STD? No BBJ, NO Discount!

Penis Worshipper
I'm sorry I would have turned him away. I might have asked him for something just for wasting my time when I could have booked someone else, especially if he got snippy with me. Yuck.

Oh come on, you wouldn't let him slide his bumpy Dick between your big bulbous breasts, lol.
All of you ladies are better than I am. I would have taken full compensation, given him nothing but a piece of my mind, then put that asshat out and DARED him to say/do anything. How dare you KNOWINGLY put my health at risk. Dumbass....

Twice in my career I have encountered asshats coming to me with active herpes lesions. They got put out of my incall with a quickness. Like dude, WTF are you thinking? Really??? Sheesh! I posted an alert on them (this was many years ago) and am amazed to this day how many women still see the one guy, even after asking me about him. I just shake my damn head.

Some people just make no sense.

Truthfully, the two of you should have negotiated a price before continuing with the altered session.
I for one, am very happy that you don't live in the same area I work in!

How could you even think that you would cover and give him a bj after you SAWWWW that he had genital warts???? are you out of your mind???? Im sorry but I feel like it's providers like you who spread std's around. After you are insane enough to take such a risk, Id be pretty sure that many men on eccie will not be booking you anymore.....!!!

You should read up on the risks!!! and get educated!
Truthfully, the two of you should have negotiated a price before continuing with the altered session. Originally Posted by wreckshop
I respectfully disagree. He should pay for the time he booked her for. It's not HER fault his stuff is messed up. She shouldn't have to be penalized because he has an STD.
I for one, am very happy that you don't live in the same area I work in!

How could you even think that you would cover and give him a bj after you SAWWWW that he had genital warts???? are you out of your mind???? Im sorry but I feel like it's providers like you who spread std's around. After you are insane enough to take such a risk, Id be pretty sure that many men on eccie will not be booking you anymore.....!!!

You should read up on the risks!!! and get educated! Originally Posted by velvet touch
Well you are certainly entitled to your opinion. & no doubt there will be those that are put off, & won't book. I'm ok with that. It is worth it to me to raise the issue if it will be helpful to others. That is after all what we are here for. Isn't it? I have to say it is you who needs to read up on the risks. I took the proper precautions before, during, & after the session. According to my OBGYN, I did everything right & the likelihood that I have contracted anything is pretty much nil.

We as providers risk contracting STD's at every single session. Because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there. That is the point of using protection. I will bet my life you have entertained a client with an active STD at least once in your career. The use of a condom saved you.

I reiterate. I have been a provider on the upside of a decade, & NEVER had an STD. I believe that is evidence I have been doing something right.
The Sea's Avatar
You should have canceled the session at the moment you saw the warts whats wrong with you?
I have to agree with hotlips on this one..If this dumbass booked an hour and came there with his junk in a funk first off there should of been NO SERVICE then he still should of compensated her for the full hour.'Not only was this traumatic to her but a loss of time she could of booked with a clean client.
I have discussed this with several women - We ( clients ) are responsible for our own hygiene and are suppossed to show up clean , neat, and smelling properly and in turn we should expect that in return from provider and it is not the providers job to clean our nasty ass and if we show up with funky junk we should be asked to clean it up or leave and in this case where genital warts were active the client should of been shown the door there is no excuse for improper behavior and showing up with some type of disease or even a cold should not be tolerated without discussing it with the provider first.'
I have cancelled several appointments because of last minute colds or sore throats just because its the thing to do ! and when this happened i have always asked provider if she would like to be compensated for her loss time.
Most of the time ive been told dont worry about it that we will make it up on next visit but it still should be offered because you were not available due to uncontrollable circumstances .
It only tkaes a second to show a little class and respect and we all should give that to each other !!
Still Looking's Avatar
Crowd turn quick! Dam!
pickupkid's Avatar
turn him away.......get tested
Crowd turn quick! Dam! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Crowd turn quick! Dam! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Im shocked it took until page 3 for someone to express the "get your money, kick him the fuck out" feeling. If you can't take care of yourself well enough to have that sort of thing taken care of immediately I have to wonder what else he doesn't do. Brush his teeth? Use soap? Bareback SW?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Crowd turn quick! Dam! Originally Posted by Still Looking
We all knew it was coming, SL.
I for one, am very happy that you don't live in the same area I work in!

How could you even think that you would cover and give him a bj after you SAWWWW that he had genital warts???? are you out of your mind???? Im sorry but I feel like it's providers like you who spread std's around.! Originally Posted by velvet touch
I disagree with this.

Considering how many STDs are asymptomatic, especially men, you should automatically be assuming that a man has at least one if not more form of HPV (remember, only some show visible warts and even then not all the time), and even herpes can be really asymptomatic and you never know when the guy (or provider) could be shedding.

And then think about having those viruses in your mouth from performing oral sex on a man, or a man to a woman.

Are you really checking their mouths as well as their private areas, even if you were to try to depend on obvious symptoms?

In the end, to each their own. But automatically assume the people you're visiting with, whether you're a hobbyist or provider, has something just because of the prevalence of people not having symptoms, not being able to be tested for it (in the case of HPV for men, even women only show it when some forms of the virus show up on their cervix), or some people just never or hardly ever getting tested.

Now...I'm not sure whether I would have done the call. But this provider did protect herself so long as she wasn't bringing her lips to touch the base of his shaft and washed her hands very, very well since even the skin without the warts can pass HPV.
@heartsonfire... thank you for being honest about this situation when you very well could of said, "I kept donation and kicked him out..." There are a few of us that DO appreciate these alerts. Please, if your able and haven't already done so, post his info on PB. And don't let the haters deter you from posting these types of alerts.