New York Times reports Trump lost 916 Million on 1995 income tax returns.

^ So why hasn't the republican led congress convicted her? LOL Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Because they are Uni-Party Globalists, 0zombie

You really need to wake the FUCK UP...

LexusLover's Avatar
You really need to wake the FUCK UP... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
There's probably not much difference from her continuous dream state.

I think it's going to be a photo-finish with Luke Warm & SissyChaps!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
who loses almost a billion in a year. No thanks that's not a smart business man. He can take his shit to St. Elswhere. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Then how is it smart that Obama has lost $8 TRILLION dollars since taking office? $1billion doesn't sound too bad. We need a President who understands the consequences of overspending. Recently, his projects have come in early and under budget. When has a government project ever done that?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
who loses almost a billion in a year. No thanks that's not a smart business man. He can take his shit to St. Elswhere. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Then how is it smart that Obama has lost $8 TRILLION dollars since taking office? $1billion doesn't sound too bad. We need a President who understands the consequences of overspending. Recently, his projects have come in early and under budget. When has a government project ever done that? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG just called the pot kettle black!
darkmoonmaster's Avatar
A president should have these qualities:
Trustworthiness (T)
Being honest, don’t cheat, steal, or deceive
Being reliable, doing what you say, having the courage to do the right thing
Respect (Rs)
Being tolerant of others and accepting of differences
Dealing peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements
Responsibility (Rb)
Planning and perseverance, self-control and self-discipline
Accountability for your words and actions
Fairness (F)
Being open minded and listening
Don’t blame others for your faults
Caring (Cr)
Kindness, compassion, and forgiveness
Obeying laws, protecting the environment
Voting and volunteering

and Donald Trump does not have any of those qualities: OK only citizenship LOL

God Bless America if Trump become the next USA President.
LexusLover's Avatar
God Bless America if Trump become the next USA President. Originally Posted by darkmoonmaster
Well .... God has a lot of work to do.

No wonder you think education ought to be free. It's not worth shit!

Very interesting article for this POS- you guys want a business man with no prior political experience who lost nearly a billion dollars in one year to run our economy. The report also mentioned that because of his loss, Trump perhaps found a loop hole that allowed him to avoid paying taxes for decades. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Yep, I lost $160k via deductions and write off's. Just got a new Benz. How you doing asshole?
I mean you fucks are dumb.
LexusLover's Avatar
How you doing asshole?
I mean you fucks are dumb. Originally Posted by canuckeight
Luke Warm ain't doin' well .... He's got brain damage, overweight (extremely), and in general bad health. A "tax deduction" right-off wouldn't help him much, because minus one million (or even a billion) won't do much good when he's looking for "right-ons"!!!!

0-1,000,000 = -1,000,000!!!!

But he's an EX-Spurt on business, taxes, and finances ...

... just like Obaminable and HillariousNoMore
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Then how is it smart that Obama has lost $8 TRILLION dollars since taking office? $1billion doesn't sound too bad. We need a President who understands the consequences of overspending. Recently, his projects have come in early and under budget. When has a government project ever done that? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So what you're saying is that we need to elect a total fucking loser who may be showing some signs of learning how to do business after four bankruptcies and losing a billion dollars in a year?

Yep. That's what it sounds like.

Looks like you're wasting your vote again, WLB!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Internet reports (Drumpf's favorite kind) are pointing to Marla Maples as the source of Drumpf's leaked 1995 return.

Karma's a bitch ... and then you marry one!


Because they are Uni-Party Globalists, 0zombie

You really need to wake the FUCK UP...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
It's a shame you have to tell that to a self proclaimed genius, lol.

LexusLover's Avatar
It's a shame you have to tell that to a self proclaimed genius, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
When he reported his "brain surgery" it wasn't about a transplant!
Then how is it smart that Obama has lost $8 TRILLION dollars since taking office? $1billion doesn't sound too bad. We need a President who understands the consequences of overspending. Recently, his projects have come in early and under budget. When has a government project ever done that? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are really a dumb old creepy fuck- can you name a President that DIDN'T add to the debt? The last President that added zero to the debt was Andrew Jackson. Reagan sure as hell ran the national debt to record levels- does that make the great Reagan a bad President?
lustylad's Avatar
You are really a dumb old creepy fuck- can you name a President that DIDN'T add to the debt? The last President that added zero to the debt was Andrew Jackson. Reagan sure as hell ran the national debt to record levels- does that make the great Reagan a bad President? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Reagan did NOT run the debt to record levels AS A PERCENTAGE OF OUR GDP. When he left office, it was 53% of GDP, compared to 118% at the end of WW2. Today under Obama, the ratio is back over 100% again for the first time since WW2.

Additionally, Reagan's defense buildup and working relationship with Gorbachev won the Cold War, so we had something to show for our spending. Under Obama, we have nothing to show for the huge run-up in debt. Obama's clueless foreign policy (if he even has one - "don't do stupid shit") is a stream of one disaster after another. He can't deal effectively with Putin, and we're drifting into a new Cold War relationship, reversing all of Reagan's contributions to global peace and stability.

Now how about hauling your dumb old creepy LubedAss off this board like you promised everyone you would do?
I am so tired of this bull shit story. If you think Trump did something wrong or immoral you are a half wit. No one with half a fucking brain pays more taxes than what is required by law.

Good God - if he did not take the deduction you would be whining that he is a bad businessman and was stupid for not taking it.

Saying he does not pay income tax is not accurate. In 1995 he apparently did not OWE income tax.

Very interesting article for this POS- you guys want a business man with no prior political experience who lost nearly a billion dollars in one year to run our economy. The report also mentioned that because of his loss, Trump perhaps found a loop hole that allowed him to avoid paying taxes for decades. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt