Web Cam Providers...Hobbying of the future??

burkalini's Avatar
I personally think most cam shows are a rip. You have 50 guys typing to the girl at the same time or you can do a one on one and pay ridiclous money. Plus they want a tip on top of that. A provider is much better and a better deal
course they are working hard to get 3D rendering of pornstars that control devices that seem life like when they show a video that is POV and it moves and sucks according to the video and when this is ever perfected i guess we can just get rid of all the women in the world...lmao
they still cant ever get the feel and touch and the personality of a real person so i think this is way off in the future and I hope im not around long enough to where it gets to that point that a man prefers cold hard steel and video to a living breathing person.
But when our mind is controlled by our penis we do some dumb stuff and ive been guilty of almost all of the things ..but along the way i have learned there is no replacing the real thing.
back room with a stripper..
online with a cam model...
hobbying with a provider...
none of these take the place of a real girlfriend or SO
but sometimes they fill the void...
we all will do what we have to do to be satisfied..
the older and smarter you get the simpler life gets and it takes less to keep you happy;