carkido45's Avatar
Good thick firm mattress with plenty of clean sheets also towels
Plenty of toiletries for guy's and good music and plenty of wetnaps.
Sex toys and lingerie for you.
txswing99's Avatar

Thanks for asking!

Here are some of my favorite things at an incall:

- towels and all related grooming items; upon leaving, like to avoid appearing as if i just been f%&ked by my favorite pornstar...its hard enough to keep from smiling.

- water bottles; likely i'll need one.

- a nice little bar; whether i partake or not, it just sends the right message...we are ready to enjoy our company

- sex toys; whether we use them or not, it just sets the right mood.

- room with furniture and personality; the hotel room look just doesn't do it. Nice art work helps, too!

- some creative furniture; they are a great conversation starter and fun is had by all. Not talking sex swings or stripper poles; check out: http://www.liberator.com/categories/sex-furniture

- warm towels and incense; its just a great touch and, in my limited mind, it reminds of the next point...

- everything exudes femininity; basically i spend enought time in bachelor pads and other manly place. A nice incall reminds me of why i adore women!

Bianca, we've never met, but i hope to change that soon. Look forward to visiting your new incall.

best 'o luck

Lewd and licentious women who enjoy the company of perverts like me. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Took the words out of my mouth.

I'd also like to add a kick-ass A/C system for us hairy and high temperature ogres...
Ooh I'd love to see some pics!
aimee's showcase and man are they hot
Ooh I'd love to see some pics! Originally Posted by AimeeAims
proper's Avatar
Bianca - We have met at social events a few times but not BCD. I am going to rectify this situation now that you have a pad.

Anything that adds a feminine touch will be awesome. Rest will take care of itself since you are going to be there.
offonleave's Avatar
Mirrors and a black light, lol.