Things go better with Coke...

crimson's Avatar
you offered Greek, Jessi!

Im willing :P
and on the note of the topic I love glass dildos so amazing but truth be told nothing can beat what god made for us PENISES

Originally Posted by Allamericanjessi

I know that the fizzy action of alka seltzer, if crushed up into a powder and applied just inside the anus, makes it dilate. Wonder if CO2 from soda would do the same? Originally Posted by crimson
How do you get the powder up the ass?
The Big Kahuna's Avatar
Liked your post! Just a word to be careful about alcohol and enemas... your body absorbs the alcohol much faster this way. Originally Posted by crimson
This is true...take only half as much as you would normally consume when using the alternative consumption point!
Guest092815's Avatar
*(wink)* Monk, did I ever show you my coke bottle picture a few years ago? I thought may-bee I had. ~I too, love the small 8oz coca-cola bottle; I like to play with it on the larger side and use the (top) opening as a handle. It feels great, fits me just right, and DAMN!! pretty sweet feeling.
Guest092815's Avatar
Hmmmm, rummaging around in the past recesses of my mind I tripped over an old Mothers of Invention song: "Coca Cola Douche." Originally Posted by Randy4Candy

I don't use it for that purpose, but I have fucked myself with a full open bottle of 8oz coca-cola. It made me cum to feel it running all inside me and down my legs. No kidding. It was actually sexier feeling than I had thought it would bee.

I love coca-cola. It's my vice, but I drink it a lot more than fuck it *(grin)
