Just curious which gentlemen like...

I've done that with two different women. The first gave me an out of this world blowjob because she was on her period. Fifteen minutes later, I was up and ready to go again, and I wanted vag, so we made a mess in the bed. The second woman was my wife, before we were married. She was in grad school on the coast, so we saw each other maybe once or twice a month if we were lucky. We were both horny and she said, "I'm on my period, though." I told her it didn't bother me, and we went for it. Can't say it's a turn on, but not much of a deterrent either.
Hi Gentleman,
I am just curious if anyone likes period sex?
I am extremely horney that time of the month which happens to be now and could really use a good f***.
What are your thoughts on this?
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this. Originally Posted by sexysofia
Nothing wrong with period sex.Shower fun Looking for TLC treatment?
With you? Absolutely!!!
Guest010619's Avatar
I’ve never had a problem with it either. Did it before with a couple of girlfriends before I tied the knot.
Have not done it since, but always willing to help a damsel in distress.
TXBlue's Avatar
Was in the service - bunches of young males and females in the pre-HIV days. With a little patience, you could find someone to do/try about anything. One of my FWB asked would I fuck her when she was on her period - same reason because she was so horny then. First time was light flow so I tongued her clit and surrounding areas and then climbed into the saddle. SHE LOVED IT. We repeated it several times including when heavier flow. She said doing so helped the period from being so hard on her.
Guest010619's Avatar
I've done it in the past, never had a problem with it. Guess I was surprised to find some people had a problem with it. If I'm in Dallas I'll let you know.
personally i dont like it, generally anything involving blood will increase risk and I kind of get turned off by the smell too. I had several gf's who discovered with a little help from me that they loved anal when they were on their periods, just pop in a tampon, and lube their little butts up. They would get a strong orgasm every time. Otherwise they hated anal....go figure!
shyboy69's Avatar
Had a gf who love period sex. She was really horny that time. Whether it was vaginal, greek, or oral. She couldn't get enough! And the first time I went down on her, she was alittle unsure. Until she experienced multiple organisms. She wouldn't let me daty enough before for multiples.
My ex always wanted me to fuck her during her period. It was fun, she was really horny. I also did DATY on her. We put a towel under her ass to save the bedding in case of a drip. But other than red tinted pussy juice or some specks of red on my cock, I really didn't notice a difference.
I knew the sponge trick, I could feel it in the providers pussy during FIV. Asked her about it. I was doing a two girl once and the girl sitting on my face had her pussy stuffed with something. I didn't mention it, but at one point she jumped off my face, ran into the bathroom, then back out and back on my face, and it was gone.
69lvr that was a great story and your old man wasn't just tough, he was super cool. I've partaken in the mentioned activities, but it isn't for me. But I do understand how important it would be, as a provider, to identify who is still interested when your cash register isn't ringing. Good business model and optimization of your assets girl.
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
I dated a girl in college who loved having sex while she was on her period. She also loved getting fisted by me... actually she was addicted to it. We used to fuck in the shower when she was on her period to keep all the mess contained... OMG. The place used to look like a murder scene by the time we were finished!! Fun as hell though!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
I have had red wings before , I think most women are very horny that time of month. however I love DATY , which is out , so no.
PerkyTetas's Avatar
I've never had a complaint, but in my case Aunt Flo is difficult to detect. Sometimes she comes around without me noticing until I'm with someone and he notices a little blood. So maybe it depends on what you're uses to.

And yes using the backdoor is great with the assistance of a vibe during the period
  • jc01
  • 10-14-2016, 04:45 PM
Not an issue with me...
houston_switch's Avatar
never been an issue with me... protect the bed and have a wash cloth nearby.