What is this new hobby trend called?... Look at me!! I can make super long thread titles too!! Woot!! Woot!!!

Aside from reading and hearing about some of the adventures, I don't have any insight to what goes on during these outings, but I would venture to guess that those who would have trouble distinguishing P4P and real world because of these outings are probably the same ones that would have the same problems without the outings. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
NAiLed it.
NAiLed it. Originally Posted by Damon Bradley
Mr. Bradley, with all due respect...

If you're going to start typing in alternating caps and lowercase like an excited teenage girl, we're going to need to have a little discussion about your participation in the cool kids club. I say this with the greatest amount of affection possible.
LadiesFan's Avatar
Hell No!

This is a service business. I expect to be properly compensated for my services, how should I expect any different from my provider companions? Like I mentioned in my previous post I find the SD/pseudo-dating a little odd. Nothing wrong with it... but the stories/reviews/infatuation I've recently seen have been going beyond the traditional idea of what the hobby is... at least in my eyes... Sometimes I worry that my fellow hobbyist can't distinguish between P4P Fantasy Land and the real world. Originally Posted by Elephant
Excellent answer.

Aside from reading and hearing about some of the adventures, I don't have any insight to what goes on during these outings, but I would venture to guess that those who would have trouble distinguishing P4P and real world because of these outings are probably the same ones that would have the same problems without the outings. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
Excellent response.

I pose a question, and preface with this: As a companion (yes, I hate the term "provider") I thoroughly enjoy the time spent with my dates. If there is an encounter that lacks chemistry or passion, then I don't see said person again (at least not BCD). To me, the value of a date isn't worth the uncomfortable moments if the party in question doesn't not mesh well with me. That being said, I now ask this: gals that keep the hobby as business - simply business - and refrain from social outings, what keeps their hobby persona from becoming "just business"? I am being completely honest in my curiosity with this subject. I am not familiar with many gals within hobbyland, but I know how I choose to play. This playground is as much mine as it is a hobbyists - the experience is shared and I want to enjoy it just as much as he does. I like to get to know my partners, however limited or extensive that conversation may be, I have a genuine interest in learning about whatever it is they have to say. I socialize, with a small group of people, because I genuinely like their company. I cater to impromptu lunch and dinner requests because a) I have the time and b) it is an excellent way to learn more about my client (ugh, I hate that word too).

I would agree with you Elephant, the hobby dynamic here in Austin is unique; we have a budding sense of community and an overall respect for each other on the board. Yes, we are unorthodox in our choices to fraternize with one another outside of the bedroom - and we sometimes exploit these encounters for others to live vicariously through such experiences - but however odd, different, or out of the norm this Austin trait is, we (I speak for myself, and maybe a few others) are having a blast. I see nothing wrong with that What else would CoEd be filled with? Sex questions - pertinent. Retiring announcements - necessary. Whispers nonsense - unavoidable. So to throw in an outlier from time to time to mix up the norm, some board members post detailed accounts of their shenanigans. I think it is fun. Different, addictive, but fun. At least for me
rrrabbit's Avatar
I have to add that you, Kelli, are quite different from most other providers that I've met, in terms of your viewpoints and your outlook towards hobbyland.

For me, thats a good thing. What's not to like about keeping it real, while having fun, and making good money while doing so ?

I think it pretty much boils down to what you already stated: based on your mutual chemistry, being VERY selective about who you choose to spend time with. No poo poo heads allowed.
With the non-bcd dates, socials, extracurricular activities, being frequently notified via coed thread about off the board activities...

This is a uniquely Austin trend.

What should it be called? How did it arise? > Lack of Talent? Boredom?

I have to say I'm quite fascinated by it. Almost like some kind of hybrid P4P/SD/SB dating or something.

Any thoughts? Originally Posted by Elephant
no serious replies??...

Btw, I was talking to a girl a few weeks ago about all of this and she just kinda chuckled when I brought it up. She is a frequent guest to some of these functions and told me it was more for the business/customer relations than anything. Some P4P guys apparently need their ego stroked outside the bedroom too, and by participating she's been able to increase her business significantly... Nothing wrong with that I guess...

but the vibe I got was... yeah, I entertain those old farts non-bcd to get more business... Originally Posted by Elephant
All kidding, hijacking and chocolate aside....

"What is this new hobby trend called", you ask?

Well, I don't know if it's really new. Maybe it is. It is new to me, that is for certain. But honestly, I'm sure it happens more than you care to know.

I'm not sure I understand your "Lack of talent, Boredom" comment. I still hobby, although it has slowed down considerably as of late, due to personal life changes, and time/career restraints. (I said restraints.) But, there's still plenty of "talent" out there, including ladies I see non BCD. I dont see our activities as being a result of "Boredom" on anyone's part. Yes, I do still see them BCD, And no, I don't think they are just hanging around with me or anyone I know here to "drum up" business. In fact, all the ladies I've spent time with outside closed doors seem to be doing quite nicely for themselves.

For the record, I'm not a "fat old fart" (saw that stated somewhere here-fucking disgusting term), i dont need my egoe stroked, as i get plenty of that in my profession, and although I'm quite good with my money, I'm by no means a "Sugar Daddy", nor do I plan to, or care to ever be one.

What I do know is that, for me, after a certain, short year and a half period of hobbying, I've connected with a number of great women a few times this past spring, and also more recently, who are basically very nice, very cool people, who I have much in common with, and somehow organically, we get together for dinners, drinks, and fun, with no intention of BCD happening on said evening. I truly enjoy their company, and, as I feel I'm a pretty ok guy to hang out with, it seems they enjoy mine as well.

So what's this new trend called? How about OCD. Outside Closed Doors.

Don't make me start writing reviews. I'll do it....
knotty man's Avatar
dang! my OCD is actin up again. all the ketchup bottles must face forward!!!
dang! my OCD is actin up again. all the ketchup bottles must face forward!!! Originally Posted by knotty man
Best I could come up with....
sixxbach's Avatar
no serious replies??...

Btw, I was talking to a girl a few weeks ago about all of this and she just kinda chuckled when I brought it up. She is a frequent guest to some of these functions and told me it was more for the business/customer relations than anything. Some P4P guys apparently need their ego stroked outside the bedroom too, and by participating she's been able to increase her business significantly... Nothing wrong with that I guess...

but the vibe I got was... yeah, I entertain those old farts non-bcd to get more business... Originally Posted by Elephant
I would not doubt that. I would be fooling myself to think there are not those that look at it that way.

Sometimes people should just recognize a really good time for what it is - a really good time - and enjoy it without casting such a critical eye.

Agreed. I have had a wonderful time hanging and would do it again without hesitation. I owe you a drink next time. As often as you buy me drinks, I am beginning to think you want to take advantage of a buzzed sixx

I can only speak for myself here, but...

Since I started becoming more socially involved in the hobby, those inevitable feelings of isolation and forced secrecy that so often bring providers down have pretty much vanished... I have a fantastic group of people that I can enjoy a meal with, have a few drinks with, and trust to not take advantage of the situation. And on top of that, I can be totally honest about how my day went, what my schedule is like for the next week, etc. That's a pretty cool feeling.

I love my civie friends and do things with them but it is very nice and refreshing to hang out with people in the hobby and share that honesty. I mean seriously who else are we going to debate who really is Humpty/Leslie or whatever he or she may be calling themselves??

While I may have spent BCD time with the gents I mention in my "Omigod I'm having so much fun!" threads, for the most part, my relationships with them have evolved into genuine friendships, and I no longer maintain a provider/client relationship with them. I think I may see where the disconnect is happening. I genuinely value the people I choose to associate with for who they are, and I feel that they have just as much to offer me as I do them. I don't view my spending time with those guys in a group of people at a restaurant, concert or a bar as a "service," and don't expect a donation for public hangouts that I initiate, nor do I expect those hangouts to result in paid BCD time, either on that night or in the future.

Nope, I have never been hit up for that or the next morning received that PM saying hey im running specials this week and would be great to book since we hung out last night.

Elephant - You wanted an honest reply, so here it is: If providers and hobbyists can't share their experiences with each other - paid or unpaid - in the CoEd section of a local hobby forum, then where are they supposed to talk about it? Is the fact that specific groups of people are actually having a good time and getting along in this madhouse community really the biggest complaint you have?

Is it really so hard to believe that someone can actually make friends here? Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
I think its a great thing Nat and if I felt any ulterior motive, I would call it out in a heartbeat but I don't so till next time..... btw.. there is this cool place with KILLER tequila we need to try sometime..

All kidding, hijacking and chocolate aside....

"What is this new hobby trend called", you ask?

Well, I don't know if it's really new. Maybe it is. It is new to me, that is for certain. But honestly, I'm sure it happens more than you care to know.

Sure does, I had some beers etc with more than would admit it lol

For the record, I'm not a "fat old fart" (saw that stated somewhere here-fucking disgusting term), i dont need my egoe stroked, as i get plenty of that in my profession, and although I'm quite good with my money, I'm by no means a "Sugar Daddy", nor do I plan to, or care to ever be one.

Yeah, I don't think anyone is hanging out with me because they are hoping I will turn into a 300 hr regular!

What I do know is that, for me, after a certain, short year and a half period of hobbying, I've connected with a number of great women a few times this past spring, and also more recently, who are basically very nice, very cool people, who I have much in common with, and somehow organically, we get together for dinners, drinks, and fun, with no intention of BCD happening on said evening. I truly enjoy their company, and, as I feel I'm a pretty ok guy to hang out with, it seems they enjoy mine as well.

Originally Posted by Damon Bradley
i must be the 'old fat guy' everyone is refering to here...

have a good weekend everyone...im off to take part in more of this 'trend'
Trendy son of a bitch.
Let me know about the TCB for the OCD tonight.
I'm hoping they allow BLCC.

(Bare Lipped Cocktail Contact)
I think its a great thing Nat and if I felt any ulterior motive, I would call it out in a heartbeat but I don't so till next time..... btw.. there is this cool place with KILLER tequila we need to try sometime.. Originally Posted by sixxbach
Uh oh... tequila makes my clothes fall off. I'm definitely going to need adult supervision.