Did you hear the one about the narcissistic president...

JDIdiot is the consummate narcissistic Idiot!

He will one day make an outstanding Patriarch to the Idiot Klan, errrr Clan throne.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
and you all give Big Tampon a pass for his airliner crap?
and you all give Big Tampon a pass for his airliner crap? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It appears that our resident Narcissistic Idiot forgot about all of his fellow Idiot's who gave him a pass for his Shrub camouflaged airliner crap.

That was classic IBIdiot!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
BigAssSux has no capacity for higher thought. We have some hope for you, JD.
BigAssSux has no capacity for higher thought. We have some hope for you, JD. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
When Marshy moved on with his multiple bans, COIdiot elected himself to be Judge and Jury. Other than Marshy's multiple handles, there does not seem to be much difference between the two!

The thought process remains the same!

President Barack Obama told the couple whose wedding plans he disrupted over the weekend that he had no idea his golf game would wreak so much havoc.
Natalie Heimel and Edward Mallue Jr. received an apology phone call from President Barack Obama on their wedding day. (Image source: CNN)

CNN obtained video of Natalie Heimel and Edward Mallue Jr. speaking with the conciliatory president on their wedding day.
“Listen. Congratulations on your wedding. I feel terrible. Nobody told us,” Obama told the couple on speakerphone. “If they had just mentioned that they were going to have a wedding on the 16th hole, we would have skipped the 16th hole.”
He added, “I hope the wedding went OK anyway.”
“It did,” the groom replied. “Thank you very much. It was a blessing in disguise.”
Heimel and Mallue were originally supposed to exchange vows Sunday on the Kaneohe Klipper Golf Course on Marine Corps Base Hawaii, but learned just one day out that they had to switch locations because of Obama’s golf plans.
“How long you been going out?” the president inquired.
The couple told him they had been dating since 2011. Both Army captains, they each attended West Point but didn’t meet until they were stationed together in Germany. They now live in Hawaii.
“Now, the only question is where do you honeymoon when you live in Hawaii?” Obama asked.
“We haven’t figured that part out yet,” Heimel laughed.
Wrapping up the call, Obama said they “sound like a wonderful couple.”
“Congratulations, sorry for the change of plans, sounds like you guys are gonna have a great wedding and at least you guys have a good story to tell,” he said.
The couple gave the president one last chance to join in the festivities, inviting him to their reception later. He declined, citing security needs.
“Everybody would have to be magged,” Obama said. “Congratulations and thank you both for your service.” Originally Posted by WTF

Why nothing else that he said has been truthful, am I to really believe, he gives a flying f--k what he says to a couple of "minions", "Why I am the first black President of these United States of America and everyone knows that I take care of "my people", and these crackers do not fit my agenda, besides everyone knows, golfing is certainly more important.
Typical dumb blond from the sunshine state.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-01-2015, 11:52 AM
The two army captains had planned their wedding in Hawaii and had flown their families to the event but the Mad Boy-King could not, would not, play around the event. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD lied in his OP , yet you question if the President meant an apology that JD implied he never said. WTF is wrong with you?

Why nothing else that he said has been truthful, am I to really believe, he gives a flying f--k what he says to a couple of "minions", . Originally Posted by Cherie
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So who got fired?

Here is another question, how many of you had heard of this story before I brought it up? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Anybody who checks the news.

You might be the town liar, err, crier for the Idiot Klan, err, Clan, but I don't get my news from ECCIE.

bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
who spoiled a planned wedding of two soldiers (no, they're not gay) so he could plan through on a hole of golf? There is no punchline unless you count the Mad Boy-King himself. The two army captains had planned their wedding in Hawaii and had flown their families to the event but the Mad Boy-King could not, would not, play around the event. Since he is their boss (and they are laying people off from the army) they have tried to cast the event in a favorable light.

You may not have heard of this event because like Tampon, you were distracted by very old news. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
yeah, but the news said the prez didnt know

WTF though?? why didnt the couple throw a complete fit? yeah, they didnt? so it musta not been too bad

I bolded your retarded opinion of you thunk happened,.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
When Marshy moved on with his multiple bans, COIdiot elected himself to be Judge and Jury. Other than Marshy's multiple handles, there does not seem to be much difference between the two!

The thought process remains the same! Originally Posted by bigtex
I rest my case.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Concerning Eva, there does not seem to be much difference between the two of us!

The thought process remains the same! Originally Posted by bigtex
FTFY Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well let me tell you ignoramuses about real life. In 1980 we returned from the Persian Gulf to a "heroes" welcome in Norfolk. That means the pier services were late, we were at the far end of the pier, and nobody gave a shit that we had just broken several endurance records for a ship at sea. So we went home and did our jobs. Months later the USS Nimitz battlegroup came in (they relieved us on station). Jimmy Carter himself showed up for that, the stores gave discounts to the members of the battlegroup, and the press turned out in droves. Forget that they only gone about 2/3 of the time that we were, or that they never went on half rations, or that some crewman (this is real) claim to hardship was that they lost all their Frisbees over the side what steamed us that we had to dress up in our best uniforms for something happened half a mile away. We couldn't walk around in our utilities or our coveralls while the CIC was on the base. Yes, we were pissed. So what happens, some local news hound walks over and shoves a camera if the faces of some of our people. What did they say? Not the truth, no, "we're proud that president Carter came here", "we're glad for the recognition", and other bullshit. Yeah, we gave those idiots a ration of shit for that.

I can tell you that the bride and groom were probably put out, upset, and maybe even pissed off but they (or their guests) are not going to say that. Even if they came to that conclusion I am sure that the Mad Boy-King's handlers gave them the right words to say.

FYI, the presidential approval rating for this POS is lower than Jimmy Carter, 15 %
I have work to do. It is not an easy job being the only one tending to the glory hole in the Salina Bus Station. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy