I hear taint pics are real popular among a certain demographic. Originally Posted by oldtiger
Is there anyone here not entertained by taint picks? I can think of one taint I'd love to see posted!
oldtiger's Avatar
Is there anyone here not entertained by taint picks? I can think of one taint I'd love to see posted! Originally Posted by Louigi
Not a fan of the pink starfish, and that troublemaker often photobombs taint pics.
Why hello mamacitas wow!
glade55's Avatar
nice ! more pics !
Gia Greek Goddess's Avatar
Unless you can't contain yourself then I can help you 😉
Niiiiiice Kitty, here kitty kitty kitty.......
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-14-2015, 08:47 AM
Desperation is always entertaining. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Unlike most of yours?
Looking for attention again Moldy_T?
Go ahead and ride my coat tails around the board loser, you might become relevant at sometime?
One only has to look at your post history and see what you are about.
Looking for attention again Moldy_T?
Go ahead and ride my coat tails around the board loser, you might become relevant at sometime?
One only has to look at your post history and see what you are about. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Yes, if one does you see that he always has the the ladies best interests in mind and is very tactful about supplying his opinion about the hobby. (I stopped reading the political forum awhile ago so I make no claims about what goes on in there.)

I don't know what your history with each other is but from what I've seen I don't think Old-T has to ride anyone's coattails. If you think someone is cyber-stalking you Ricky I'm sure the staff would love to take care of it as appropriate to evidence presented.

Back on topic: That you ladies for posting the eye candy.
I'm not worried about a pussy WK cyberstalking me, I certainly don't fear his loser ass.
There is no history other than this pussy shows up in the last 2 weeks riding my every post.
Funny thing is Mr.DoGooder thinks he is doing something that he is not, he is not making things better, he has escalated the things the poor fool thinks he will change.
His post alone have allowed Austin to slide into no rules like it was here last summer.
Right now I say whatever the fuck I want with no points
Personally I love that, so I owe him thanks for completely turning things upside down. lol
Great post Mamacita! Your tushie made my day!
So what is spell check used for again?
21spurs's Avatar
awesume pics ladies, pay no mind to the wasted critiques and drive on sexy. that's all that matters
flinde's Avatar
Yea S R go jack off in the corner somewhere.

Nanny nanny noo noo.