Actually almost all statistics are based off of heterosexual couples. It's one of the biggest flaws in the numbers...

Cosmo has had multiple surveys asking women what behaviors they've participated in. Not necessarily scientific, but you could probably get a general idea.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I heard one statistic that 83% of all statistics are made up. I think I read that on the back of a hooters wet nap.
knotty man's Avatar
lets suppose there were no hypothetical situations
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Where are the stats on straight women or even bi women giving BBBJ to straight men. hummmm I wonder if there is any? Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Gay men as a group are far more promiscuous than women (other than providers of course) so their rate of oral/throat gonorrhea infections is likely to be higher that their female counterparts. I don't think it matters which "hole" they stick it in raw as all of the holes are capable of become infected with Gonorrhea. I'm sure the stats vary depending on the likelihood that the receiving partner is infected. I was told by a local clinician that Austin has a high rate of Gonorrhea, but hopefully we can keep our little community as clean as possible by encouraging each other to get tested.
Baloney Pony's Avatar
Ok, I'm sure most hobbyists would agree that BBBJ beats CBJ hands down but I'm curious about the risk factors involved. I'm seeing more and more providers going BBBJ, guessing for more business, but what about the risk factors involved? Originally Posted by Investomania

Howdy, Folks!

Here's some interesting info:

From the above:

Chlamydia, human papillomavirus (HPV), gonorrhea, herpes, hepatitis (multiple strains), and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), can be transmitted through oral sex.

Any kind of sexual contact with body fluids of a person infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, poses a risk of infection.

In 2006, a research study at Malmö University's Faculty of Odontology suggested that performing unprotected oral sex on a person infected with HPV might increase the risk of oral cancer. The study found that 36 percent of the cancer patients had HPV compared to only 1 percent of the healthy control group.

Another recent study suggests a correlation between oral sex and throat cancer. It is believed that this is due to the transmission of human papillomavirus (HPV).

The study concludes that people who had one to five oral-sex partners in their lifetime had approximately a doubled risk of throat cancer compared with those who never engaged in this activity and those with more than five oral-sex partners had a 250 percent increased risk.


Bottom line?

Wrap it up.

Ask the provider to wear latex gloves for a FBSM.

Play SAFE, and Happy Hobbying!
ezman's Avatar
  • ezman
  • 12-08-2010, 09:00 PM
Oh, baloney!
That's just a statistic!
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Wikipedia is not a very accurate site for information. The best thing is do your research yourself and do not just use mainstream resources to find your facts.

Females are promiscuous they are just not going to be as open about it as Gay males. Have you ever talked to a Gay male they are very open about sexuality and very aggressive too as a majority not all but most.

The main thing is use common sense which I think today a lot of people are lacking in this.
harkontume's Avatar
My head hurts while on a sexually oriented forum reading the same subject for the umpteenth time.

Is that an STD?
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Wikipedia is not a very accurate site for information. The best thing is do your research yourself and do not just use mainstream resources to find your facts.

Females are promiscuous they are just not going to be as open about it as Gay males. Have you ever talked to a Gay male they are very open about sexuality and very aggressive too as a majority not all but most.

The main thing is use common sense which I think today a lot of people are lacking in this. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30

I don't know where you get YOUR facts, but Baloney Pony is right about throat cancer. That info is from published research and the correlation between HPV and cancer is well known.

And with all due respect, you are just wrong about female promiscuity. As a group, females are less promiscuous than gay males. Obviously not all gay men are sluts and not all women are virgins, but we are talking about generalities here. If women were as into sex as men, the world's oldest profession, and this board, wouldn't exist. The male brain structure and the androgens are designed to drive men to obsess about sex. The only obstacle keeping a man from having as much as he wants is the lack of willing partners. Gay men are fortunate to be attracted to other testosterone filled creatures. Straight men, well, they pay my bills.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
That is too funny SS Women do like sex just as much as men they just are not wiling to give it up for just any man he will have to jump through a couple hoops to unlock the willingness in her. Every night there are thousands of women that get dressed up and go out on the town in Austin and they want to meet a guys. You are right on one thing guys will sometimes bang an ugly girl as a last resort were a sober decent girl will wait for something better.

While in college it is well known not to source anything from wikipedia. I find it hard to believe that you can get throat cancer from bbbj.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 12-09-2010, 09:12 AM
While in college it is well known not to source anything from wikipedia. I find it hard to believe that you can get throat cancer from bbbj. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Well, for some time women and their gynecologists found it hard to believe that cervical cancer could be caused by an invisible virus on a cock with no visible lesions or apparent signs of infection. But it's still true.

The virulent strains of HPV responsible for cervical cancer cause no signs of infection on the penis. None, zilch, nada. No warts, sores, no rashes.

There are over 40 strains of HPV that can infect the genitals.

There are over 100 total types of HPV strains that are responsible for other less transmissible conditions like common warts, plantar warts (on the sole of the foot) and flat warts.
greymouse's Avatar
That is too funny SS Women do like sex just as much as men they just are not wiling to give it up for just any man he will have to jump through a couple hoops to unlock the willingness in her. Every night there are thousands of women that get dressed up and go out on the town in Austin and they want to meet a guys. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Your statement about the number of women in Austin who “want to meet a guys” (sic) may be true, or it may be exaggerated. How many people with click counters would it take to get a count, that is, actual data instead of a gut feeling? However, difficult as it may be for Y chromosome people to accept, “want to meet a guy” and “want to have sex tonight with any available partner who may fall readily to hand" are not necessarily the same thing. One of the “hoops to unlock the willingness in her” for many, maybe most women ( I don’t have the data to say which) is being willing to establish a relationship, possibly including an ability to establish readiness to be a reliable co-parent.

Gay men, on the other hand, as Sophia says, have been demonstrated to be wildly promiscuous, at least before the HIV epidemic descended upon them. I am antediluvian enough to remember when the cause of collapsed immune systems and an upsurge of the theretofore rare kaposi's sarcoma was being frantically sought. Epidemiological studies done before the human immunosuppressive virus was isolated indicated that the early AIDS victims averaged more than a thousand sexual partners each. That is a lot of epidemiological space to sweep through naked to the viral and microbial world. Do any of the professional ladies keep a count of their total number of different partners? Interesting thought. Not asking for a response. Not in public anyway.

By contrast a 2007 report based on data 1999 to 2002 found that for all Americans:

“The median number of lifetime female sexual partners for men was seven; the median number of male partners for women was four.”

My own lifetime count is 35, all but four post divorce and paid by the hour.

While in college it is well known not to source anything from wikipedia. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Wikipedia is a great place to start with something you do not know anything about. It is criticized because it is vulnerable to casual vandalism and sabotage just as it is possible to post something crazed and completely contrary to the rules here and have it on view till it is discovered and removed. A 2005 study published in the high-powered science journal Nature found Wikipedia was as accurate as Encyclopedia Britannica with respect to serious errors. A subsequent study found that experts rated a selection of Wikipedia articles higher than non-experts in the field for what that is worth.

Professors want to encourage the tiny minority of college students who will go on to become actual scholars themselves to go directly to scholarly sources rather than informal surveys of them to get into the habit of rigorous research. That does not mean you can casually dismiss data reported in Wikipedia that is supported by those darn footnotes at the end. Wikipedia is plenty good enough for clubroom conversations without consequences such as we are having here. Go onto other more impressive sources before you write your brief for the trial though.

I find it hard to believe that you can get throat cancer from bbbj. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
NOW, about HPV and throat cancer: “get” as in “catch” is making things a little simpler than they are. In 2007 New Scientist reported a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine as “Oral sex can cause throat cancer” The BBC more cautiously, and accurately, said, “Oral sex LINKED to Throat Cancer”. NS quotes the study as saying “People who had one to five oral-sex partners in their lifetime had approximately a doubled risk of throat cancer compared with those who never engaged in this activity - and those with more than five oral-sex partners had a 250% increased risk.” What’s the base line? The base line is 2 per 100,000. By comparison incidence rates for cervical cancer, also HPV linked, range from 7 to 14 per 100K for various ethnicities. Prostate cancer rates by contrast range from about 95 to probably 250 by ethnicity. 2006 data eyeballed off charts on the CDC website.
Asians are low in both cases, of course. Indicating, parenthetically, that not only will East Asia kick our collective ass, first economically and then politically, they will outlive us too.

Back to throat cancer & oral sex: The NEJM study was smallish, based on 100 patients and 200 controls. The NS study quotes an expert in the field as saying” "We will see a push for vaccination in men,", with the anti-HPV vaccines like Gardasil, That would potentially protect them and their partners, including temporaries, from a variety of HPV related cancers, like penile cancer which has an incidence ranging from 0.4 to 1.3 per 100K. How worried are you about that one?

One of the things I am personally proudest of is persuading my college student project to get vaccinated against HPV. Just in the nick of time since the cut off age is 26 because nearly everyone has been exposed to some of the many HPV viruses by that age and the vaccine is less effective with increasing exposure. The reasonable thing to do would be to vaccinate all of both sexes before puberty. All you have to do is defeat the Religious Right first.

However a 2008 study reported by Msnbc “HPV increasingly causes oral cancer in men” might help.

“The sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer in women is poised to become one of the leading causes of oral cancer in men, according to a new study.
The HPV virus now causes as many cancers of the upper throat as tobacco and alcohol, probably due both to an increase in oral sex and the decline in smoking, researchers say.
Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is the leading cause of cervical cancer in women. It also can cause genital warts, penile and anal cancer — risks for males that generally don't get the same attention as cervical cancer.
Previous research by Gillison and others established HPV as a primary cause of the estimated 5,600 cancers that occur each year in the tonsils, lower tongue and upper throat. It's also been known that the virus' role in such cancers has been rising.
The new study looked at more than 30 years of National Cancer Institute data on oral cancers. Researchers categorized about 46,000 cases, using a formula to divide them into those caused by HPV and those not connected to the virus.
They concluded the incidence rates for HPV-related oral cancers rose steadily in men from 1973 to 2004, becoming about as common as those from tobacco and alcohol.
Studies suggest oral sex is associated with HPV-related oral cancers, but a cause-effect relationship has not been proved. Other researchers have suggested that even unwashed hands can spread it to the mouth as well.
Gillison pointed toward sex as an explanation for the increase in male upper throat cancers. However, HPV-related upper throat cancers declined significantly in women from 1973 to 2004.

I added the underscore. That is very interesting, albeit just one study:
led by Dr. Maura Gillison of Johns Hopkins University and published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology in 2008. If you want to know more Google is waiting to guide you. Perhaps you can find out who the male throat patients were having oral sex with. I am all researched out for today.

Thank you for attending today’s web seminar. Please do not disturb other on-going seminars as you leave the building.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Greymouse you have way too much time on your hands!
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Population in Austin is over 500K think about it there should at least be thousands of single ladies.

As for the Cancer stuff my point was do not trust wikipedia I never said it was all false.

Use common sense and don't drink the kool aid