GM closing plants...low oil prices to blame. Let's thank Saudi Arabia and Donald Trump!

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
This is the first post of yours I have ever "liked". You made a good choice, and the low oil prices made possible by President Trump are saving you money. Originally Posted by friendly fred
So when oil prices hit a 4 year high on October 5th that must have been due to Trump too. Oil prices today are about $2 less than they were when Trump took office.

For the majority of Trump's almost 2 years in office oil prices have been higher than when he took office. In the last year much higher.
bigwill832's Avatar
Closing plants because your product sucks and isn't selling well? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA??????? What kind of business nonsense is this?
I B Hankering's Avatar
they aren't selling because people don't need small cars. they can afford gas because its cheap. thanks goes to Donald Trump (FTFY) and Saudi according to IB. When you have to have the credit you have to take the blame Originally Posted by themystic
The market shifted causing GM to respond by increasing jobs in one area and cut jobs in another area. When all is said and done, the net increase in jobs is greater than the jobs lost.

So, the reality is that this whole effort to denigrate Trump for business decisions made by GM depends on people being too stupid to realize that there was a net gain in jobs.
rexdutchman's Avatar
WTF , GMs years of poor management and junk cars have again "got them" whoever said it is correct CARs are not what people what anymore so they don't sell. Safety gas mileage are facts of this issue has for years demanded higher mileage and now small SUVs get better MPG then cars and are safer, Sooooooo what do you think was going to happen ?????
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-27-2018, 12:21 PM
The market shifted causing GM to respond by increasing jobs in one area and cut jobs in another area. When all is said and done, the net increase in jobs is greater than the jobs lost.

So, the reality is that this whole effort to denigrate Trump for business decisions made by GM depends on people being too stupid to realize that there was a net gain in jobs.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
A government official injecting himself into the market like you ckaim Trump has done by demanding lower oil called picking winners and losers.

Something not to long back, many of you denounced

Oh what short memories my right wing friends have.
themystic's Avatar
The market shifted causing GM to respond by increasing jobs in one area and cut jobs in another area. When all is said and done, the net increase in jobs is greater than the jobs lost.

So, the reality is that this whole effort to denigrate Trump for business decisions made by GM depends on people being too stupid to realize that there was a net gain in jobs.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
15,000 jobs lost IB. Donald Putin can explain your philosophy to the people who lost their jobs.
themystic's Avatar
A government official injecting himself into the market like you ckaim Trump has done by demanding lower oil called picking winners and losers.

Something not to long back, many of you denounced

Oh what short memories my right wing friends have. Originally Posted by WTF
Donald J Putin even told people in those cities, " Dont sell your houses"
GM should make cars people actually want to buy. Originally Posted by gfejunkie

You'd think they would have learned their lesson after the govt bailout.
A government official injecting himself into the market like you ckaim Trump has done by demanding lower oil called picking winners and losers.

Something not to long back, many of you denounced

Oh what short memories my right wing friends have. Originally Posted by WTF
We aren't your friends, and GM closed plants because they try to pay their employees fairly, which is very expensive, unlike some people we all know who game the employment tax system.
themystic's Avatar
We aren't your friends, and GM closed plants because they try to pay their employees fairly, which is very expensive, unlike some people we all know who game the employment tax system. Originally Posted by friendly fred
I wonder how many undocumented workers Donald J Putin has working at his hotels, resorts and golf clubs
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-27-2018, 01:44 PM
We aren't your friends,. Originally Posted by friendly fred
I thought the enemy of your enemy was your friend. Is IB telling a fib?
Can't take the time to read all these post...butt what is it with the GOP and GM? They had to be bailed out with tax money after Bush. They came back strong under Obama economy... And now we have trump fkn up the Obama economy by giving tax breaks to the rich and the GM's.

Maybe someday the GOP will give tax breaks to the middle class lmfao like the people on here. The middle class actual buy things that support the economy. The rich....well that just get richer and buy the GOP so they can get more tax breaks.

The GOP is not about the economy stupid
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-27-2018, 01:51 PM
The market shifted causing GM Originally Posted by I B Hankering oil prices will cause the market to shift! Thanks President Trump and Saudi Arabia!
Obama bailed out the union not gm

gave a big chunk of gm to the union

cut out the legitimate secured creditors

based the bailout on political considerations and not law or sound economics

its the one TARP bailout that lost the government money due to obama's politics

gm made wrong choices on its vehicle offerings, like the chevy volt, a vehicle Obama lyingly said he was going to purchase, choices tinged with politics
I know Never, and the Obama economy raised my real estate taxes when he brought the economy back. Trump will bring the real estate market down like a GOP good little tax cut to the rich biotch.
Btw...I wouldn't buy a GM product if they gave them away.