What Planned Parenthood does...

Saw in passing on tv today a question from a woman congressman to the pp representative

Went something like this:

How do you explain the massive amount of revenue you receive from abortion services yet only claim it represents 3% of what you do?


The left is replete with liars for truth is not a leftist value
lustylad's Avatar
Government does not fund PP abortions. Period. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Fact 1: The federal government funds over 40% of Planned Parenthood's annual budget.

Fact 2: PP performs roughly 350,000 abortions a year.

Fact 3 (derived from 1 + 2): The federal government partially funds PP abortions. Period.

Cite your FACTS before conclusions, dipshit. Or just STFU.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Repeating one of your numerous dumb ass statements again dull knife. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Wouldn't expect a liberal like you to understand, LittleEva.
Wouldn't expect a liberal like you to understand, LittleEva. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Another one of your numerous fuckups dull knife, I am no more liberal than you,. You know it and it is just another fallback when you got nothing. It is that you revel in dysfunction.
Saw in passing on tv today a question from a woman congressman to the pp representative

Went something like this:

How do you explain the massive amount of revenue you receive from abortion services yet only claim it represents 3% of what you do?


The left is replete with liars for truth is not a leftist value Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Easy. They don't receive a 'massive' amount of revenue from abortion services. You're also conflating numbers. One is a percentage of services rendered. The other is a percentage in dollars. They aren't the same thing.
Fact 1: The federal government funds over 40% of Planned Parenthood's annual budget.

Fact 2: PP performs roughly 350,000 abortions a year.

Fact 3 (derived from 1 + 2): The federal government partially funds PP abortions. Period.

Cite your FACTS before conclusions, dipshit. Or just STFU.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Jumping from 2 to 3 is a gigantic leap. They charge for abortions. How is the government paying for them?
Easy. They don't receive a 'massive' amount of revenue from abortion services. You're also conflating numbers. One is a percentage of services rendered. The other is a percentage in dollars. They aren't the same thing. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Obviously you aren't keeping up with things here

I'm not conflating a thing

They present a misleading face of their dedication

That's the point

Thank you for recognizing thier pie chart and what they spend time doing "aren't the same thing"
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fact 1: The federal government funds over 40% of Planned Parenthood's annual budget.

Fact 2: PP performs roughly 350,000 abortions a year.

Fact 3 (derived from 1 + 2): The federal government partially funds PP abortions. Period.

Cite your FACTS before conclusions, dipshit. Or just STFU.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Your "Fact 3" is derived from unrelated numbers.

"Roughly" describes a estimate, not a fact.

You continue to be a lightweight pissant from Pissburgh.

Facts are facts, but you're not even making sense, dunce.
bigwill832's Avatar
If the ACA is supposed to provide all services to all people, then why is there a need for Planned Parenthood?

Also, I am listening to NPR today, and the show that is on is talking about all of this. Did y'all know there is a National Abortion Federation? How many abortions are women having??? Is it a sport?
If the ACA is supposed to provide all services to all people, then why is there a need for Planned Parenthood?

Also, I am listening to NPR today, and the show that is on is talking about all of this. Did y'all know there is a National Abortion Federation? How many abortions are women having??? Is it a sport? Originally Posted by bigwill832
The ACA? You people don't even know what ACA is. It's not a 'The'. It's a 'what'. It's a set of rules, nothing more. Government doesn't pay for abortions, so why would 'the' ACA cover it?
Here's one of the anti-abortion liars admitting that the fetus was not an abortion, but stillborn.

From the Congressional hearing in last few days:

Planned Parenthood doesn't do mammograms. They don't have a single machine. I know PP is more concerned with the lower part of the body but aren't they supposed to be about "Women's Health?"
Did y'all know there is a National Abortion Federation? Originally Posted by bigwill832
Yes, it more familiarly known as the Democratic Party.
Aren't you just all pleased with yourself? Just look at that point you made! PP doesn't do mammograms! Gotcha!

Good one, dumbass!

Planned Parenthood doesn't do brain transplants either! Which pretty much rules them out as a healthcare provider you might be able to get some help from.

From the Congressional hearing in last few days:

Planned Parenthood doesn't do mammograms. They don't have a single machine. I know PP is more concerned with the lower part of the body but aren't they supposed to be about "Women's Health?" Originally Posted by gnadfly
Here's one of the anti-abortion liars admitting that the fetus was not an abortion, but stillborn.

http://deadstate.org/cnn-forces-anti...t-an-abortion/ Originally Posted by WombRaider

Yeah, send it to Fiorina....absolute bald-faced liar pandering to the crazies.