Temporary Houston Staff Addition

carkido45's Avatar
No Rafael is the only true wk here.
Your still not funny.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 02-26-2010, 08:32 AM
C'mon, boardman. Take notes. He's just trying to mentor us and help us improve. He's always been a nice guy via PMs. I take carkido's interest in us as almost fatherly, really. Kind of like Father Wayward, now that he's gone.
boardman's Avatar
I just found out WW was gone. Guess I do need to cozy up to him now, call him "dad" and shit maybe he will teach me how to be funny....................On second thought..........Never mind, but thanks for trying to help, Dad.
blowpop's Avatar
You need to ask Surcher when he gets back into good health. I was one with him on horndog and morning after. He is a good and fair man. He is also well respected. Originally Posted by Big Jake
Agreed. Surcher's judgement is sound.
John Bull's Avatar
Glad to be here. Now y'all remember, I'm an old man so take it easy on me.
pyramider's Avatar
Agreed. Surcher's judgement is sound. Originally Posted by blowpop

Sound judgment? If he had sound judgment he would rise from his bed and punch the nominator.
John Bull's Avatar
Now that we have some more local guys stepping up - thank you Sarcastro and Auknowho - my days here are really numbered. But thanks for the welcomes, the warnings and the laughs. Can I get into the over/under pool ?
Congatulations gentlemen. Auknowho, now I know why I always got a good vibe about you.