Prebooking with a deposit?

London Rayne's Avatar
I try to never say never.... but I've never paid a deposit , and I never plan to!

Good reputations , verifiable history , and tons of references should be enough!

Giz Originally Posted by MrGiz
You have EARNED that right though many others have. Most women know your reputation for not only keeping your appts. but being on time, and a gentleman.
Wakeup's Avatar
I didn't RSVP to my own sister's wedding...don't expect me to prebook a hooker... DEPOSIT?? Heh...yeah right...
that is ONE of the most ridiculous practices I have seen yet in this thing of ours. if you don't have the $$ to cover your travel expenses, stay your ass at home and /or go on sale at home until you do. Even at Kmart the layaway deposit isn't refundable, why would a provider's be?
London Rayne's Avatar
It works for some and not for others I suppose. I certainly would never tell another woman how to run her business, and if she has the type of clientele that have no problems with it, more power to her.

I have seen way more ludicrous things in this business than deposits, but I digress. I know many women who will not see ANYONE without a deposit period, and they are not in the Welfare line, so I assume it works for them. That would never work for me, but I don't begrudge them the right to run their business as they see fit.

It is also a rare occasion many of those High Dollar, deposit requiring providers, posts an alert about being out a grand because they were naive enough to just travel a thousand miles assuming the guy would be there waiting lol.
  • harry
  • 02-23-2011, 04:42 PM
I would not prepay a deposit to someone I'd never seen before. I have on occasion, given an advance to a lady with whom I have a history and who I trust to honor her word. In each case, the lady upheld her part of the bargain and all went well. It's one thing to trust someone you've had a chance to get to know and make a judgment on their character and to do so with someone you know only as an avatar and some written words.
It works for some and not for others I suppose. I certainly would never tell another woman how to run her business, and if she has the type of clientele that have no problems with it, more power to her.

I have seen way more ludicrous things in this business than deposits, but I digress. I know many women who will not see ANYONE without a deposit period, and they are not in the Welfare line, so I assume it works for them. That would never work for me, but I don't begrudge them the right to run their business as they see fit.

It is also a rare occasion many of those High Dollar, deposit requiring providers, posts an alert about being out a grand because they were naive enough to just travel a thousand miles assuming the guy would be there waiting lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Completely agreed.....and to add, if a provider asks for a deposit, it doesn't automatically mean it's because she can't cover her own travel expenses....that's ridiculous....

We all run our business differently, I ask for deposits for overnights, and for some multiple hour appointments whilst touring(if it's a new client)...And that's always worked just fine for me...

For all of you men who say you would never pay a deposit, there are plenty who will....just saying....there's nothing wrong with either....

I do find it a bit ironic that the guys who refuse to pay a deposit rarely book multi hour and overnight appointments....
In my opinion asking for a prepay deposit is just tacky and a red warning flag Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
So you would be willing to fly to see some bloke who emails you and say's he wants an overnight at the risk of getting there and him cancel?....

Most of the ladies on here who have said they require deposits are referring to when we do overnights, or long appointments that aren't local...

Doesn't make us tacky, it makes us realistic.
So you would be willing to fly to see some bloke who emails you and say's he wants an overnight at the risk of getting there and him cancel?....

Most of the ladies on here who have said they require deposits are referring to when we do overnights, or long appointments that aren't local... Originally Posted by Valerie
Unless my reading comprehension is off, this isn't about deposits on overnight appointments...

So you're browsing escort ads and realize there's a new lady coming into town. Her rate is $325 an hour but $250 if you prebook with a $100 deposit. She states on her website that prebooking with a deposit gurantees your time with her while she's in town and if she were to cancel that you will be fully refunded. Would you go for the lower rate and prebook or would you wait till she's in town and pay the $300. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Yes it makes perfect sense to require a deposit on an overnight appointment but that isn't the topic. She's asking about touring and securing a deposit upfront & giving a special rate vs. just paying the lady's regular hourly rate and opting to forgo a discount. I don't think many guys would go for a prepaid deposit especially if the girl isn't local but I wouldn't know, as I never required that when I travelled. It would suck to be, say, 70% booked in prepaid deposits and have to cancel the trip and refund all that money.
So you would be willing to fly to see some bloke who emails you and say's he wants an overnight at the risk of getting there and him cancel?....

Most of the ladies on here who have said they require deposits are referring to when we do overnights, or long appointments that aren't local...

Doesn't make us tacky, it makes us realistic. Originally Posted by Valerie
I agree with you Val, but, if I remember correctly (too lazy to go look), the OP was talking about getting a discount for prepaying a portion. Now, I think what she intended was a discount on a multi-hour session, but even if prepay got a discount on a two hour session, would it be worth it?

A little off topic (and a little not) another thread talked about multi-hour sessions. As I recall, most ladies who expressed an opinion stated they wouldn't do an extended session without first spending shorter time with the client. Too much can go wrong if you don't know one another. With that in mind, it might be that this arrangement can be had only with known quantities.

Finally, since I'm never in a position to have regulars, I doubt that I'd ever do a multi-hour with someone unless I knew their personality from this board (or, lol, I wouldn't do it because of their personality on this board). A lot of the longer sessions that ladies offer I can't take advantage of for one reason or another. It doesn't mean that I don't salivate over the advertised dinner date/theater date or the like, but it just isn't practical.
London Rayne's Avatar
This is true, but somehow the tables always get turned in threads here thus the reason we explained the ONLY time some of us require deposits. Valerie was not the first to bring up overnights for the record. I was just on the phone with Naomi, and she will be around soon to clear up any misunderstandings lol.

As for deposits and special rates, no I have never done so but to each their own. Many guys will do whatever they have to do to save a few bucks.
Many guys will do whatever they have to do to save a few bucks. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Including a forced hobby hiatus.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Good evening everyone,

I had a 4 hour engagement and I'm just now getting home. I was simply asking what you all thought about this. This is not something that I require. However, When I am flying to another state to meet a gentleman I do require a deposit. Guys, You can say you won't pre-pay but believe it or not there are men that do. When I went to Tampa, Myrtle Beach and Carolina Beach I was pre-paid for those dates. When I do an overnight I am pre-paid 50% before I even meet the gent. If for some reason I have to cancel I refund the money plain and simple. No, It is not tacky to do this. It is called being a smart businesswoman. If it works for you do it if it doesn't keep it moving. I have decided that when I go on tour that this option will be open (prebooking with a deposit) but it won't be mandatory. The gents will still be able to prebook without paying a deposit. It's just that they won't be guaranteed a SET time. When I travel it is usually because I have ONE client willing to pay me a significant amount of money. Take wp for example he pre-paid a deposit AND my airfare AND my hotel before I even got there. This is the type of clientele that I cater to. They are willing to do that for me. You can't expect a CL or BP girl to book multi-hour appointments.. well I do. Most of my calls are multi-hours. I am sorry if anyone IS offended by my post but this is how it is for me. I hope that you all enjoy your evening.



P.s I do not need catfights on this thread. I was just asking a question. Please be civil in your responses.
I am asking because I will be touring soon and I do need your advice. Take care.
London Rayne's Avatar
Including a forced hobby hiatus. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Naomi4u's Avatar
I'm just like you Lisa. When I visit Dallas or Houston, I want to have the freedom of visiting with friends. I only see one person a day so if I get a cancellation, there's a pretty good chance I will be able to fill that spot. Originally Posted by Ansley

For just an hour or two hour appointment, I think it's a hassle for both parties involved. Though I do require a deposit for out of state over nights. Originally Posted by Ansley
Very well said Ansley. It IS ridiculous for a one hour or two hour engagement.
I do the same now. If I am flying to meet someone I require a deposit. If I am spending a night with them I require a deposit.

Do guys actually do that? I'm more curious to see the honest success rate of secured deposits. I would think more men would just pay the $300 rather that prebook/prepay a deposit, but I've been wrong before.

As far as doubting a reputable provider would scam anyone, au contraire. In fact, it's been my experience that those are the ones who abuse their rep to get over on guys, knowing that if an alert or bad review gets posted, their team of WK's will come galloping in to shit all over it lol. Not saying that is the case here, but it is one of many reasons why guys don't prepay. Just look at the Dallas alerts lol. "Reputable" ladies screw guys over (not in a good way) all the time. NOT that Naomi would, I'm just saying. It happens. Originally Posted by Dannie

I agree with you. It is not something that I do. In fact, I make enough money to cover my own car rental, airfare and hotel or vacation rental. I don't need anyone to do that for me. I was thinking about doing this to combat the high percentage of NCNS. I have never been NCNS'd on but I hear about providers complaining about it all the time.Do guys actually prebook with deposits? Yes. I have had a few do it without me having to ask. If a guy prebooked and showed up for his appointment it is all good. The LAST thing I want is an alert or a bad review I rather have everyone just be honest and show up when they say they will ya know? Most likely I will stick to how I have been doing things and only collect deposits for overnight and fly-me-to-you appointments.

In my opinion asking for a prepay deposit is just tacky and a red warning flag Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
Do you even do multi-hour appointments? It's a rhetorical question.

that is ONE of the most ridiculous practices I have seen yet in this thing of ours. if you don't have the $$ to cover your travel expenses, stay your ass at home and /or go on sale at home until you do. Even at Kmart the layaway deposit isn't refundable, why would a provider's be? Originally Posted by luxury daphne
I make a lot of money and don't even need to work as much as others. As you can see I spend a lot of time on this frickin SHMB because I have a lot of time on my hands. I can afford to travel anytime I want. No need to have an attitude. Having a bad day? Go and chillax and have a cocktail

Unless my reading comprehension is off, this isn't about deposits on overnight appointments...

Yes it makes perfect sense to require a deposit on an overnight appointment but that isn't the topic. She's asking about touring and securing a deposit upfront & giving a special rate vs. just paying the lady's regular hourly rate and opting to forgo a discount. I don't think many guys would go for a prepaid deposit especially if the girl isn't local but I wouldn't know, as I never required that when I travelled. It would suck to be, say, 70% booked in prepaid deposits and have to cancel the trip and refund all that money. Originally Posted by Dannie
I gave that scenario but I was asking about deposits in general and how guys felt about it. Trust me I rather not deal with them if it would cause this much headache. The last thing I want it to make a hobbyist angry or not want to see me anymore.
Naomi4u's Avatar
So you would be willing to fly to see some bloke who emails you and say's he wants an overnight at the risk of getting there and him cancel?....

Most of the ladies on here who have said they require deposits are referring to when we do overnights, or long appointments that aren't local...

Doesn't make us tacky, it makes us realistic. Originally Posted by Valerie
I find it funny that someone can call this act "tacky" but yet go behind my back and tell a client of mine that I was a gold digger. Nuff said.

Valerie you are so spot on. I already do this now with overnights and fly-me-to-you appointments but anything else not with one and two hours. Do guys pay a deposit with you for hourly engagements? I'm sure you feel much more secure that way.