The Pope has his "Wag The Dog" moment.

BigLouie's Avatar
Jackie is pretty level headed.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Really? He posted an alert that the government was going to detain 50% of the population in Wal Marts and then liquidate them.
I sure am not against birth controle. I think the " morning after pill" should be in every woman's purse. Every woman who can should take some type of precaution against getting pregnant if she decides to allow a guy to ride her bareback.

Also, every man should have a codon at hand if he gets lucky. That is just plain common sense, not to mention avoiding any unwanted hitch hikers who might climb aboard during sex.

But once a baby is conceived, things change. Only the most callous or ignorant among us refuse to believe the fact that what is there is more than just a "clump of tissue". It's Human Life. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Right. Conservatives don't get callous or ignorant about children until after they are born.
Really? He posted an alert that the government was going to detain 50% of the population in Wal Marts and then liquidate them. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Don't go to Walmart if they catch your goofy ass they'll liquefy ya, lol. He's just fucking with you knot heads.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
As for what people believe and how stupid they are or might be....apparently a significant number of republicans are prepared to put Donald Trump's hands on nuclear launch codes as POTUS. So, I guess the answer is....incredibly fucking stupid? Originally Posted by timpage
Why are you trying to deflect? The little girl was a plant just like the little girl in Wag the Dog and a few other Hollywood movies. Just shows where they get their ideas from.

If you can't trust a latino, who can you trust?
Why are you trying to deflect? The little girl was a plant just like the little girl in Wag the Dog and a few other Hollywood movies. Just shows where they get their ideas from.

If you can't trust a latino, who can you trust? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Fuck you admiral. I could care less if the little girl was a plant or it was a spontaneous moment. You people are pathetic. The pope comes here and offers a message of hope and striving for the common good of all people. And all you cheesedicks can do is belly ache.
We used to say "is the Pope Catholic"... Now we say "is the Pope a Marxist"...

HELL YEAH! 0zombies are defending the 0commiePope...

Quotable Timmy Special...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Fuck you admiral. I could care less if the little girl was a plant or it was a spontaneous moment. You people are pathetic. The pope comes here and offers a message of hope and striving for the common good of all people. And all you cheesedicks can do is belly ache. Originally Posted by timpage
You are one deflecting SOB there Timmie. An obvious stunt planned out long in advance and you fall for it. No wonder you guys are always either grabbing your ass cheeks and saying "may I have another" or you're groveling with bowl in hand saying "please, may I have some more?".
The democratic party owns you body and soul Timmie. Before you say something stupid, I don't follow in lockstep the GOP or any party. That is why Boehner is stepping down, too many independent thinkers on the right. You, on the other hand, are a slave. So sad that you don't notice the shackles on your wrists and the blindfold on your face. If I was going to be charitable I could say that you have an advanced case of Stockholm Syndrome but you may have signed the documents voluntarily.
Right. Conservatives don't get callous or ignorant about children until after they are born. Originally Posted by timpage
Give us an example.

Why are you trying to deflect? The little girl was a plant just like the little girl in Wag the Dog and a few other Hollywood movies. Just shows where they get their ideas from.

If you can't trust a latino, who can you trust? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If the little fucker had run up to W, then you would have said" isn't that sweet". Why are children being discussed again?
  • shanm
  • 09-25-2015, 06:24 PM
Give us an example.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Denying them healthcare is certainly pretty high on that list. Fucking up the education system is another.

There is an over-abundance of idiots like IB and reytard in the world. you really want more of them running around?

But it's just a smile and "good luck" for them when they come around asking for unemployment or disability or affordable healthcare or affordable education or a decent living wage. You conservatives make absolutely no sense.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Denying them healthcare is certainly pretty high on that list. Fucking up the education system is another.

There is an over-abundance of idiots like IB and reytard in the world. you really want more of them running around?

But it's just a smile and "good luck" for them when they come around asking for unemployment or disability or affordable healthcare or affordable education or a decent living wage. You conservatives make absolutely no sense.
Originally Posted by shanm
You'd be the POS lib-retard that didn't benefit from the free education you were given, shamman, but you do smile just fine when your boyfriend slams it up your ass.
You'd be the POS lib-retard that didn't benefit from free education you were given, shamman, but you do smile just fine when your boyfriend slams it up your ass. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
+ 1 !!!!!!
  • DSK
  • 09-25-2015, 07:32 PM
Right. Conservatives don't get callous or ignorant about children until after they are born. Originally Posted by timpage
It is ignorant to expect anyone besides the mother and father to be forced to take care of some callous asshole's baby when even the real father won't do it.
  • DSK
  • 09-25-2015, 07:33 PM
Denying them healthcare is certainly pretty high on that list. Fucking up the education system is another.

There is an over-abundance of idiots like IB and reytard in the world. you really want more of them running around?

But it's just a smile and "good luck" for them when they come around asking for unemployment or disability or affordable healthcare or affordable education or a decent living wage. You conservatives make absolutely no sense. Originally Posted by shanm
We believe they should work their ass off and earn it.
Denying them healthcare is certainly pretty high on that list. Fucking up the education system is another.

There is an over-abundance of idiots like IB and reytard in the world. you really want more of them running around?

But it's just a smile and "good luck" for them when they come around asking for unemployment or disability or affordable healthcare or affordable education or a decent living wage. You conservatives make absolutely no sense. Originally Posted by shanm
I think you are confusing Healthcare with Health Insurance. Conservatives have no authority to deny or provide Healthcare. They may not be real hip on providing free Health Insurance but Democrats have never accomplished that either. Health Ins. simply isn't free and as long as America is under a Capitalist economy it never will be. As far as Education. If our education system is fucked up it got that way equally by both Repubs and Dems. You can't put the blame solely on one party they both have had their short comings. If you have been following the Popes visit he really hasn't complimented America on very much at all. He's criticized Capitalism, our handling of immigrants and that we don't take care of the poor adequately. That finger is pointed at our whole entire government that includes every Democrat and Republican from the President all the way down to the last member of congress.
