47 counts of Treason

Budman's Avatar
Jackson is black... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
What difference does that make? Jackson is just like Sharpton, both are race hustlers and racist.
  • shanm
  • 03-09-2015, 06:57 PM
You mean like Jesse Jackson did?

You've been disappointed for the last 6.5 years so you have to project your racism. Typical. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I don't remember the last time a black guy calling a black guy Ni**er was considered a problem

The "inevitable" was that you wouldn't apologize for your factual errors, shamman.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Does this motherfucker ever stop? No brakes on the retard train
  • shanm
  • 03-09-2015, 06:59 PM
All I'm saying is, its definitely on some(some, not all) of their minds.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Does this motherfucker ever stop? No brakes on the retard train Originally Posted by shanm
That's deflection, shamman, not an apology for the factual errors you made. Since you can't tell the difference, it looks like you are the definition of a "retard train" without brakes, shamman.
Budman's Avatar
All I'm saying is, its definitely on some(some, not all) of their minds. Originally Posted by shanm
The problem is you seem to think it is unique to the right. I can guarantee there are racist on both sides of the isle. Ever hear of Robert Byrd?
I don't remember the last time a black guy calling a black guy Ni**er was considered a problem Originally Posted by shanm
You don't remember well, Jesse caught a whole lot of criticism for it.
  • shanm
  • 03-09-2015, 07:09 PM
The problem is you seem to think it is unique to the right. I can guarantee there are racist on both sides of the isle. Ever hear of Robert Byrd? Originally Posted by Budman
No doubt. Normally you'd find them to be the exception to the rule though. Since the dem party is usually more "progressive" on issues involving race. That does lead them to be blinded(sometimes) on the same issues, mostly because of the need to be politically correct all the time.

I think it was Bill Maher who said this:
"Of course not all republicans are racist, but if you're racist, you're probably a republican"
Budman's Avatar
No doubt. Normally you'd find them to be the exception to the rule though. Since the dem party is usually more "progressive" on issues involving race. That does lead them to be blinded(sometimes) on the same issues, mostly because of the need to be politically correct all the time.

I think it was Bill Maher who said this:
"Of course not all republicans are racist, but if you're racist, you're probably a republican" Originally Posted by shanm
Well if Bill Maher said it then it must be true.

I would say that the lefts actions over the last several decades have done more to hurt minorities than anything the right has done. That is much more racist than calling someone a name. The left thinks that intentions are all that matter.
  • shanm
  • 03-09-2015, 07:23 PM
I would say that the lefts actions over the last several decades have done more to hurt minorities than anything the right

That's a harsh thing to say. Especially if it isn't backed by any evidence.
Not to say that the left doesn't cause any damage. Take the Michael Brown case as an example:

A extreme left liberal would say:
"The PD was racist, as evidenced by the DOJ report. This is proof that the shooting of Michael Brown was unjustified/racist and all the outcry in Ferguson and the rest of the U.S.A was justified"

A more sensible liberal would say:
"The PD was racist, as evidenced by the DOJ report. But that does not mean that officer Wilson was not justified in shooting Michael Brown. The outcry in Ferguson and the U.S was completely justified, however, because the report does indeed show that the PD was guilty of racial bias. And that's a problem that needs to be fixed"

Literally 99.9% of republicans/conservatives would say:
"The officer was tried and cleared. This means that race was never an issue and the entire matter was blown way out of proportion by the leftie nuts. Oh the liberals are destroying this country".

*Of course, none of this is literal(before LustyTurd jumps in)*

You tell me which one is more influenced by political dogma and which one is more detrimental to our society and to minorities.
The problem is you seem to think it is unique to the right. I can guarantee there are racist on both sides of the isle. Ever hear of Robert Byrd? Originally Posted by Budman

Buddy, wasn't Robert Byrd one of the few Southern Democrat's (AKA Dixiecrats) who did not defect to the Republican Party in 1964 (or shortly thereafter), along with Senator Strom Thurmond?

Why don't you check into that and get back to us? Ok?

I am left to wonder though, why isn't an open "over and over again" apology from Senator Byrd good enough for you?

From Wiki:

"In 1997, Byrd told an interviewer he would encourage young people to become involved in politics but also warned, "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena." In his last autobiography, Byrd explained that he was a KKK member because he "was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision — a jejune and immature outlook — seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions." Byrd also said, in 2005, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."

Buddy, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps you were unaware that Senator Byrd later apologized for his racist beliefs!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Netanyahu said 20 years ago that Iran would have a bomb in 2-3 years... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
and for 20 years Israel has prevented them from completing one. and your idiot point is exact what??
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I don't remember the last time a black guy calling a black guy Ni**er was considered a problem

that's why you an IDIOT.. it IS a problem, also known as a double standard. get it now?

Does this motherfucker ever stop? No brakes on the retard train Originally Posted by shanm
i have a train for you. it's called the butt fuck train. in your case .. may it never stop running. open those cheeks nice and wide .. BOHICA

  • shanm
  • 03-09-2015, 07:32 PM
i have a train for you. it's called the butt fuck train. in your case .. may it never stop running.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
No charge this time.
Budman's Avatar
I would say that the lefts actions over the last several decades have done more to hurt minorities than anything the right

That's a harsh thing to say. Especially if it isn't backed by any evidence.
Not to say that the left doesn't cause any damage. Take the Michael Brown case as an example:

A extreme left liberal would say:
"The PD was racist, as evidenced by the DOJ report. This is proof that the shooting of Michael Brown was unjustified/racist and all the outcry in Ferguson and the rest of the U.S.A was justified"

A more sensible liberal would say:
"The PD was racist, as evidenced by the DOJ report. But that does not mean that officer Wilson was not justified in shooting Michael Brown. The outcry in Ferguson and the U.S was completely justified, however, because the report does indeed show that the PD was guilty of racial bias. And that's a problem that needs to be fixed"

Literally 99.9% of republicans/conservatives would say:
"The officer was tried and cleared. This means that race was never an issue and the entire matter was blown way out of proportion by the leftie nuts. Oh the liberals are destroying this country".

*Of course, none of this is literal(before LustyTurd jumps in)*

You tell me which one is more influenced by political dogma and which one is more detrimental to our society and to minorities. Originally Posted by shanm
I think you are way off base. Most on the right would say the DOJ is run by a racist SOB and their report is biased. As for the shooting itself, there was absolutely no racial bias at all. Mike Brown caused his own death by the actions he chose to take. Period.

The lefts take seems to always be it must be racist as opposed to let's wait and see what the facts show. Even after the facts show that race was not a contributing factor in the shooting they still want to claim that race was the reason Mike Brown was shot.
  • shanm
  • 03-09-2015, 07:35 PM
that's why you're an an IDIOT.. it IS a problem, also known as a double standard. get it now? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
We'll consider this part of the same ignorant, dickhead rant. No charge for this one either.