We see Y’all

Fisherman's Avatar
Lia, I can only speak from my own heart. I love Black women, White women, Latinas, Asian women, and any woman who is of mixed race! They are all lovely in their own way and I'm happy for the diversity.
As for rates, every one loves a bargain and some ladies just charge more than some of us can afford. Regretfully I can't pay $400 or more per hour. I am thankful for the services that y'all provide. It has enriched my life!
I hope you are treated better in the future. Not everything is about race, sometimes its just simple economics. Good luck and Godspeed!
theccccrider2015's Avatar
Lia, I did say in my comment, that racism exists on all racial sides today. That does mean everywhere, So, I am not down playing racism.. I just don't think its used here as a way..to get cheaper prices.
A Hobbyist will find what he wants for the price he wants.
It's not color that makes that choice. At least not for me.
Starting threads like this turns a man away.
A blanket statement grouping all Hobbyist together is bullzhit.
We are not all the same, just like all providers are not the same.
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 01-04-2019, 07:38 PM
Didn’t say you all were all the same.

Honestly. If this thread turns you away then okay lol not the end of the World. Everyone that know me and Love me LOL know I’m cool and just say what’s real. but from what it seems like it’s not turning anyone off for a lot of people here lol it’s free speech..

Speaking upon what is seen. That’s all. If it turns you off that’s cool but honestly it doesn’t and hasn’t from what I see

Eccie coed is meant for open discussion. They have people come in coed and post about girls not doing what is expected ect ect..

It’s no different what I’m doing....

I’m here. Lol I’m Good
I get what you are saying. However, it is only anecdotal evidence that you have to support your hypothesis. So definitely not a good survey of the entirety of data.

What does amaze me: that there seems to be a price set by one provider higher than the previous price and then there is a rush for other providers to then adopt that price point. Can't fault them for trying. However, in the real world business market there must be a corresponding good or service that is of comparable value to support the price point.

Here in the hobby, this is not the case.
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 01-05-2019, 10:32 AM
Y’all are missing the point of the thread.

I may not have seen every situation but I’ve seen enough to back my statement and I’m sticking with it. You may not be one of the hobbyist that participated in it but Several Do. I’m not trying to say everyyyyyyoneeeee is like that okay lol I’m just saying WE see the ones who do....

Again not saying Everyyyyyoneeeee is like that geesh..

No Putting Everyyyyoneeee in the same box Lord lol

Let me find out some of y’all not reading the entire post lolol
But it’s okay I’ll leave it where My original statement lies

I just wanted to shine a light on a issue.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
Happy new year lol
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 01-05-2019, 04:20 PM
Lia, I can only speak from my own heart. I love Black women, White women, Latinas, Asian women, and any woman who is of mixed race! They are all lovely in their own way and I'm happy for the diversity.
As for rates, every one loves a bargain and some ladies just charge more than some of us can afford. Regretfully I can't pay $400 or more per hour. I am thankful for the services that y'all provide. It has enriched my life!
I hope you are treated better in the future. Not everything is about race, sometimes its just simple economics. Good luck and Godspeed! Originally Posted by Fisherman
Thank you honey but I’ve been treated awesome.

I meet some phenomenal men and have been very fortunate.

No one ever haggles my rates. People are always respectful to me so I guess you can say I’ve been very fortunate in this business. No one has ever contacted me and told me my rates were too high or I wasn’t worth my rate..

In other words the only people that contact me are people that have no problem paying my rate * Knock on wood*

I’m merely speaking of my friends and people I admire that go through these things. I do not go through or have encountered these issues myself.

Dear Hobbyist:
Profusely apologizing, wringing your hands, and making
excuses over racism won't cut it.

Level up.

(We see y’all)

.... Posting for a friend

Starting threads like this turns a man away. Originally Posted by Warptcuck

k bye

See my comments in red below

From my observation
Not pertaining to me personally.

I’m noticing a lot of people have a lot to say about what black providers charge and have nothing to say about what white providers chargeWhere do you see this?. You all are quick to run and pay such and such amount for so and so and brag to the heavens about how such and such is worth it- And that’s cool. A beautiful black provider charge the same thing and crickets. Not even one comment under her reviewYou are not supposed to be able to see reviews, so this is bullshit. Or do you one of those girls who have a mandle?. Not even a review “boost” either.

I hate making things about race as that’s not my thing but that’s my observation. I see a lot of Gorgeous black providers don’t get the same respect as the white providers who charge the exact same thing. It won’t change I know-But still needs to be said.


It’s cool if you have a certain race you prefer to see. That’s between you and your company but don’t go around bashing black providers and what they charge just because you don’t see beauty in black providers in comparison to white providersShow us who has bashed black providers? give us a link so we can see what you are talking about. You are the only one seeing this. If a Girl wants to charge what she wants to charge that’s her business and her life. Again her business. Her life. You won’t be there if her lights get cut off so.....

If that’s not something you want to pay then move on. Theirs a lot of guys who don’t see value in brown skin in comparison to white and y’all need to know that that’s a thing and we see yall. I’m not always on the boards anymore.

But We see y’all.... and it’s pretty obvious.

Again this isn’t to try to shade white providers because white providers have no control over the behaviorsAgain, show us a few links to these behaviors of a hobbyist <3 Originally Posted by Lia88
If you do not like the price see another lady. Haggling a lady over price is trashy.Her body,her rules her price.
myren1900's Avatar

I completely agree.

Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 01-06-2019, 02:13 PM
See my comments in red below Originally Posted by Warptcuck
You have GOT to be kidding right lol
You have GOT to be kidding right lol Originally Posted by Lia88


I saw those red sharpie comments too

That's what I thought. No proof to substantiate your rant?
If you want us, who you rant against, to believe you, just show us who is doing this, or a link the the reviews where you saw this.

You have GOT to be kidding right lol Originally Posted by Lia88
It occurs to me.....if a guy was a racist..... ......would he make arrangements to see a provider that he was a racist against???? Not likely....