Guys, What type of pictures do you like to see?

Where can we see LynnPL's pics?
Where can we see LynnPL's pics? Originally Posted by tristan
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flanker1017's Avatar
I don't think anyone mentioned this, but, at least one of the shots needs to show you smiling. Even if you don't show your face you should at least show your mouth with a nice bright cheery smile. Now, a little cleave is OK along with the smile.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I really would like to see some body shots. Particularly of the tummy. To be quite honest, too many times the tummy is covered/hidden in the photos and its not a good surprise what you get in person. Basically, show us what you got ladies. If you have a tummy roll so be it, to most it doesn't make that much difference. But don't surprise us when we get there with something different than we have seen in the pics. I see review comments all the time about that subject.

Nowdays I go with if the tummys covered in the pics there is good reason for it. Beyond that, a nice mix of clothed/semi clothed pics is great. Remember that you are selling a product and the only thing visual we have to go on is the pics you choose to show us, and we don't like bad surprises!
Lynn is based in upstate new york
Where can we see LynnPL's pics? Originally Posted by tristan
FishGuy13's Avatar
Naomi and other ladies who read this,
I started not to post sinse it seems to have all been said. I just wanted to add my 2 cents and a few ideas. I agree with all a little peak is better than the full monty nude shot most of the time. I'd keep the face shot until after some screening and perhaps e-mail the others upon request. We had a thread here in the Dallas area started by some guy who wanted to know who had the smallest Labia. He got bashed for it, but I think it was a valid question but don't know how to ask it PC, as for me I'd like to try all sizes and shapes but again don't know how to ask for it w/o coming off as crude. So perhaps you could lean over a chair blow a little kiss with a cloud saying more pic's after screening via e-mail or something like that.
climbon2's Avatar
I agree with most of the above posts, BUT I want to see at least one exposed breast shot. (I also agree a full smile is very important.)

To me, (and a lot of guys), the nipples and aureoles are much more important than breast size itself! Percky nipples are very important, whether they are "A", "B", "C", or "D's"!

I love tasteful shots, but I will not see a lady without at least a profile shot of her bare breast.

Sixties and seventies Playboy pictorials were awesome! Let those be your guide.

Nothing crude about those days.... Hell, even my mother enjoyed the magazine!
lil_michelle's Avatar
Thanks for posting this. I was wondering the same things. I have a much better idea of what to do now.. thanks!!
  • LynnT
  • 02-10-2011, 08:28 PM
Aww thank you girl.

PM me if you want to see my site.
  • LynnT
  • 02-10-2011, 08:47 PM

Quality: If the photos are too professional looking, guys will think TGTBT. So stay away from the perfect studio location with airbrushing and all that fancy playboy type stuff.
. Originally Posted by Jack Flash
I completely disagree here.

If you are professional, you should have professional photos. This is a professional business like any other..You should have playboy style photos as long as they are not photo shopped to death. Presentation and marketing are key in business, its more about that than actual service. Nice photos and website will sell you in a heartbeat no matter what business it is.

I know for a fact I get a better range of clients that pay more money because my site and photos are professional looking. My rates are also higher that the average for my area. Same for my "day" job.

get the pro photos ladies.

I do photography, SEO, web building, and net marketing for my day job.
We had a thread here in the Dallas area started by some guy who wanted to know who had the smallest Labia. He got bashed for it, but I think it was a valid question Originally Posted by FishGuy13
It was a terrible question. The only way anyone would know the answer is if s/he had seen the labias of all the providers in the Dallas area, and I would say that is damn near impossible. It's not like it's an entry on the showpage or P411 like breast size is.
Jack Flash's Avatar
I completely disagree here.

If you are professional, you should have professional photos. This is a professional business like any other..You should have playboy style photos as long as they are not photo shopped to death. Presentation and marketing are key in business, its more about that than actual service. Nice photos and website will sell you in a heartbeat no matter what business it is.

I know for a fact I get a better range of clients that pay more money because my site and photos are professional looking. My rates are also higher that the average for my area. Same for my "day" job.

get the pro photos ladies.

I do photography, SEO, web building, and net marketing for my day job. Originally Posted by LynnPL
I guess I need to clarify myself.

I personally think that every provider should hire a professional to come in and take good photos. There is nothing worse that pulling up a girls showase or website and seeing 20 different photos of her in a bathroom mirror holding an iphone in front of her. All men appreciate a good photo that highlights the ladies assets.

With that being said. I have worked in California and I have taken photos of average looking ladies that after 4 hours of photoshop they came out looking like the next Victorias Secret model. The graphic artists/photographers would take a photo of a lady and remove a mole, flatten the stomach, remove a tattoo, highlight the hair, smooth the wrinkles, tighten the thighs, plump the butt and more. Guys don't want to see that. When I said "all that fancy playboy stuff", I meant the hours they spend airbrushing photos. I've see what they do with those photos. They have graphic artists that spend days on just one photo making it perfect before it makes the magazine.

All I meant from that statement, was keep in natural. Keep it real. Have good lighting, have good hair, have good outfits, have good angles, but leave the airbrush tool, smudge tool and the soften tool alone.
  • LynnT
  • 02-10-2011, 09:46 PM
I guess I need to clarify myself.

I personally think that every provider should hire a professional to come in and take good photos. There is nothing worse that pulling up a girls showase or website and seeing 20 different photos of her in a bathroom mirror holding an iphone in front of her. All men appreciate a good photo that highlights the ladies assets.

With that being said. I have worked in California and I have taken photos of average looking ladies that after 4 hours of photoshop they came out looking like the next Victorias Secret model. The graphic artists/photographers would take a photo of a lady and remove a mole, flatten the stomach, remove a tattoo, highlight the hair, smooth the wrinkles, tighten the thighs, plump the butt and more. Guys don't want to see that. When I said "all that fancy playboy stuff", I meant the hours they spend airbrushing photos. I've see what they do with those photos. They have graphic artists that spend days on just one photo making it perfect before it makes the magazine.

All I meant from that statement, was keep in natural. Keep it real. Have good lighting, have good hair, have good outfits, have good angles, but leave the airbrush tool, smudge tool and the soften tool alone. Originally Posted by Jack Flash
I hear ya, they have to get rid of the cell and bathroom mirror shots! lol I think all the ladies should have super hot photos, any age , any size, race, ect. Work it.

Good lighting and styling are key. I pose to help minimize flaws, I tell em to suck their gut or stick out their butt.
My 2 cents.

Quality: If the photos are too professional looking, guys will think TGTBT. So stay away from the perfect studio location with airbrushing and all that fancy playboy type stuff.
Originally Posted by Jack Flash
I have to respectfully disagree, all of my pics were professionally done, and I've never had guys tell me they looked fake or TGTBT

I really would like to see some body shots. Particularly of the tummy. To be quite honest, too many times the tummy is covered/hidden in the photos and its not a good surprise what you get in person. Basically, show us what you got ladies. If you have a tummy roll so be it, to most it doesn't make that much difference. But don't surprise us when we get there with something different than we have seen in the pics. I see review comments all the time about that subject.

Nowdays I go with if the tummys covered in the pics there is good reason for it. Beyond that, a nice mix of clothed/semi clothed pics is great. Remember that you are selling a product and the only thing visual we have to go on is the pics you choose to show us, and we don't like bad surprises! Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I've noticed that on a lot of ladies pictures too! I don't like it, makes it seem as though they are trying to hide something....
A lot of advice and many opinions are expressed in this thread. What a lady does with her show case and website is ultimately up to her. There are three things that I would like to point out.

1. Photos should be honest. While not spot lighting a negative feature such features should not be hidden. Negative surprises tend to develop negative feelings resulting in less than stellar reviews.

2. A smile is essential.

3. In spite of all of the comments to the contrary concerning nudity, let me remind all of us of the popularity of porn. Some of the most successful and long term providers I know have used tasteful nudity to their advantage.