed himself to be starkly incompetent. Finally Jimmy Carter became an embarrassing thorn in our side that demanded removal at the first possible moment. That moment came in 1980 when he was defeated by Ronald Reagan.

Here is how the sense that Carter’s election was a big mistake grew. During his first year in office, 1977 Carter immediately began to generate buyer’s remorse.

January 21: one day after he took office Carter pardoned Viet Nam War draft dodgers who became a major Democrat voting bloc.

August 4: Carter signed legislation creating the U.S. Department of Energy which has done nothing to see to the expansion of our energy supply but has sat and watched as prices for oil and other fuels have skyrocketed.

September 7: Carter gave away the Panama Canal which is now effectively run by Hutchinson Whampoa Ltd. a corporation controlled by the Chinese Communists.[118]

September 19 – Under pressure from Carter, the wheels were set in motion that resulted in the victory of the Castro backed Sandinistas in Nicaragua. During Somoza’s effort to fight off the Communist insurgents, Carter first revealed himself as an enemy of Israel and freedom by forcing the Jewish state to end arms shipments to Somoza. At the time Nicaragua was an ally. When Somoza was denied entry to the United States, he flew to Asuncion Paraguay where he was eventually assassinated. [119]

In 1978 Carter opposed The Briggs Initiative, a Republican sponsored California ballot initiative which would have banned openly gay teachers from teaching in California’s public schools. [120]

1979: April 1 The people of Iran “freely decided” by a 98/2 margin to overthrow the Shah and become an Islamic theocracy. Eight months later Islamic thugs stormed the American embassy and took 52 hostages. [121]

April 20 Carter was attacked by a rabbit near his home in Plains George. For those under fifty, yes this really happened. [121]

June 18 Carter signed the meaningless SALT II agreement to restrict nuclear weapons. [121]

In his book “Dupes: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century” Dr. Paul Kengor, professor of political science at Grove City College, wrote that when the Soviet Communists invaded Afghanistan just six months later, Carter was stunned. The naïve dope thought that since he and Leonid Brezhnev the head Commie had hugged and kissed and talked of “peace” Brezhnev would behave like an honorable man. [122]

July 3: Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. [121]

November 14: Carter issued an Executive Order, freezing all Iranian assets in the United States and U.S. banks in response to the hostage crisis. [121]

Carter’s pardons and clemencies

At Christmas time 1979 Carter ordered the release of Dolores “Lolita” Lebrón Sotomayor, a Puerto Rican nationalist who joined in the famous 1954 shooting assault at the United States House of Representatives wounding five Congressmen. [123]

Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary was pardoned in January 1981 as the Carter administration was coming to an end.

Peter Yarrow was and is a long time liberal Democrat activist who is married to former Democrat presidential candidate Eugene McCarthy’s niece. In 1969 Yarrow invited a 14 year old girl and her 17 year old sister to his Washington DC hotel room. At some point Yarrow allowed the 14 year old to manually manipulate him to orgasm.

Yarrow was arrested and convicted of his crime and sentenced to three months in jail (but not before a judge allowed him to report AFTER Thanksgiving to be with his family – see what being a good little liberal Democrat can get you?).

Because they are morally depraved themselves, notable Democrats like Martin “Frosty the Taxman” Frost and John “Lurch” Kerry had Yarrow actively campaign for them. Yarrow even performed at Kerry’s wedding to Teresa Heinz in 1995. Being arrested and sent to jail for taking sexual advantage of a 14 year old girl is a badge of honor to Democrats as we’ll see in a later section. [124]

Carter screwed up America’s energy industry and had told us the world’s oil supply would “run out by 1984.” He installed wood burning stoves and solar panels in the White House and actually asked Americans NOT to use Christmas lights to save energy. How very Democrat! [125]

In his book: “In the President’s Secret Service: Behind the Scenes With Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect,” author Ronald Kessler gave us an insider’s view of the real Jimmy Carter.

Here’s some of what Carter’s Secret Service agents told Kessler about Jimmy Carter.

“Inside the White House, Carter treated with contempt the little people who helped and protected him,” and told agents not to look at him or speak to him — even to say hello ..”

“At the same time, Carter tried to project an image of himself as man of the people by carrying his own luggage when traveling. But that was often for show. When he was a candidate in 1976, Carter would carry his own bags when the press was around but ask the Secret Service to carry them the rest of the time.”

Carter put us in constant danger of being powerless to counter a nuclear strike because he insisted the military aide carrying the “nuclear football” be no closer to him than a 15 minute drive. The window for a counter strike was said to be just 20 minutes.

Carter was a hypocrite about alcohol around the White House. He first had all the booze removed and ordered no alcohol be served at state dinners. Nevertheless, he and Rosalyn drank Blood Marys before going to church on the first Sunday they were in the White House.

As the Carter administration drew to a close, Carter and his staff became more paranoid. They believed that people were stealing things and eavesdropping on his conversations in the Oval Office.

Before going on a fishing trip in Georgia one morning, Carter accused a Secret Service agent of stealing fried chicken his stewards had prepared for him. In fact, White House aides Jody Powell and Hamilton Jordan had eaten the chicken.

The Carters never really understood the Secret Service’s role, Kessler asserts.

He reveals that Carter told the Secret Service that Rosalynn objected to agents and uniformed officers being armed inside the White House. Rosalynn said guns made the Carters’ daughter Amy, “uncomfortable.” Agents explained that in the event of an attack, they would be useless if they were not armed. The president relented.

After leaving the White House, Carter made a show that he was going to save the taxpayers’ money by not keeping the Secret Service. But he soon brought agents back when he discovered that having federal agents along got him express service at airports and the like.

Carter’s oddities continued after he left office, Kessler reports. Carter occasionally stayed in the townhouse the General Services Administration maintains for former presidents in Washington. Photos of former presidents adorn the walls of the townhouse.

GSA managers found that when Carter stayed at the townhouse, he would take down the photos of Republican presidents Ford and Nixon and put up a half-dozen large photos of himself.

“He didn’t like them [Ford and Nixon] looking down at him,” GSA manager Lucille Price told Kessler.

“We would find out he would put photos of himself up,” and then “take the photos of himself back with him.” [126]

This material comes from my book, Crooks Thugs and Bigots: the Lost Hidden and Changed History of the Democrat Party, but if you cannot wait to read more of the history of the Democrat Party.

If you don’t know the truth all you’ll have are Democrat lies.

I’ll send you a free PDF of my book write me at
This installment focuses on Bill Clinton a man devoid of moral fiber.

President Bill Clinton 1993 to 2001

In 1992 George H. W. Bush’s double cross on his promise of “Read my lips! No new taxes!” combined with the damage done to him by H. Ross Perrot’s third party candidacy, opened the door to the White House for Democrat Bill Clinton, a man devoid of morals or any redeeming qualities.

The sexual stuff

Bill Clinton turned the Oval Office back into the virtual bordello it had been when Lyndon Johnson was using it as his personal sexual hunting grounds.

The most famous episodes in Clintons ongoing degradation of women and our White House involved a 22 year old intern named Monica Lewinsky whose main talent was successfully bring Clinton to orgasm during fellatio. We know this is true because Lewinsky turned a Clinton semen stained blue dress into a “trophy” and saved it. [127]

The Starr Report which recounted Clinton’s psychological degradation of this young woman was actually two reports. There was the one that was released to the public (the sanitized version – as much as his conduct could be “sanitized”) and the REAL version that was printed in only limited quantities.

There is more to be found in the REAL Starr Report as opposed to the one that was made publicly available. The report was named for the prize patsy Ken Starr who conducted the investigation into the affair. The public report hid the most revolting and disgusting aspects of what Starr established took place during the Clinton – Lewinsky sexual encounters. The un-redacted version contains testimony from Monica Lewinsky that she did more than fellate Clinton during their secret meetings.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The next several paragraphs are graphic in nature and those who do not want to relive the Clinton embarrassment might want to skip them.

The Starr Report includes sworn testimony from Lewinsky that she let Clinton insert a cigar into her vagina, and that thereafter he put the cigar in his mouth and remarked “it tastes good,” lit it and smoked it.

Starr Report Footnote #274 [128]

On April 7, 1996, after a photo op with Hillary and Chelsea as they entered a church for an Easter Sunday service, Clinton later met Lewinsky for a fellatio session in the Oval Office.

Starr Report Footnote #323 [129]

But there is still more.

As she testified under oath to investigator Ken Starr Lewinsky performed oral anal sex on Clinton.

According to the un- redacted original version of the Starr Report there was an encounter between Monica Lewinsky that was deemed too inflammatory and prejudicial to Clinton to remain in the publicly available Starr Report.

What is included in the public version of the Starr Report was that on January 7, 1996 Bill Clinton offered to perform oral sex on Lewinsky but, as she testified in her sworn statement, she demurred because she was menstruating. Lewinsky went on to testify that by mutual agreement she then performed fellatio on Clinton and performed oral anal sex on him as well. [130]

The actual report contains this footnote:

28. Id. at 19. They engaged in oral-anal contact as well. See Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 18-20. [131]

Aside from the usual Democrat presidential extramarital sex, Clinton’s behavior with Lewinsky was disgusting because it was a clear violation of his absolute duty to comport himself far above that of the average American. Having engaged in sex with a workplace subordinate is strong evidence that, like Kennedy and Johnson before him, Clinton allowed his sexual urges to control his conduct in office. It is more evidence that Democrat presidents are always to be suspected harboring lecherous intentions toward women regardless of the setting.

Lewinsky’s testimony that she fellated Clinton while he was discussing important government business on the telephone reinforces this point.

Starr Report Footnote # 162 [132]

Clinton the serial rapist and sexual predator

Bill Clinton is such a loathsome individual, that when it came to his treatment of women it was hard to select which cases should be included in this section.

For purposes of brevity, and because they are so typical of the conduct of this serial rapist and sexual predator these cases have been selected.

Isn’t it so true that liberals always say, “Women never lie about rape!”? Then they insist the women accusing Clinton of rape ARE lying.

Kathleen Willey

In November 1993, when Kathleen Willey, a former volunteer campaign worker, was at a low point in her life because her husband was under investigation in a growing financial scandal, she reached out to Clinton to ask him to give her a paying federal job.

Clinton invited her to come to the Oval Office and she cheerfully accepted, secure in the knowledge that her old friend Bill would greet her with open arms.

Willey was right about the “open arms” part but she had no idea she would not be allowed to get out of Clinton’s clutches until she fondled his crotch area and let him grope her breasts. On the very day this happened, Willey was informed that her husband had committed suicide. [133]

Juanita Broaddrick

Juanita Broaddrick told her story in a sworn deposition which only surfaced when another Clinton victim, Paula Jones was forced to sue Clinton for attacking her.

Broaddrick was at a Nursing Home conference in Arkansas on April 25, 1978 where she had occasion to meet Clinton who was their making a campaign stop while he was running for Governor for the first time. She said she was eager to make a friend of Clinton and so she let her drive to succeed in her Nursing Home business cloud her good sense and she agreed to go to Clinton’s room. Once in his room, Clinton quickly turned from potential political connection to rapist.

Because of the forceful brutality of Clinton’s attack (Clinton bit her lips) in his now famous line as he was leaving and Juanita was getting cleaned up and dressed, Clinton said, “You better put some ice on that.” The injury was confirmed by Norma Rogers a nurse, who had accompanied Juanita to the conference.

Interestingly, at the conclusion of the rape, Clinton told Broaddrick that even though he had ejaculated within her, she had no worries about pregnancy since he claimed he was sterile as a result of a childhood bout with the Mumps.

Clinton as a typical Democrat, never opened his health records to public scrutiny, so this may or may not have been true- we’ll never know. Chelsea Clinton was born February 27, 1980; another Clinton mystery? [134] [135]

Besides being a sexual deviant Bill Clinton committed many acts while he was president that should have put him in prison. You know them, selling the Chinese missile technology, keeping an enemies list, taking fat envelops from his Indonesian Muslim pals in the Riady family for whom he used an executive order to make 1.7 million acres of Utah “Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument” a federal park and therefore impossible to use as a clean coal mine. Riady pleaded guilty to illegally contributing $8.6 million to Democrats in 1996.

Indonesia, which was controlled at the time by the Riady family has at least 4.5 billion tons of “clean coal” and now controls the market because Clinton took a bribe in return for locking up our clean coal field in Utah.

For the sake of brevity several of these acts are listed below. Here are some of the Clinton scandals that have been lost in time.

Clinton snooped through illegally obtained FBI files of Republican former White House staffers to determine who his enemies were. He used Craig Livingstone, his Director of the White House’s Office of Personnel Security, to illegally get the files. Livingstone was a former bar bouncer hired on the recommendation of Hillary Clinton. He resigned when the Clintons “discovered” what he had done. This was typical of the Clinton’s disregard for the rule of law. [136]

Links to information on Clinton’s Whitewater scam and the murder of David Koresh and his followers can be found in the footnote section. [137] [138] [139]

Loral Space and Communications

As the Roosevelt Administration had put Americans in danger by selling the Soviet Communists nuclear weapon materials in the 1940s, Bill Clinton endangered all Americans by allowing the sale of missile technology to the Communist Chinese.

In spite of a recommendation NOT to do so, Clinton approved the sale of technology to China which would eventually help it develop more reliable intercontinental missiles – the kind that can reach America’s cities. [140]

In 1996, Democrat Bernard Schwartz was the C.O.O. of Loral Space and Communications Corporation, when he and Clinton, who was desperate for campaign cash for his re-election, struck a deal.

Loral had sold the Chinese rocket technology that was defective. A Loral made Chinese missile crashed and killed 200 people. To keep the Chinese happy Schwartz sent them more missile technology despite that fact that it was deemed to be secret by Clinton’s own Security advisers. They declared it would eventually pose a threat to American security. In the meanwhile the Chinese were using spies to steal our missile technology at various weapons plants across the country. Even knowing this, in February 1998, Clinton approved a new launch of a Loral missile for the Chinese. In the interim, Schwartz had donated $1.5 million to the Democrats.

Experts have postulated that the technology Clinton arranged for China to buy from Loral is at the core of the Dong Feng-31 intercontinental ballistic missile and probably their new Aircraft Carrier killer rockets (the Dong Feng 21A) that can destroy our biggest ships with one direct hit killing 5,000 sailors at a time. Think about that. Clinton sold our security to the Chinese for Schwartz’s $1.5million! [141] [142] [143]

Clinton the draft dodger

The one incident that typifies Bill Clinton’s disdain for the United States Military was the letter he wrote to his draft Board acknowledging he intended to dodge the draft because he loathed the Military.

N.B. In typically slippery Clinton-speak he doesn’t say HE loathes the military, but leaves the reader to conclude that he does. [144]

The Larry Lawrence affair

Creating bogus national parks, selling missile secrets, with Clinton you name it- EVERYTHING was for sale. Sadly this even included a burial plot in Arlington National Cemetery where only America’s military heroes are supposed to be laid to rest unless you were a lying Democrat contributor. In 1996 Clinton saw to it that a Democrat fund raiser with a fraudulent war record was buried in that hallowed ground.

The December 1997 statement from the National Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars says it best, “Given the mounting evidence that Mr. M. Larry Lawrence, a political benefactor and the late ambassador to Switzerland, fabricated his World War II Merchant Marine service and injuries, the Veterans of Foreign Wars believes that his remains should be moved from Arlington National Cemetery….”

Imagine: the Lawrence affair stunk so badly they actually had to dig him up and get him out of Arlington; not even Clinton could do anything about it! [145]

Taxing your Social Security benefits

Clinton was the president who stabbed senior citizen retirees in the back by making Social Security benefits taxable for the first time. Clinton’s Democrat Congress passed the bill easily but, to break a tie in the Senate Clinton’s Vice President Albert Gore cast the deciding vote in favor of the tax. Between them, Clinton and Gore taxed the incomes of elderly retired couples making just $22,000 and up. [146]

Clinton’s final finger up to us

As a final finger in our eye on January 20, 2001 as he was slithering out the White House door after cheapening and degrading everything decent about America, Clinton signed pardons and granted amnesty for 140 people – some of whom had paid him through his brother in law Hugh Rodham.

Among those who got Clinton’s largesse for free were a murdering FALN (Puerto Rican terrorists) who killed four innocent people by bombing historic Fraunces Tavern in New York City where George Washington gave his farewell address and crooked Democrat Congressman Mel Reynolds Weather Underground terrorists Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg.147]

Hillary Clinton’s brother Hugh Rodham was paid over $200,000 for his work in getting a convicted drug dealer a commutation from his brother in law Bill Clinton. In just one month people were questioning this move. When asked about this Rodham lied.

Final thought: involved up to his neck in all of the Clinton slimy pardons and commutations was an as yet unknown lawyer named Eric Holder. [148]

Years later when George W. Bush commuted the sentence of Lewis Libby, Hillary Rodham Clinton said, “This commutation sends the clear signal that in this administration, cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice.” [149]

This is the mindset of the Clintons: lie because the media will always help you.

Norman Hsu

The Chinese contributed to Democrats and Hillary Clinton’s legal defense fund.

When Norman Hsu, one of her big campaign contributors was convicted of stealing $20 million in a Ponzi scheme Hillary Clinton was forced to return $800,000 to Hsu so he could pay back some of his victims.

A voice mail from Hillary to her BFF Norman said, “What am I going to do with you, Norman? You are working so hard for me that I just don’t know what to say any more. I’ve never seen anybody who has been more loyal and more effective and really just having greater success supporting someone than you.” [150]

Barack Obama 2009 to 2013

The purpose of this report is twofold: to tell you things about Democrats only closer research reveals and remind you of things about these people you knew but may have forgotten. Because Obama is right here in front of us and is such a terrible enemy of American freedoms, fully covering him would mean writing a whole separate book.

Consequently I have elected to offer these examples of why this dim-wit in the White House is little different than Jerzy Kosinski’s Being there character Chauncey Gardiner. Just like Chauncey, Obama is ill equipped to think for himself and in his case must use a teleprompter even to speak to school children. Chauncey had an excuse; he was obviously mentally challenged. Obama is intellectually challenged, but morally challenged as well. This is why having him hold the power of life and death over us is so dangerous.

At least “Chauncey” could speak without a teleprompter.

These Obama comments prove the charge of his intellectual deficiency.

“You don’t want Billionaires to pay the same tax rate as JEW… I mean Janitors” – Before Congressional Black Caucus, September 24, 2011. [151]

N.B. There were no reports of boos from the audience.

“We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad,” he said obviously referring to the Baltimore Ohio and London Rail Road, September 23, 2011. [152]

“We all remember Abraham Lincoln as the leader who saved our Union. Founder of the Republican Party” at his Joint Session of Congress address September 6, 2011. In fact, the Republican Party was founded “Under the Oaks” in the City of Jackson in 1854; Lincoln was not present.

Note – Not only did Obama get it wrong but our “friends” at PBS lied about it and CHANGED the transcript to fool the few fools who would consult them looking for honest reporting. [153]

Obama said he would be turning 50 “in a week” on July 15 2011, three weeks before his putative birthday of August 4. [154]

N.B. It’s hard to keep the “facts” of your life straight when someone invented them for you.

When presenting a Medal of Honor to Army SSG Sal Giunta Obama spoke to him as if he was Army SFC Jared Monti who was killed in action and had already been awarded a posthumous Medal of Honor, by Obama himself. Since he had only presented one other Medal of Honor mixing up the names is inexcusable, but it does present a glimpse of his lack of enthusiasm for our military. Sure some Marxists that work for him wrote his notes, but either way this is a slap in our face. [155]

“There are some structural issues with our economy where a lot of businesses have learned to become much more efficient with a lot fewer workers. You see it when you go to a bank and you use an ATM, you don’t go to a bank teller, or you go to the airport and you’re using a kiosk instead of checking in at the gate.” (June 14, 2011)” – President Obama losing jobs to ATMs; however…. [156]

“That’s why I’m here today at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh, one of America’s leading research universities. Behind me is a display from a company called RedZone Robotics. The robots they make are used to explore water and sewage pipes, and find leaks and breaks before they become expensive problems. But the folks at RedZone aren’t just solving problems; they’re working with unions to create new jobs operating the robots, and they’re saving cities millions of dollars in infrastructure costs. This company is just one example of how advanced manufacturing can help spur job-creation and economic growth across this country.” (June 25, 2011) President Obama ATMs lose jobs, Robots create jobs? [157]

“The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries.” –Barack Obama, Tampa, Fla., Jan. 28, 2010. [158]

“Just this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee — which is my committee — a bill to calling for divestment from Iran as a way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don’t obtain a nuclear weapon.” –Barack Obama, Sderot, Israel, July 23, 2008. Obama was not on the Senate Banking Committee. [159]

“The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system.” –Barack Obama, health care roundtable, Washington D.C., July 20, 2009. [160]

“The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person, who, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn’t know, you know, there’s a reaction that’s been bred in our experiences that don’t go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way, and that’s just the nature of race in our society.” He said throwing his grandmother under a bus as a racist. –Barack Obama, 2008 campaign. [161]

“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life,” Jesse Jackson once told an audience, “than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery—then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.” Jesse Jackson said this. Maybe if Obama’s grandmother was walking behind him Jackson would feel relived as well. [176]

In a September 7, 2008 interview with ABC TV Obama said, “What I was suggesting — you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith…” Upon hearing this, good little liberal cheerleader George Stephanopoulos corrected him with, “Christian faith.” [162]

“On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes — and I see many of them in the audience here today — our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.”[163]

N. B. CNN removed the “fallen heroes” part from its transcript –Barack Obama, Memorial Day commemoration. [164]

On July 23, 2009 afraid to speak of “victory” in our war on terror, Dim Wit said, “I’m always worried about using the word victory because it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur.” [164]

N.B. Hirohito never showed up on the deck of the Missouri and what’s wrong with a victory in the war on terror? [165]

On May 9, 2008 Obama said, “I’ve now been in 57 states — I think one left to.” –Obama 2008 campaign event, Beaverton, Oregon. [166]

On April 8, 2008, when he thought he would not be quoted, Obama showed his true feelings about conservatives and said, “It’s not surprising; then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” [167]

“In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed.” –Barack Obama, 2007 campaign speech on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people. [168]

“I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.” – Barack Obama defending his tax plan to Joe the Plumber, Toledo, OH, Oct. 12, 2008. [169]

“The Cambridge police acted stupidly.” –Barack Obama, commenting on a white police officer’s arrest of black scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr ., at a news conference, July 22, 2009. [170]

On Feb. 4, 2010 Obama referred to the Navy’s medics – who are called Corpsmen – as “corpse” men not once but twice. That’s a Democrat for you, they really don’t do patriotism well and some of them like Obama can’t even fake it. [171]

While trying to out lie Hillary Clinton who said she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary who only became famous when she was six years old, [172] Obama, whose putative birthday is August 4, 1961, lied on March 4, 2009, when he claimed that the 1965 Civil Rights march in Selma was responsible for his parent’s meeting and having him.[173]

“There’s a lot of — I don’t know what the term is in Austrian…” “…the Austrian language”? April 4 2009.

While talking to a group of his dimwitted supporters, Obama claimed Obamacare would drop insurance premiums 3000%. March 16, 2010. [175]

I know there are a lot more examples that prove Barack Obama and elected Democrats are “Crooks Thugs and Bigots” but this chapter has to end somewhere.

This material comes from my book, Crooks Thugs and Bigots: the Lost Hidden and Changed History of the Democrat Party, but if you cannot wait to read more of the history of the Democrat Party.

If you don’t know the truth all you’ll have are Democrat lies.

I’ll send you a free PDF of my book write me at
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This installment focuses on Bill Clinton a man devoid of moral fiber.

President Bill Clinton 1993 to 2001

In 1992 George H. W. Bush’s double cross on his promise of “Read my lips! No new taxes!” combined with the damage done to him by H. Ross Perrot’s third party candidacy, opened the door to the White House for Democrat Bill Clinton, a man devoid of morals or any redeeming qualities.

The sexual stuff

Bill Clinton turned the Oval Office back into the virtual bordello it had been when Lyndon Johnson was using it as his personal sexual hunting grounds.

The most famous episodes in Clintons ongoing degradation of women and our White House involved a 22 year old intern named Monica Lewinsky whose main talent was successfully bring Clinton to orgasm during fellatio. We know this is true because Lewinsky turned a Clinton semen stained blue dress into a “trophy” and saved it. [127]

The Starr Report which recounted Clinton’s psychological degradation of this young woman was actually two reports. There was the one that was released to the public (the sanitized version – as much as his conduct could be “sanitized”) and the REAL version that was printed in only limited quantities.

There is more to be found in the REAL Starr Report as opposed to the one that was made publicly available. The report was named for the prize patsy Ken Starr who conducted the investigation into the affair. The public report hid the most revolting and disgusting aspects of what Starr established took place during the Clinton – Lewinsky sexual encounters. The un-redacted version contains testimony from Monica Lewinsky that she did more than fellate Clinton during their secret meetings.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The next several paragraphs are graphic in nature and those who do not want to relive the Clinton embarrassment might want to skip them.

The Starr Report includes sworn testimony from Lewinsky that she let Clinton insert a cigar into her vagina, and that thereafter he put the cigar in his mouth and remarked “it tastes good,” lit it and smoked it.

Starr Report Footnote #274 [128]

On April 7, 1996, after a photo op with Hillary and Chelsea as they entered a church for an Easter Sunday service, Clinton later met Lewinsky for a fellatio session in the Oval Office.

Starr Report Footnote #323 [129]

But there is still more.

As she testified under oath to investigator Ken Starr Lewinsky performed oral anal sex on Clinton.

According to the un- redacted original version of the Starr Report there was an encounter between Monica Lewinsky that was deemed too inflammatory and prejudicial to Clinton to remain in the publicly available Starr Report.

What is included in the public version of the Starr Report was that on January 7, 1996 Bill Clinton offered to perform oral sex on Lewinsky but, as she testified in her sworn statement, she demurred because she was menstruating. Lewinsky went on to testify that by mutual agreement she then performed fellatio on Clinton and performed oral anal sex on him as well. [130]

The actual report contains this footnote:

28. Id. at 19. They engaged in oral-anal contact as well. See Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 18-20. [131]

Aside from the usual Democrat presidential extramarital sex, Clinton’s behavior with Lewinsky was disgusting because it was a clear violation of his absolute duty to comport himself far above that of the average American. Having engaged in sex with a workplace subordinate is strong evidence that, like Kennedy and Johnson before him, Clinton allowed his sexual urges to control his conduct in office. It is more evidence that Democrat presidents are always to be suspected harboring lecherous intentions toward women regardless of the setting.

Lewinsky’s testimony that she fellated Clinton while he was discussing important government business on the telephone reinforces this point.

Starr Report Footnote # 162 [132]

Clinton the serial rapist and sexual predator

Bill Clinton is such a loathsome individual, that when it came to his treatment of women it was hard to select which cases should be included in this section.

For purposes of brevity, and because they are so typical of the conduct of this serial rapist and sexual predator these cases have been selected.

Isn’t it so true that liberals always say, “Women never lie about rape!”? Then they insist the women accusing Clinton of rape ARE lying.

Kathleen Willey

In November 1993, when Kathleen Willey, a former volunteer campaign worker, was at a low point in her life because her husband was under investigation in a growing financial scandal, she reached out to Clinton to ask him to give her a paying federal job.

Clinton invited her to come to the Oval Office and she cheerfully accepted, secure in the knowledge that her old friend Bill would greet her with open arms.

Willey was right about the “open arms” part but she had no idea she would not be allowed to get out of Clinton’s clutches until she fondled his crotch area and let him grope her breasts. On the very day this happened, Willey was informed that her husband had committed suicide. [133]

Juanita Broaddrick

Juanita Broaddrick told her story in a sworn deposition which only surfaced when another Clinton victim, Paula Jones was forced to sue Clinton for attacking her.

Broaddrick was at a Nursing Home conference in Arkansas on April 25, 1978 where she had occasion to meet Clinton who was their making a campaign stop while he was running for Governor for the first time. She said she was eager to make a friend of Clinton and so she let her drive to succeed in her Nursing Home business cloud her good sense and she agreed to go to Clinton’s room. Once in his room, Clinton quickly turned from potential political connection to rapist.

Because of the forceful brutality of Clinton’s attack (Clinton bit her lips) in his now famous line as he was leaving and Juanita was getting cleaned up and dressed, Clinton said, “You better put some ice on that.” The injury was confirmed by Norma Rogers a nurse, who had accompanied Juanita to the conference.

Interestingly, at the conclusion of the rape, Clinton told Broaddrick that even though he had ejaculated within her, she had no worries about pregnancy since he claimed he was sterile as a result of a childhood bout with the Mumps.

Clinton as a typical Democrat, never opened his health records to public scrutiny, so this may or may not have been true- we’ll never know. Chelsea Clinton was born February 27, 1980; another Clinton mystery? [134] [135]

Besides being a sexual deviant Bill Clinton committed many acts while he was president that should have put him in prison. You know them, selling the Chinese missile technology, keeping an enemies list, taking fat envelops from his Indonesian Muslim pals in the Riady family for whom he used an executive order to make 1.7 million acres of Utah “Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument” a federal park and therefore impossible to use as a clean coal mine. Riady pleaded guilty to illegally contributing $8.6 million to Democrats in 1996.

Indonesia, which was controlled at the time by the Riady family has at least 4.5 billion tons of “clean coal” and now controls the market because Clinton took a bribe in return for locking up our clean coal field in Utah.

For the sake of brevity several of these acts are listed below. Here are some of the Clinton scandals that have been lost in time.

Clinton snooped through illegally obtained FBI files of Republican former White House staffers to determine who his enemies were. He used Craig Livingstone, his Director of the White House’s Office of Personnel Security, to illegally get the files. Livingstone was a former bar bouncer hired on the recommendation of Hillary Clinton. He resigned when the Clintons “discovered” what he had done. This was typical of the Clinton’s disregard for the rule of law. [136]

Links to information on Clinton’s Whitewater scam and the murder of David Koresh and his followers can be found in the footnote section. [137] [138] [139]

Loral Space and Communications

As the Roosevelt Administration had put Americans in danger by selling the Soviet Communists nuclear weapon materials in the 1940s, Bill Clinton endangered all Americans by allowing the sale of missile technology to the Communist Chinese.

In spite of a recommendation NOT to do so, Clinton approved the sale of technology to China which would eventually help it develop more reliable intercontinental missiles – the kind that can reach America’s cities. [140]

In 1996, Democrat Bernard Schwartz was the C.O.O. of Loral Space and Communications Corporation, when he and Clinton, who was desperate for campaign cash for his re-election, struck a deal.

Loral had sold the Chinese rocket technology that was defective. A Loral made Chinese missile crashed and killed 200 people. To keep the Chinese happy Schwartz sent them more missile technology despite that fact that it was deemed to be secret by Clinton’s own Security advisers. They declared it would eventually pose a threat to American security. In the meanwhile the Chinese were using spies to steal our missile technology at various weapons plants across the country. Even knowing this, in February 1998, Clinton approved a new launch of a Loral missile for the Chinese. In the interim, Schwartz had donated $1.5 million to the Democrats.

Experts have postulated that the technology Clinton arranged for China to buy from Loral is at the core of the Dong Feng-31 intercontinental ballistic missile and probably their new Aircraft Carrier killer rockets (the Dong Feng 21A) that can destroy our biggest ships with one direct hit killing 5,000 sailors at a time. Think about that. Clinton sold our security to the Chinese for Schwartz’s $1.5million! [141] [142] [143]

Clinton the draft dodger

The one incident that typifies Bill Clinton’s disdain for the United States Military was the letter he wrote to his draft Board acknowledging he intended to dodge the draft because he loathed the Military.

N.B. In typically slippery Clinton-speak he doesn’t say HE loathes the military, but leaves the reader to conclude that he does. [144]

The Larry Lawrence affair

Creating bogus national parks, selling missile secrets, with Clinton you name it- EVERYTHING was for sale. Sadly this even included a burial plot in Arlington National Cemetery where only America’s military heroes are supposed to be laid to rest unless you were a lying Democrat contributor. In 1996 Clinton saw to it that a Democrat fund raiser with a fraudulent war record was buried in that hallowed ground.

The December 1997 statement from the National Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars says it best, “Given the mounting evidence that Mr. M. Larry Lawrence, a political benefactor and the late ambassador to Switzerland, fabricated his World War II Merchant Marine service and injuries, the Veterans of Foreign Wars believes that his remains should be moved from Arlington National Cemetery….”

Imagine: the Lawrence affair stunk so badly they actually had to dig him up and get him out of Arlington; not even Clinton could do anything about it! [145]

Taxing your Social Security benefits

Clinton was the president who stabbed senior citizen retirees in the back by making Social Security benefits taxable for the first time. Clinton’s Democrat Congress passed the bill easily but, to break a tie in the Senate Clinton’s Vice President Albert Gore cast the deciding vote in favor of the tax. Between them, Clinton and Gore taxed the incomes of elderly retired couples making just $22,000 and up. [146]

Clinton’s final finger up to us

As a final finger in our eye on January 20, 2001 as he was slithering out the White House door after cheapening and degrading everything decent about America, Clinton signed pardons and granted amnesty for 140 people – some of whom had paid him through his brother in law Hugh Rodham.

Among those who got Clinton’s largesse for free were a murdering FALN (Puerto Rican terrorists) who killed four innocent people by bombing historic Fraunces Tavern in New York City where George Washington gave his farewell address and crooked Democrat Congressman Mel Reynolds Weather Underground terrorists Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg.147]

Hillary Clinton’s brother Hugh Rodham was paid over $200,000 for his work in getting a convicted drug dealer a commutation from his brother in law Bill Clinton. In just one month people were questioning this move. When asked about this Rodham lied.

Final thought: involved up to his neck in all of the Clinton slimy pardons and commutations was an as yet unknown lawyer named Eric Holder. [148]

Years later when George W. Bush commuted the sentence of Lewis Libby, Hillary Rodham Clinton said, “This commutation sends the clear signal that in this administration, cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice.” [149]

This is the mindset of the Clintons: lie because the media will always help you.

Norman Hsu

The Chinese contributed to Democrats and Hillary Clinton’s legal defense fund.

When Norman Hsu, one of her big campaign contributors was convicted of stealing $20 million in a Ponzi scheme Hillary Clinton was forced to return $800,000 to Hsu so he could pay back some of his victims.

A voice mail from Hillary to her BFF Norman said, “What am I going to do with you, Norman? You are working so hard for me that I just don’t know what to say any more. I’ve never seen anybody who has been more loyal and more effective and really just having greater success supporting someone than you.” [150]

Barack Obama 2009 to 2013

The purpose of this report is twofold: to tell you things about Democrats only closer research reveals and remind you of things about these people you knew but may have forgotten. Because Obama is right here in front of us and is such a terrible enemy of American freedoms, fully covering him would mean writing a whole separate book.

Consequently I have elected to offer these examples of why this dim-wit in the White House is little different than Jerzy Kosinski’s Being there character Chauncey Gardiner. Just like Chauncey, Obama is ill equipped to think for himself and in his case must use a teleprompter even to speak to school children. Chauncey had an excuse; he was obviously mentally challenged. Obama is intellectually challenged, but morally challenged as well. This is why having him hold the power of life and death over us is so dangerous.

At least “Chauncey” could speak without a teleprompter.

These Obama comments prove the charge of his intellectual deficiency.

“You don’t want Billionaires to pay the same tax rate as JEW… I mean Janitors” – Before Congressional Black Caucus, September 24, 2011. [151]

N.B. There were no reports of boos from the audience.

“We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad,” he said obviously referring to the Baltimore Ohio and London Rail Road, September 23, 2011. [152]

“We all remember Abraham Lincoln as the leader who saved our Union. Founder of the Republican Party” at his Joint Session of Congress address September 6, 2011. In fact, the Republican Party was founded “Under the Oaks” in the City of Jackson in 1854; Lincoln was not present.

Note – Not only did Obama get it wrong but our “friends” at PBS lied about it and CHANGED the transcript to fool the few fools who would consult them looking for honest reporting. [153]

Obama said he would be turning 50 “in a week” on July 15 2011, three weeks before his putative birthday of August 4. [154]

N.B. It’s hard to keep the “facts” of your life straight when someone invented them for you.

When presenting a Medal of Honor to Army SSG Sal Giunta Obama spoke to him as if he was Army SFC Jared Monti who was killed in action and had already been awarded a posthumous Medal of Honor, by Obama himself. Since he had only presented one other Medal of Honor mixing up the names is inexcusable, but it does present a glimpse of his lack of enthusiasm for our military. Sure some Marxists that work for him wrote his notes, but either way this is a slap in our face. [155]

“There are some structural issues with our economy where a lot of businesses have learned to become much more efficient with a lot fewer workers. You see it when you go to a bank and you use an ATM, you don’t go to a bank teller, or you go to the airport and you’re using a kiosk instead of checking in at the gate.” (June 14, 2011)” – President Obama losing jobs to ATMs; however…. [156]

“That’s why I’m here today at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh, one of America’s leading research universities. Behind me is a display from a company called RedZone Robotics. The robots they make are used to explore water and sewage pipes, and find leaks and breaks before they become expensive problems. But the folks at RedZone aren’t just solving problems; they’re working with unions to create new jobs operating the robots, and they’re saving cities millions of dollars in infrastructure costs. This company is just one example of how advanced manufacturing can help spur job-creation and economic growth across this country.” (June 25, 2011) President Obama ATMs lose jobs, Robots create jobs? [157]

“The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries.” –Barack Obama, Tampa, Fla., Jan. 28, 2010. [158]

“Just this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee — which is my committee — a bill to calling for divestment from Iran as a way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don’t obtain a nuclear weapon.” –Barack Obama, Sderot, Israel, July 23, 2008. Obama was not on the Senate Banking Committee. [159]

“The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system.” –Barack Obama, health care roundtable, Washington D.C., July 20, 2009. [160]

“The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person, who, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn’t know, you know, there’s a reaction that’s been bred in our experiences that don’t go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way, and that’s just the nature of race in our society.” He said throwing his grandmother under a bus as a racist. –Barack Obama, 2008 campaign. [161]

“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life,” Jesse Jackson once told an audience, “than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery—then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.” Jesse Jackson said this. Maybe if Obama’s grandmother was walking behind him Jackson would feel relived as well. [176]

In a September 7, 2008 interview with ABC TV Obama said, “What I was suggesting — you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith…” Upon hearing this, good little liberal cheerleader George Stephanopoulos corrected him with, “Christian faith.” [162]

“On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes — and I see many of them in the audience here today — our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.”[163]

N. B. CNN removed the “fallen heroes” part from its transcript –Barack Obama, Memorial Day commemoration. [164]

On July 23, 2009 afraid to speak of “victory” in our war on terror, Dim Wit said, “I’m always worried about using the word victory because it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur.” [164]

N.B. Hirohito never showed up on the deck of the Missouri and what’s wrong with a victory in the war on terror? [165]

On May 9, 2008 Obama said, “I’ve now been in 57 states — I think one left to.” –Obama 2008 campaign event, Beaverton, Oregon. [166]

On April 8, 2008, when he thought he would not be quoted, Obama showed his true feelings about conservatives and said, “It’s not surprising; then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” [167]

“In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed.” –Barack Obama, 2007 campaign speech on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people. [168]

“I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.” – Barack Obama defending his tax plan to Joe the Plumber, Toledo, OH, Oct. 12, 2008. [169]

“The Cambridge police acted stupidly.” –Barack Obama, commenting on a white police officer’s arrest of black scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr ., at a news conference, July 22, 2009. [170]

On Feb. 4, 2010 Obama referred to the Navy’s medics – who are called Corpsmen – as “corpse” men not once but twice. That’s a Democrat for you, they really don’t do patriotism well and some of them like Obama can’t even fake it. [171]

While trying to out lie Hillary Clinton who said she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary who only became famous when she was six years old, [172] Obama, whose putative birthday is August 4, 1961, lied on March 4, 2009, when he claimed that the 1965 Civil Rights march in Selma was responsible for his parent’s meeting and having him.[173]

“There’s a lot of — I don’t know what the term is in Austrian…” “…the Austrian language”? April 4 2009.

While talking to a group of his dimwitted supporters, Obama claimed Obamacare would drop insurance premiums 3000%. March 16, 2010. [175]

I know there are a lot more examples that prove Barack Obama and elected Democrats are “Crooks Thugs and Bigots” but this chapter has to end somewhere.

This material comes from my book, Crooks Thugs and Bigots: the Lost Hidden and Changed History of the Democrat Party, but if you cannot wait to read more of the history of the Democrat Party.

If you don’t know the truth all you’ll have are Democrat lies.

I’ll send you a free PDF of my book write me at Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I appreciate your efforts to expose the truth about the Clinton family shenanigans..thank you.
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The United States government makes Madoff look like an amateur.

They con people into working hard and paying taxes to support the freeloading voters who put the power hungry liberal (and some conservative) despots into office to further enslave the taxpaying conservatives. (My premise is conservative individuals pay more in taxes, and liberal voters tend to get more individual welfare. Corporate welfare as it is commonly described, is more crony capitalism and is not individual welfare such as food stamps, housing assistance, free medical care, etc..Additionally, old age welfare and Medicare, when previously paid for in taxes, is not welfare or fuck you....)

Taxpayers are essentially modern day slaves when they work and the money goes against their will to unrelated, non working people who sit around at liquor stores with menacing looks on their faces and get drunk and get into trouble. (or similarly situated persons who are layabouts)