Flat tummy and round booty...

bigdaddy6204's Avatar
Pm sent. Refs sent. But there's no reply at all.. no reply at all...
BigGuy13's Avatar
Nice picture dear. Another way to get your image out to the masses would be to attend one of the socials. There just happens to be one tomorrow. I, and I am sure there are other similar gentlemen, really like a chance to meet, greet, and interact with a lovely lady, before sneaking off behind closed doors.
Come on show your face.
bigdaddy6204's Avatar
Hey LE, I have been trying to get screened sent the ref contact info as requested. Emailed you as well. No reply. Did I do something to get in your no call list? If so let me know so I can stop trying.

Some guy was complaining that girls on here are misrepresenting themselves so I decided to give us girls a thread to showcase ourselves...

I can't show my face but I am VERY pretty. And I've been working on this body for a few weeks now. Clean eating and gym 3-4x a week. And yes, I have a lil cellulite, I'm a real woman. Xoxo hope you enjoy! Originally Posted by lovelyevelyn