How did you get your screen name?

Mine came from a Marvel Comics mutant named Jubilation Lee, she was a minor character with pyro powers, now she's a vampire or something. Always flying that nerd flag high.

Hughgrekshunn's Avatar
I think I probably take the cake for the most literal, unoriginal user name on all of ECCIE.

What say you? Originally Posted by Blue_eyed_shy_guy
mine is pretty literal, too..... in my dreams!
darkroot50's Avatar
I was reading a book by an author I enjoy and just liked the title. After seeing the inventive names on the board I wish I thought about it a little more.
Azzbakwerdz's Avatar
Mine came from racing, when I first started I was slinging my ass end into it (corners lol) too hard and coming out of turns backwards. My uncle called me that, and I be dam it stuck.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Birth Certificate
I ride a Harley and the wheels are customized by Diablo.
I wanted to avoid unsolicited PMs from providers. It may have worked too well. The empty wallet walks alone.
It's my porn actress name
I wanted a unique name that had some depth and a meaning. I love the story Romeo and Juliet. And, I have always loved the name "Juliet" and what it stands for. Juliet was a romantic like myself. Plus, if you google the name, it means "youthful which describes me. It seemed to fit me perfectly.
Alpha_Male's Avatar
In 2000 Al Gore was constantly re-inventing himself. At one point the pundits said he was striving to be an Alpha Male. The underscore in the name shows that it was from the early internet era.
kuroshiro's Avatar
Mine is simply the Japanese words for Black(Kuro) and White(Shiro) put together.
TravellingET's Avatar
I travel all over the country for my job, and my friends call me ET. Simple and effective.
badhusband's Avatar
I'll give everyone just one guess.........
silverstar's Avatar
My screen name comes from the first drum set I ever owned: The Tama Silverstars.
Guest072118's Avatar
I got mine from some net blogger.