New Reference Policy

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  • BLM69
  • 02-16-2018, 12:40 PM
if your willing to go tho the screening ! Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
Do men get to screen you also? You willing to share RW info with the tricks? Reviews mean nothing around here from what I'm reading

That's such BS, you ladies start working blindly without reading and counting reviews or leads of who's he seen and tell us how that works out.
I do 3 months and I state it on my showcase. And unfortunately most guys do not read my showcase and still use me. Originally Posted by Raquel Ryder
READ...... Yeah, good luck with that one. It's better to put your most important info in a picture format. Men are visuals and that is all they will see. Sad but true.
What happens if things in your life haven’t been good so no time to see a provider. Then when you are ready a provider wants 3-4 refs. I’ve seen a few ads with this many do I have to go to a provider just for the ref. I mean the lady I like says I need 3 refs how do I get them unless I see others just for that ref. It can go both ways I guess what I am saying and with my wife’s cancer I can’t see providers all the time. One here and there at best sense reality is her care comes first my needs later. Thank you to all the providers that know me and treat me with compassion Originally Posted by Mokelberry

Unfortunately Mokelberry, That's how it works to keep us ladies safe and its hard to give a reference when you can not remember someone.

Years ago before I came to Houston.....I had a regular that I would see every few months. Every time he saw me it would be for 4-5 hours. Nice dinner, toy play and convo back at the hotel that he would provide as well. He was in the same boat as you say you are...... Wife has cancer....he takes care of her and every couple months he would splurge and come to see me. that is something you might think about. Finding that ONE PROVIDER that you can see regularly every few months and not have to worry about references at all. Along with many providers these days do see "newbie friendly" gentleman. You may need to offer a Meet n' Greet or other additional information when seeing someone new and the recent providers that you have seen that can not remember you and offer up their references.

Happy Hobbying Gentlemen,
~Cyndi Lyn
So ladies, if its been 7+ months since you seen a guy, do you ask for current references to see the same guy again?

I don't think so.
Remember that NewYears resolution? Originally Posted by TryWeakly

I'm trying real hard.
So ladies, if its been 7+ months since you seen a guy, do you ask for current references to see the same guy again?

I don't think so. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Actually.....YES, in a way...

If he visited me only ONCE and it was that long ago and I don't remember him....I would want the screening process to start from the beginning.

If he was a REPEAT or REGULAR client....then I would probably remember and see him without much screening. I would still do some research and make sure he has not been up to no good with other Ladies since I had seen him last.

People can change. No matter how many or few times we have met, we don't really KNOW each other. We don't know what events that may have transpired that may or may not have changed you mentally or emotionally.

In the few years since I came out of retirement, I have been contacted my NUMEROUS gentlemen claiming that they saw me "back in the day" and expect to not be screened at all.

Seriously? That was like a decade ago! LOL

And as for "reviews don't mean anything around here"....

The Ladies are not the ones writing the reviews. He writes from his point of view. Even if he says "yes" to the question of if he would see her again or recommend others to see her, that does not NECESSARILY mean that SHE would see HIM again or recommend him to other Ladies.

Side note and OFF TOPIC...
For the life of me, I will never understand why people that have such an obvious loathing for Women in this profession are even members on this board..smh

OH! And L2P....My ad on BP has info in BOLD TYPE over the pics....they STILL can't seem to READ.
Side note and OFF TOPIC...
For the life of me, I will never understand why people that have such an obvious loathing for Women in this profession are even members on this board..smh

OH! And L2P....My ad on BP has info in BOLD TYPE over the pics....they STILL can't seem to READ. Originally Posted by Krystal_RoseBBW

No loathing here baby. I know you would see him again.

Btw, what kind of world do we live in when someone can't remember who they fucked 7 months ago?
The Hobby world.

Some of us see anywhere from 1-5+ client in a DAY.

So 30 mins. with someone once 7+ months ago......

I may remember his name/handle and have a cryptic record that we had a session.

But without having a face pic attached to the name (I doubt guys would like that) I don't know that I could recall well enough to give a reference and be confident of the fellow provider's safety/comfort.

I know I quoted you at the beginning of my last post. I didn't mean for my last comment to be directed at you in particular. Apologies if I offended.
OH! And L2P....My ad on BP has info in BOLD TYPE over the pics....they STILL can't seem to READ. Originally Posted by Krystal_RoseBBW
I does not surprise me....