This week is the 50th anniversary of Robert Mueller winning the bronze star in Vietnam

LexusLover's Avatar
Help me understand your post. Liberals are wrong 99% of the time? The conservatives are factually correct but their voices are quelled by Liberals? Liberals are lobbing to have the Conservative opposition banned? Mueller is a hypocritical Swamp Rat and under Investigation? You referenced these statements as facts? You don't know what your talking about. These would be considered opinions, driven by emotions,not facts. If you think these are facts, you clearly don't know your stuff Originally Posted by themystic
More personal attacks. Is that all you got?

Calling Mueller a "Republican" and a "Bronze Star" recipient is meaningless in the discussion about whether or not he's one of the Swamp Rats that need to be removed from the DC Swamp .... an Obaminable Appointee, who along with his buddies in the FBI want to get rid of Trump before he gets rid of them and gets them off the government tit.

Ridiculing Trump for not serving in the military is remarkably hypocritical when the last two Democratic Presidents DIDN'T SERVE IN THE MILITARY and the LOSER the Democrats picked for 2016 DIDN'T SERVE IN THE MILITARY and in fact facilitated her DRAFT DODGING HUSBAND ... by giving him "aid and comfort" OVERSEAS!

Those are FACTS!
themystic's Avatar
More personal attacks. Is that all you got?

Calling Mueller a "Republican" and a "Bronze Star" recipient is meaningless in the discussion about whether or not he's one of the Swamp Rats that need to be removed from the DC Swamp .... an Obaminable Appointee, who along with his buddies in the FBI want to get rid of Trump before he gets rid of them and gets them off the government tit.

Ridiculing Trump for not serving in the military is remarkably hypocritical when the last two Democratic Presidents DIDN'T SERVE IN THE MILITARY and the LOSER the Democrats picked for 2016 DIDN'T SERVE IN THE MILITARY and in fact facilitated her DRAFT DODGING HUSBAND ... by giving him "aid and comfort" OVERSEAS!

Those are FACTS! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Robert Mueller was appointed by George W Bush as FBI director. He was confirmed by the Senate by a 98-0 vote. Do you know who the President is? His name is Donald Trump and he was a draft dodger while brave men like Mueller fought and risked their lives. Mueller was awarded the Bronze Star for bravery. He won the award
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
getting a bronze star does not make a saint and people do change.

that said.

Mueller is dirty.
LexusLover's Avatar
getting a bronze star does not make a saint and people do change.

that said.

Mueller is dirty. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
As was John Kerry ... and still is.

Since being an "awarded" servicemember is laudatory to the Liberals:

Lt. Gen. Flynn:

Operation Urgent Fury
Operation Uphold Democracy
Operation Enduring Freedom
Operation Iraqi Freedom

Defense Distinguished Service Medal
Defense Superior Service Medal (4)
Legion of Merit (2)
Bronze Star Medal (4)
Meritorious Service Medal (6)
Joint Service Commendation Medal
Army Commendation Medal (5)
His awards include
Defense Superior Service Medal (with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters), Legion of Merit (with Oak Leaf Cluster),
Bronze Star Medal (with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters), Meritorious Service Medal (with Silver Oak Leaf Cluster),
Joint Service Commendation Medal,
Army Commendation Medal (with 4 Oak Leaf Clusters),
NATO Service Medal, and
several service and campaign ribbons.

Lieutenant General Flynn also has earned the Ranger Tab and
Master Parachutist Badge, and the Joint Staff Identification Badge.
And of course the LIBERALS' darling Obaminable liked him also!