Another missing airliner!

Does anyone else think that it is disturbing that Tampon thinks that dead people are this funny? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Since "floating bodies" have now been found in the area with identifiable wreckage from the aircraft, he should be laughing his ass off..... Originally Posted by LexusLover
There you have it folks. Two peas from the same Idiot pod.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Next to the other one? Originally Posted by JCM800
You will note that only 3-4 days after the plane hit the water, floating debris has been found, as well as bodies. This has been the case (debris has been found) with every large commercial aircraft that ever crashed in the water for the last fifty years, as far as I know. Hence, you are unable to exclude the idea that Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 of 8 March 2014 was in fact hijacked and diverted.
I agree the idea is highly unlikely, almost laughably so. However, somebody needs to find the parts somewhere. Or, find that plane at the bottom of the ocean, fully intact - or one just like it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-30-2014, 07:13 AM
Does anyone else think that it is disturbing that Tampon thinks that dead people are this funny? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What dead people? Your theory is the plane has been hijacked!

I'm glad someone else noticed his "sense of humor"!

Since "floating bodies" have now been found in the area with identifiable wreckage from the aircraft, he should be laughing his ass off.....

!!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
We were laughing about JD, COG's and any other Conspiracy theory wacko's. .

This has been the case (debris has been found) with every large commercial aircraft that ever crashed in the water for the last fifty years, as far as I know. . Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Were these planes hijacked too?

What happened to Flying Tiger Line Flight 739 in March 1962 remains one of world’s most enduring aviation mysteries.
The US military flight was chartered to transport more than 90 military personnel from Guam to the Philippines but it never arrived at Clark Air Force Base.
More than 1300 people were involved in a US military search for the wreckage but nothing was found. ...

It is the vast expanse of ocean between Florida and the islands of Bermuda and Puerto Rico that cannot shake the legend.
In the first half of the 20th century several planes and boats disappeared in the Carribean region, including a pair of British South American Airways passenger jets in 1948 and 1949.
More than 51 passengers and crew were lost in the Star Tiger and Star Ariel incidents which happened almost a year apart.
No wreckage was ever found from the Tiger which was lost on January 30 1948 or the Ariel, last heard from on January 17 1949.
Sad part of trying to find downed planes or in this case to recover the bodies, is the huge amount of trash floating in our oceans.
That's the beauty, I don't have to prove anything. You see I didn't attack anyone's position. So PROVE that I am wrong and then prove that you are right. Should be simple if all the facts are on your side. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What the fuck? Didn't you read what I wrote in the first post? The burden of proof is on you to offer some proof of your idiotic idea about a hijacked airliner being hidden on a dirt runway.

It doesn't depend on whether you attacked anyone's position or not. If you propose some ridiculous idea, you have to back it up with evidence.

So no, we don't have to prove your idea is wrong if it is ridiculous on its face. Instead, YOU have to provide realistic proof of how it could have happened.

So, start explaining how terrorists overcome 250+ passengers, somehow land the plane where no one - including radar systems - can see it land, kill all the passengers and hide their bodies, and keep the plane hidden for the best part of a year.

By the way, I'm impressed that you knew what I was talking about. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Too bad you didn't.
You will note that only 3-4 days after the plane hit the water, floating debris has been found, as well as bodies. This has been the case (debris has been found) with every large commercial aircraft that ever crashed in the water for the last fifty years, as far as I know. Hence, you are unable to exclude the idea that Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 of 8 March 2014 was in fact hijacked and diverted.
I agree the idea is highly unlikely, almost laughably so. However, somebody needs to find the parts somewhere. Or, find that plane at the bottom of the ocean, fully intact - or one just like it. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Actually, I take the 3-4 days as more proof that the Malaysian plane is at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.

We knew exactly what route the AirAsia plane was flying. Unlike the Malaysian plane, it didn't drop below radar and fly for hours. It asked to change altitude to get above a storm and within 5 minutes it was gone.

Yet despite the fact that we knew about where it went down, it still took over 3 days to spot any debris. We only had to search a couple of hundred square miles and it still took a long time.

Now, the Malaysian airliner dropped to low altitude (below radar) and apparently flew for hours. So, it could have gone for over a thousand miles in any direction. That means that a over million square miles would have to be searched.

Also, if the Malaysian flight simply ran out of fuel while at low altitude and glided down at a shallow angle and low speed into the ocean, there is a good chance it remained mostly intact and sank. Just like the airliner that landed in the Hudson River.

And that is probably why we never found it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You know what's we really need?

We need JDIdiot to start another thread on this topic, spun in such a way that would support the "shrub and cover" theory he's still trying to defend.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
What dead people? Your theory is the plane has been hijacked!

We were laughing about JD, COG's and any other Conspiracy theory wacko's. .

Were these planes hijacked too?

What happened to Flying Tiger Line Flight 739 in March 1962 remains one of world’s most enduring aviation mysteries.
The US military flight was chartered to transport more than 90 military personnel from Guam to the Philippines but it never arrived at Clark Air Force Base.
More than 1300 people were involved in a US military search for the wreckage but nothing was found. ...

It is the vast expanse of ocean between Florida and the islands of Bermuda and Puerto Rico that cannot shake the legend.
In the first half of the 20th century several planes and boats disappeared in the Carribean region, including a pair of British South American Airways passenger jets in 1948 and 1949.
More than 51 passengers and crew were lost in the Star Tiger and Star Ariel incidents which happened almost a year apart.
No wreckage was ever found from the Tiger which was lost on January 30 1948 or the Ariel, last heard from on January 17 1949.
Originally Posted by WTF
Reasonable answers, and they offer good points, but I did request the last fifty years.
However, I will concede that 1962 is close enough. Thanks for your answer.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Mighty off-white of ya!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Mighty off-white of ya! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider