I've spent a year in the hobby. Left for a few months and came back. This was a standing issue before me, an issue when I was here before, and issue now that I'm back. It is 100% safe to say that, although it isn't right, we have to accept that it happens. It may even happen to us. It has NEVER happened to me. Not the entire year I was around. Possibly because I was not seen as "great competition" because I barely had time for the hobby. The playing fields in the eccie world are NOT level not on the providers end and not on the hobbyist end and have not been since I've been around. So long as you make your money though, it's no matter who will or want give a reference. I'm sure MOST of the gentlemen here have seen MORE than one provider. If you're like me, you begin doing your research on him before he even provides his referenc(s). If you look around here, you'll figure out who will and won't provide a reference for a hobbyist. Another issue you'll experience is some(not all) of the more "seasoned" or "reviewed" providers insinuating that hobbyists shouldn't see newer or younger providers. I've seen that several times on forum posts and privately. You just have to do you. Realize there'll be hindrances as long as you're a provider and attempt to overcome said barriers. You simply can't control what others do but you can make a great name for yourself here and you can find ways around the more selfish providers.
Originally Posted by Lena Monet
I appreciate your words of wisdom. Although I must admit, it has been difficult for me to accept the negative things that are said/happen. I thinks its very immature, conniving and just plain out ridiculous!
I most definitely encourage and practice the researching of our hobbyist&provider for the simple fact that even a reference from another could very well be a plot to be vindictive..(ludicrous but true)!
So yessss I'm doing me in a big way, just extra precautious behind the fuckery. Playing Safe and having lots of fun doing it!
Happy New Year