Male-Female Interactions at get togethers.... Guys.... You really need to learn to communicate better..... Ladies..... You really need to take a little more initiative....

Whispers's Avatar
I think I said SIXXBACH???????
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 11-12-2010, 08:07 PM
... but I only sit down next to the ones that act like they're interested in talking to me. Not the ones interested in "seeing" me, but talking to me. Originally Posted by MaddietheCoed
Sorry for the miscommunication last night, then. I was only interested in seeing you!
  • Haley
  • 11-12-2010, 09:03 PM
I will have to agree with Maddie on this one.
Whispy is an adorable new handle for you.
I think it truly reflects your personality &
may help improve your image.

Also, with a handle so nice as Whispy I doubt
there would be any need for someone to
sabotage your main course ever again.

cheers Whispy
Whispy lol this could be an interesting new nAme for whispers kinda catchy actually