"By any means necessary"Yeah lets rip up a store to get our respect. Malcolm X never advocated that sort of shit did he? Nor did violence ever occur because of him, other than his murder committed by his own people. The Police took their merry time, because if they had to shoot one of those idiots or kick their fucking asses they would have to go through a bunch of bullshit. The clerk at that store would have been better off shooting both those idiots before his store looked like a bomb had gone off. That's exactly what we will start to see.
- You know who Originally Posted by WombRaider
Yeah lets rip up a store to get our respect. Malcolm X never advocated that sort of shit did he? Nor did violence ever occur because of him, other than his murder committed by his own people. The Police took their merry time, because if they had to shoot one of those idiots or kick their fucking asses they would have to go through a bunch of bullshit. The clerk at that store would have been better off shooting both those idiots before his store looked like a bomb had gone off. That's exactly what we will start to see.After 400 years, what would you do if you felt like your concerns weren't being heard? What would you resort to in order to make your voice rise above the din? The answer is, you have no fucking idea.
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
After 400 years, what would you do if you felt like your concerns weren't being heard? What would you resort to in order to make your voice rise above the din? The answer is, you have no fucking idea.Haaaaaa............. You're comical with this bullshit. So you think this incident stems from slavery? So as long as slavery is the issues it's ok for black youths who have never been slaves to trash a store. Well I hate to break the news to you the law overrides the history of slavery. It will never be taken into consideration. You asked the stupid question what I would do? I certainly wouldn't trash a store just because the clerk asked me for an ID. The simple truth is these two guys committed a crime, it has nothing to do with slavery or racism. They are just street level punks. They did what they did cause they could. They even left and returned for round two. There's no excuse for this bullshit.
He wasn't murdered by his own people. He was murdered by NOI people, after he left the NOI. Originally Posted by WombRaider