Ladies - Have You Ever Wondered How Many Times Your Photos Have Been "Admired"?

Sure did loved dirty pics. Watched Emmanuel, red shoe diaries, bikini car wash 1,2,&3, lady chatterly. All them dirty vids but I didn't whack off for the first time till I was about 20 or so. Originally Posted by Trey
A late bloomer, hm? That makes me wants to do all sorts of naughty things to you.
This one confuses me somewhat. I understand your point but since this business is what it is why not just go with the flow. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Since y'all de-railed my thread somewhat and it is in fact, my thread, I am also de-railing it a bit.

How is entertaining useless messages, "going with the flow"?

As you said, this is our business. Sometimes I think gents forget that and assume they are on a dating site?

I agree with Brooke 100%, and I am sure most providers do. If I answered every single useless message I get, I literally wouldn't have time to do anything else.

Therefore, one must become discerning and learn how to read between the lines in terms of being able to suss out which gents are legitimately interested in booking with us and which ones just want fap material or to waste our time.

Do I entertain messages like, "Hey, you're gorgeous," that have no other info included in them? No, I do not.

Do I engage with my good, regular clients in between session times purely for the sake of keeping those relationships engendered? Yes, I do; because, as said, I already have an established relationship with that person and I also genuinely enjoy that sort of on-going communication with my repeat clients.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Vickie I think y'all are misunderstanding and way overstating my original POV. To get into a regular relationship (having regulars) you have to start one. Starting one requires some form of communication. Its true you could be blocking time wasters but you could also be blocking potential long term regulars or even that diamond in the rough that allows you access to the top 1% of all providers. It's a "business" strategy you have to decide indeed.I don't have a lot of energy on this so you're right
StopShort's Avatar
Now there have been several pics that I've seen in showcases that I've had to look at for a while. They were either really sexy pics or a straight up pussy shot that looked pretty scrumptious. Rarely, a lady will have a penetration shot that I'll stare at because it's so rare.

But, I personally can't get off to pics. Videos, yes....many times over but it has to be a really hot scene. None of that soft porn stuff
Tall Bill's Avatar
I enjoy looking at the pictures of the beautiful women on this site post like the rest of the guys. I think we understand these are marketing pictures. The P411 viewer is really small and low resolution but fulfills the function of marketing the providers. I don't find either one a source of erotic pleasure.

If I'm interested in sexually explicit pictures I would go to other sites like the voyeurweb family of sites.

Just because someone is on a particular page for a long time doesn't mean they are looking at it. I have 11 tabs open on this browser with the stock market playing in another window.

Good points made by all. Yes, I am pretty much a lurker. A paying one, but I've looked a lot more than I've hobbied. Now I am hampered by the need to see newbie friendly providers, of whom I could become a regular, in order to qualify to see the more discerning providers like Miss Victoria.
When gents send me two word messages such as, "you're hot," I reply with "Thank you. Please send your references if you wish to schedule." They usually leave me alone after that. My showcase and P411 prose specifically state that I prefer a thoughtful introduction to one-liners. That also helps to weed them out.

I all honesty, my strongest time-waster filter is my pricepoint. As such I rarely deal with nonsense inquiries.

About three times a year, I get thoughtful messages that end with, "if only I could afford you." My response, while not so tender is usually something to the tune of, "I appreciate your compliments and introduction. I look forward to hearing back from you when your budget is no longer a concern. Warmest regards."

It is a business after all. If I don't feel like there is a worthwhile profit to be made from the extra time investment of responding to passive admirations, I cut my losses and move on to other more lucrative options.

That being said, my idea of "worthwhile profit," may not be the same as another lady's idea of "worthwhile profit."
One more thing: responding to potential clients should never take a negative tone. They may pass on you, but they will remember their interactions with you, and when their friends come around asking for a recommendation, the last thing I personally want for that recommendation to say is, "Don't see her. She was a bitch when I contacted her." We catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
They may pass on you, but they will remember their interactions with you, and when their friends come around asking for a recommendation, the last thing I personally want for that recommendation to say is, "Don't see her. She was a bitch when I contacted her." We catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
I agree. Sometimes the things we do for free yield us the largest dividends.
pyramider's Avatar
Whores have fap photos on here? Originally Posted by dearhunter

Not really, there are too few taint photos.