Former CIA Director Calls For A Coup If Trump Fires Mueller

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Get it through your head. These people are nothing but con artists. Their only goal is to control the hearts and minds of the public through the entertainment industry and the media. If Trump is assassinated it's a good chance it was a staged event so don't fall for it. In fact this clip shows how they play act killing the guy. The next little skit will be reported as real.
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

Of course, Jim. And ... take your meds, man.

Of course, Jim. And ... take your meds, man. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You'll fall for it because that's what you're hoping for anyway. But the reality is Trump will be around for the next eight years pissing you off and keeping your blood pressure up, which is worth every crazy thing he says or does. By the time it's all over with you'll be on a whole collection of meds, lol.

goodolboy's Avatar
Nothing rally's the Liberal troops like a new scheme to remove Trump, or the promise of more free shit.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
8 Years no fucking way Trump makes it past this year
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-29-2017, 02:47 PM
Get it through your head. These people are nothing but con artists. Their only goal is to control the hearts and minds of the public through the entertainment industry and the media. If Trump is assassinated it's a good chance it was a staged event so don't fall for it. In fact this clip shows how they play act killing the guy. The next little skit will be reported as real.
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I was hoping Kathy Griffin had actually cut off his head.

I B Hankering's Avatar
8 Years no fucking way Trump makes it past this year Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
The lame-stream, ADHD talking-heads on the Clinton News Network have been 100% on the transgendered issue this afternoon, shit chaser. No mention of "collusion" with Russians, shit chaser.

Bet you can't hold your breathe until 2025, shit chaser.
goodolboy's Avatar
Hillary in a landslide, the election is a formality. The MSM has not been right about anything.
I was hoping Kathy Griffin had actually cut off his head.

Originally Posted by WTF
Well you're right about the second meme. Trump is an actor. It's just not Andy Kaufman. In fact the majority of the whole political shebang are actors and actresses. That's why they put on these shows for us. Ya know the bullshit scandals that unsuspecting knot heads stay glued to the tube night after night hoping someone gets convicted. It never happens, because they didn't have any evidence, lol. Yeah right.

8 Years no fucking way Trump makes it past this year Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
They have you dumbed down pretty well. The clip below is a perfect example of what is really going on.

LexusLover's Avatar
8 Years no fucking way Trump makes it past this year Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
Stored in the "Eccie Prediction" file ....

.... just BEHIND the "HillariousNoMore Landslide" announcements!

Originally Posted by WTF View Post
I was hoping Kathy Griffin had actually cut off his head.
This "gem" goes in the:

"I'm Busy Being Interviewed File"!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-30-2017, 07:50 AM

This "gem" goes in the:

"I'm Busy Being Interviewed File"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Is that you Snitch file? What law enforcement agency are you going to report me to?

Put it in your Charlie Manson file!
Nothing rally's the Liberal troops like a new scheme to remove Trump, or the promise of more free shit. Originally Posted by goodolboy
And once they get more free shit, it becomes a "Right to hav that free shit, and there's hell to pay by anyone who even THINKS of removing it"..
AND THAT IS WHY we are in this bloody mess imo..

I was hoping Kathy Griffin had actually cut off his head. Originally Posted by WTF
And i hope you get air dropped into the middle of ISIS territory so the same happens to you..
Those assholes in the CIA know all about coups