Do You Live In a Police State?

There's a difference between a right and entitlement. Voting is a fundamental right. These days entitlement often refers to the belief that people should receive services that aren't necessarily a right. People think they're entitled to all kinds of things. We don't have a right to free stuff at other people's expense. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Just curious - can you elaborate on the corporate welfare you claim costs us 4 grand/person?
What do You Think Big Daddio?

$6,000 per household

Don't forget the 16 Trillion bailout when the fake money derivatives exploded
Alchemist2u's Avatar
There's a difference between a right and entitlement. Voting is a fundamental right. These days entitlement often refers to the belief that people should receive services that aren't necessarily a right. People think they're entitled to all kinds of things. We don't have a right to free stuff at other people's expense. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Funny, tell that to people of color or those without a Y sex chromosone. At the time that the US Constitution was written and on into the 20th century, voting in the US was restricted to white males who owned property. That does not sound like a 'fundamental right' even though I benefit from the definition.Don't own your own home, sorry no 'deedy' no votee. Just a quirky, cranky Alchemist
  • maker
  • 03-25-2017, 10:04 AM

Originally Posted by sexman333
Nice to see PM has finally been outed...but...amazing how he can type as well as he can with those hands...
What do You Think Big Daddio?

$6,000 per household

Don't forget the 16 Trillion bailout when the fake money derivatives exploded Originally Posted by sexman333

OK I get it. When you take a tax deduction, it's your right. When a corporation gets one it's welfare.