This likely contains more truth than some of you have ever ingested at one point in time. It will also prove prophetic because I know you will shit all over it. But then that's what it said you would do. It describes some of you in here to such a degree, it's eery.A stupid, sarcastic article posted by an idiot. Originally Posted by WombRaider
We should shit all over it because of its falsehoods and half truths couched on selectively presented data.
Like this bit:
In reality, right-wing domestic terrorists and mass shooters are the number one threat to America’s safety and security since September 11, 2001.
Note the cutoff date. Because if we go back to anytime before 9-11, it just isn't true, right?
Also, note the grouping of two different populations - 1) right-wing domestic terrorists and 2) mass shooters in order to boost the numbers to make it look like RW terrorists are a big threat.
And what is a RW terrorist? I know the default assumption by progressives is that anyone that appears racist is a "right-winger". But that's bullshit.
But even assuming that was true, how many racist shootings can you actually think of beyond the shooter Dylan Root in the SC church?
The vast majority of mass shooters are simple psychopaths. The school shooter in Newtown and the Aurora movie theater shooter weren't racists. In fact, they were shooting other whites almost exclusively.
But if you group mass shooters (lot of victims) with racist shooters (very few victims), you can give the false appearance that racist shooters are much bigger problem than they actually are.
And then this bit of bullshit:
White men are approximately 31 percent of the United States population. And yet, white men are nearly 63 percent of those people who commit mass shootings. Such behavior, among any other group, would be considered pathological and a public health crisis.
Again, why the limitation to mass shootings? What about the much greater number of "regular shootings".
I think mass shootings generally require more than 4 dead. But mass shootings of that type are few and far between. And it generally excludes gang violence and woundings.
In NY this weekend, 3 were killed and 19 wounded in multiple shootings including, NINE people who were shot in Brooklyn at a barbeque party.
Needless to say the perps were black gang members.
But none of that counts in your mass shootings does it? But which type of violence is the greater threat to everyone in society, including blacks?
Black-on-white violence greatly exceeds white-on-black violence, both in absolute numbers and on a per capita basis. Some reports indicate a white person is 25 times more likely to be attacked by a black person than vice versa.
And yet progressive outfits like Salon publish tripe like this to spread propaganda that white violence is somehow a big problem.
And this bit of stupidity:
This is just the tip of the iceberg. The killing and abuse of women by men in the United States — the vast majority of it committed within the same “racial” group — is so common that it is rarely deemed to be newsworthy by the mainstream news media. This is a disgusting national embarrassment.
Note the switch away from race-based violence to domestic violence - without regard to race but still trying to make it seem like a white problem.
But what does that have to do with white masculinity? Doesn't abuse of women also apply to black masculinity and Latino masculinity?
In fact, isn't the rate of domestic violence higher in both the black and hispanic communities than it is in the white community?