I lost my sister today

I am so sorry for you loss.......
Wayward's Avatar
There is so much more I could say on this. I don't know how else to describe what I am going through right now. She was a good person. She was a fragile soul. She had so much adversity in her life. I will never forgive myself for not doing more as a sister. Originally Posted by Bebe Le Strange
Only those that have experienced this kind of loss really understand how gut wrenching it is, there are so many words of advice I'd like to give you but this isn't the time for that. I do really understand your pain and wish there were some words of comfort that if offered would lesson your anguish even if only for an instant. It was always the guilt that was the most difficult to get past, that feeling that if you had just done a little more, it would have been different. As I'm sure many are telling you the pain does get better with time. The best thing you can do to honor the sister that you so clearly loved is to try and forgive yourself a little each day.

You know her and I do not, but would she want you to be this heartbroken over something she didn't intend?
John Bull's Avatar
May your sister be at peace and may you find comfort in the condolences of our group.
I know this comes a few days late and for that I apologize...I am so sorry for your lost and there are no words I or anyone else can say accept what you are feeling is normal and part of the grieving process...Know you have friends here for you to lean on and vent to....I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as well as you family...
I lost my sister today. She was in critical condition for the past 3 1/2 weeks and on life support. They took her off her medication and respirator today at 11am in St. Luke's Hospital. I watched with my family her tiny body struggle to breathe, and then finally her heart stopped. This was a result of severe depression and long term drug addiction. She had overdosed over 6 separate times while living with my parents over the course of a year. She lived with my parents who are upper middle class people. She has a 7 year old son who also lives with them.

I am so broken up about this and have so much anger right now toward my parents who were "enablers" to her drug addiction. While living with my parents she was constantly reminded of what a bad mother she was. No one was really allowed to speak about what was going on in that house, and it infuriated me. They chalked it up to a lack of will power, and expected her to fix herself. She could not. She was severely depressed, and toward the end was treated like crap by most of my family. I did not speak or look at my mother today when we watched her pass away. The sad part is my parents had so many opportunities to get her involuntarily committed and get her some serious help and they did not. They were given detailed instructions by a police officer during last Christmas as to how to go before a Judge with their documentation and get the order to have her committed. They did not do it. They deluded themselves with denial and thinking she "seems" to be getting better. Only to have another overdose occur. I constantly asked my mother what they were doing for her and was told "we are handling it". Well, this is how they handled it. This was the result. I know longer have a sister. Her son no longer has a mother.

There is so much more I could say on this. I don't know how else to describe what I am going through right now. She was a good person. She was a fragile soul. She had so much adversity in her life. I will never forgive myself for not doing more as a sister. Originally Posted by Bebe Le Strange
My condolences and sympathy! Been there, done that, and know it just sucks. Be as strong as you can, and let your higher power take care of the rest.
I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayesr go out to you and your family.
Thank you to everyone who posted kind words. I apologize for not getting back to everyone who PM'd me. I had to process this and haven't been on the computer for several days.

Once again thank you.
Bebe, there is no need to apologize. We understand. We just wanted to let you know we had you in our thoughts. Hang in there. PM any of us if you want to let go and I bet a few would be happy to talk via phone or whatever. --SRO
Sorry for your loss but please dnt be to hard on your mom and dad no one knwd how to handle those situations.......i have had many users in my family and you can get them help but I will say this users quit when,they're ready. You can get them help but until they're ready to stop they won't. I know this having a dad and uncle who were long time heroin users and a long time crack addicted aunt with sorts of other addictions that ran in my family. The loss of a child is unbearable and she will be living with enough guilt on her own. My condolences and prayers
I'm very sorry for your loss.
greenhorn1960's Avatar
I am so sorry for your loss. I do not have the appropiate words to express my condolonces, but I'll pray for you and your sister.
I'm so sorry for your pain. You sound as though you were there for her and that was the best that you could have done. I wish you all the best.

Leah x