CBS! Charlie Rose Shocked That Marco Rubio Called Hillary A Liar.

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  • 11-01-2015, 06:37 PM
Why can't liberals just drop their lies and justifications? Do they realize how idiotic they look trying to split a hair that has already been split? I read that asinine article you posted Womb. It has to be the dumbest piece of drivel I've seen since Billy said "That depends on what the definition of 'is' is."

Just admit it guys. Hillary is a liar. She's been caught in so many lies I can't even count them. Furthermore, just admit that she's an opportunist, and a manipulator.

We know it. You know it. We know you know it. You know we know you know it. So just admit it, accept her for who she is, and say proudly that you just don't care.

You know she's your only shot at holding onto the White House, and for that reason, you will still back her up even if she stood in the Rose Garden at the White House and committed a child sacrifice on live TV.

But this endless strife to pretend that she isn't the liar and scam artist that everyone knows her to be is tiresome. Its silly, and quite frankly, its just old. All you do is make yourselves look dumber and dumber by trying to pretend that you aren't trying to sell the country a shit sandwich with a side of bullshit. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Which liar selling shit sammies do you prefer in the GOP?

Which liar selling shit sammies do you prefer in the GOP?

. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF type communists want others to pay for their shit sandwiches... I'll give them the bread...

lustylad's Avatar
I read that asinine article you posted Womb. It has to be the dumbest piece of drivel I've seen since Billy said "That depends on what the definition of 'is' is." Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

I had the exact same reaction. I kept thinking is this guy serious? No argument is too preposterous when it comes to denying a lie is a lie. They think they are circling the wagons to protect the Hildabeast, but in reality they're only making laughingstocks out of themselves.

(Btw, don't assume woomby reads his own links. He doesn't. Just a heads up.)
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Here is another "journalist" that needs to crawl out of the turnip patch.

He just can't believe that someone would actually point out that Hillary Clinton is a lying cunt. Period.

And Rubio held his ground, backing it up with facts as presented under sworn testimony.

That debate two nights ago must have the Liberal/socialist/progressive/Democrat Left worried. WAY too much truth came out, and America was listening. Originally Posted by Jackie S
absolutely. so far all the republican debates have been "Vote for (fill in blank republican) over Hillary"
great free advertising for the Republicans. can't beat it!

And after fact-checking his words, turns out he's pretty much a liar too. Big surprise. Originally Posted by WombRaider
would it make your butthurt buns feel better if Rubio had said "gave conflicting statements" ?

let's see you refute that.

Oh but, but, but.....their source is newsbusters....and yours is just the Washington Post.

Good luck with that......they're all brain-dead morons. They shriek that HRC is a liar while utterly ignoring that their candidates are liars as well. They refute every allegation, no matter how strong the facts are, by attacking the media source that delivers it and thereby dismiss it out of hand, without even considering it. They formulate their opinions by relying on Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Breitbart, etc etc ad fucking nauseum while hypocritically taking the position that those sources are truthful and without bias when everybody knows that isn't correct.

This place has turned into a cesspool with jagoffs like Lengua, Iffy, the Waco Kid and the rest of the ilk posting up one stupid fucking thing after another. At least the admiral makes an argument without using homophobic slurs or regurgitating the same ridiculous child-like insults in post after post after post. I even miss Whirly. Ex-NY'er has dropped out too, I'm sure because the level of discourse, which has never been particularly high, has been taken over by a bunch of knuckle-dragging morons.

Fuck you all. Originally Posted by timpage

and let's place some blame here on timmy's buddy, woomby who himself is guilty of the very thing timmy got all butthurt over. .. hmm "butthurt" .. sound familiar woomby? you are constantly posting your so-called erudite (sic) knowledge only to get rebutted and without fail you immediately start in with insults. you are really the reason for running yer lib butthead timmy off. your numbers are dwindling .. loser.

Which liar selling shit sammies do you prefer in the GOP?

. Originally Posted by WTF
Honestly, I'm not particularly excited about any of them. There is no such thing as a candidate who matches my political ideals on all issues. There never will be. But I"m sure as fuck not going to vote for someone who I know is not only a liar, but a criminal. The opportunity to see the first woman elected President also does not influence my vote in the slightest.

So, whoever the GOP comes up with, I will grudgingly hold my nose and vote for. I would say Rand Paul is probably the candidate I like the best, but I know he has no chance, so I will just wait and see.
Why can't liberals just drop their lies and justifications? Do they realize how idiotic they look trying to split a hair that has already been split? I read that asinine article you posted Womb. It has to be the dumbest piece of drivel I've seen since Billy said "That depends on what the definition of 'is' is."

Just admit it guys. Hillary is a liar. She's been caught in so many lies I can't even count them. Furthermore, just admit that she's an opportunist, and a manipulator.

We know it. You know it. We know you know it. You know we know you know it. So just admit it, accept her for who she is, and say proudly that you just don't care.

You know she's your only shot at holding onto the White House, and for that reason, you will still back her up even if she stood in the Rose Garden at the White House and committed a child sacrifice on live TV.

But this endless strife to pretend that she isn't the liar and scam artist that everyone knows her to be is tiresome. Its silly, and quite frankly, its just old. All you do is make yourselves look dumber and dumber by trying to pretend that you aren't trying to sell the country a shit sandwich with a side of bullshit. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
+1 !!!!!
WTF type communists want others to pay for their shit sandwiches... I'll give them the bread...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I'll give them the "filling" !
I'll give them the "filling" ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You got plenty of that filling after all the ATM sessions you're giving out at the holes now, don't you? Nasty motherfucker.
Honestly, I'm not particularly excited about any of them. There is no such thing as a candidate who matches my political ideals on all issues. There never will be. But I"m sure as fuck not going to vote for someone who I know is not only a liar, but a criminal. The opportunity to see the first woman elected President also does not influence my vote in the slightest.

So, whoever the GOP comes up with, I will grudgingly hold my nose and vote for. I would say Rand Paul is probably the candidate I like the best, but I know he has no chance, so I will just wait and see. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Then you won't be voting. Rubio's sheets aren't clean either.
There you have it, folks. More living proof of the nation's cultural descent into ignorance and decadence. Mention a former WH press secretary whose experiences contain useful lessons for today's libtards - and all they can think of are male porn stars.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
You hold up Nixon's PS as an example?

You, on the other hand, don't need prompting to have thoughts of dicks dancing in your head, do ya, you swishy-walking cum queen.

I had the exact same reaction. I kept thinking is this guy serious? No argument is too preposterous when it comes to denying a lie is a lie. They think they are circling the wagons to protect the Hildabeast, but in reality they're only making laughingstocks out of themselves.

(Btw, don't assume woomby reads his own links. He doesn't. Just a heads up.)
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Why don't you copy and paste another WSJ op-ed, you ridiculous sperm burper.
You got plenty of that filling after all the ATM sessions you're giving out at the holes now, don't you? Nasty motherfucker. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You can't even be original in your insults ya weak EUNUCH ! Keep trying that deflecting and denial shtick that you and your lying liberal buddies do. It's always good to see that your public demonstration of YOUR idiocy isn't shameful to YOU and YOUR familia, pobercita puta !
Why can't liberals just drop their lies and justifications? Do they realize how idiotic they look trying to split a hair that has already been split? I read that asinine article you posted Womb. It has to be the dumbest piece of drivel I've seen since Billy said "That depends on what the definition of 'is' is."

Just admit it guys. Hillary is a liar. She's been caught in so many lies I can't even count them. Furthermore, just admit that she's an opportunist, and a manipulator.

We know it. You know it. We know you know it. You know we know you know it. So just admit it, accept her for who she is, and say proudly that you just don't care.

You know she's your only shot at holding onto the White House, and for that reason, you will still back her up even if she stood in the Rose Garden at the White House and committed a child sacrifice on live TV.

But this endless strife to pretend that she isn't the liar and scam artist that everyone knows her to be is tiresome. Its silly, and quite frankly, its just old. All you do is make yourselves look dumber and dumber by trying to pretend that you aren't trying to sell the country a shit sandwich with a side of bullshit. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Which liar selling shit sammies do you prefer in the GOP? Originally Posted by WTF
How's that Rand Paul shit sandwich taste, moronic buffoon? Bitter?


I had the exact same reaction. I kept thinking is this guy serious? No argument is too preposterous when it comes to denying a lie is a lie..... Originally Posted by lustylad
With Joe not running the MSM is forced to circle the wagons early. Don't forget the State Department is releasing the emails they did get from Hellarious in bunches for several more months. Additionally there is the FBI investigation. They need to ratchet up the apology, victimization and extremism rhetoric until Nov 2016. This is distasteful even to the MSM because they really won't forgive Hellarious for voting for "Bush's Wars" and enabling "Obama's Wars."

Bigkotex's hand picked candidate cackling. Music to his ears.
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  • WTF
  • 11-02-2015, 07:07 AM
. I would say Rand Paul is probably the candidate I like the best, but I know he has no chance, so I will just wait and see. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

How's that Rand Paul shit sandwich taste, moronic buffoon? Bitter?

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Are you asking me or SOTF?
