Did you ever stop to think that maybe the panics of 1893 and 1907 were planned, for the sole purpose of convincing Congress that a central bank was necessary? Can you find the roll call vote on the Federal Reserve Act when it was passed by Congress? How many Senators were present when the vote was taken? Why did Woodrow Wilson regret signing the Act? Why did Jefferson, Madison and other Founders warn us of a central bank? How much value has the dollar lost since 1913?
I once spoke to a former US Senator, who happened to be friend of mine, just exactly who holds the power in Washington? He told me, without hesitation that it was the FED. The people are no longer the rulers of this country. Why did Meyer Rothschild say a couple hundred years ago, "Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes the laws"? Who controls our money supply now?
You're buying into the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on a (formerly) free people.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The fraud is being perpetrated on all the other countries of the world that accept our unbacked currency. How does it hurt us to print money (or create it at virtually no cost electronically) and get items of value in return?
Even the small amount of interest we pay is dwarfed by the additional money created by expanding the balance sheet, AKA QE. You would think we have to pay the piper someday but the beauty of it is we don't. Our currency devalues at a rate greater than the interest we pay, and we pay them with the money we create. Fucking Madoff the greatest Ponzi fraud ever only wishes he controlled it!!!
If the value of our money decreased more than everyone elses, and they wouldn't take our money anymore, then we might have a problem if we needed anything from other countries, but they line up to sell us stuff denominated in dollars all the time. They are the chumps, not us!!!