Mysterious_Rose is a thief and I am an idiot

Delivering a "package" eh? Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more... Originally Posted by RetiredNinja
Hopefully a BIG package
Haha, I hear you B Three. That's part of why I rarely go to residences and even then pretty much only to apartments. I think I would have little issue in your scenario due to the fact I tend to dress pretty clean cut when going to an appointment and would probably fit in as a legitimate visitor. I would fit in less well at a nastier hotel but I don't go to them.

I definitely hear where you're coming from though. In that situation we just wouldn't see each other. But from your conduct on the board I don't think you'd spend the next 5-10 minutes threatening me so we could part on friendly terms.
I'll call you when I leave the Country Club for the Camden Apartments, then. Deal.
Hopefully a BIG package Originally Posted by B Three
Hmmm.... so you like 'em big do you B Three? Packages, of course. Like UPS, FedEx, those kind? Get your mind outta the gutter Haha. *tease*