Alfred E Neuman for POTUS!!!

bambino's Avatar
I have NEVER heard the media refer to Trump as Hitler or anyone within the media refer to Trump supporters as fascists, racists, unintelligent, illiterate, or uneducated . Certainly they may quote someone who has made such a statement but I watch CNN, FOX news, and several local news stations and have never heard such characterizations made by people employed by the news companies.

I read the "liberal" Austin American Statesman on a daily basis and have NEVER read what you are accusing the media of printing.

Yes, there may be a few ultra left wing organizations that have done so but it is NOT the norm. I challenge you to cite a national source that has made such statements. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Here’s one example:

I can find more. I know there out there. Try googling CNN. Trump/Hitler. It’s all there.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Trump calls Biden "Sleepy, creepy Joe". He calls Buttigieg "Alfred E. Neuman". He Calls Sanders "Crazy Bernie". He calls Warren "Pocahontas". Stormy Daniels is "horseface". The list is almost endless

Trump's supporters laugh with him. Those who do not support him laugh at him. Those who are in the middle? I have trouble believing that anyone who does not feel positive or negative about Trump looks upon his name-calling as a positive attribute. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I personally would like to see someone begin to refer to trump as “Lying Looney”
He can’t go a day without lying and professional mental health workers believe he’s unstable. Lying Looney fits perfectly.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I have NEVER heard the media refer to Trump as Hitler or anyone within the media refer to Trump supporters as fascists, racists, unintelligent, illiterate, or uneducated . Certainly they may quote someone who has made such a statement but I watch CNN, FOX news, and several local news stations and have never heard such characterizations made by people employed by the news companies.

I read the "liberal" Austin American Statesman on a daily basis and have NEVER read what you are accusing the media of printing.

Yes, there may be a few ultra left wing organizations that have done so but it is NOT the norm. I challenge you to cite a national source that has made such statements.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
So your disingenuous fall-back position is to play like Odumbo in Reverend Jeremiah Wright's church?

MSNBC political analyst likens Trump and Republicans to the rise of Hitler

(The Daily Mail)

MSNBC's Scarborough Compares Trump to Hitler for Stoking Fears About Caravan

CNN’s Sally Kohn Calls Trump a Fascist, Invokes Hitler

CNN analyst, Biden Institute adviser calls Trump Nazi-like -- for echoing 2011 Biden 'heritage' comment


Former Obama Admin. Advisor Compares Trump’s CPAC Speech to Hitler

(Washington Free Beacon)

I personally would like to see someone begin to refer to trump as “Lying Looney”
He can’t go a day without lying and professional mental health workers believe he’s unstable. Lying Looney fits perfectly.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
That's Adam Schiffty's registered trade mark.
If he hopes to gain ground in the polls, Robert The Merry Mexican better get with the fucking program!

Here's a good plan for his campaign. Get his ass arrested for soliciting gay sex in a men's restroom, like that senator from Idaho a decade or so ago. Problem for that guy was that he was a Republican, so he pissed off all the "family values" voters. But the opposite dynamic is in play for The Merry Mexican!

Then the Buddha Judge - or Booty Gay, or Butt Edge, or whatever in the fuck the little guy's name is - would have nothing over Robert!

How hard would that be to pull off? I mean, he could use a few campaign bucks to hire an investigator to find out where a sting might take place, and walk right into it. Then use a few more bucks to spend on a good criminal defense attorney and maximize the chances that he'd just get probation and a little bit of community service, and no jail time.

Of course, there's that little unpleasantness of getting arrested. But Robert is already battle-hardened in that respect. Burglary and DWI in his younger years, if I recall correctly. So what's the big deal with one more arrest if it's for a good cause, right?

And like they always said in the cheesy late night TV ads, "There's more!" Robert would also check the "I'm OK with boinking for money or to get ahead!" box. So Kamala would have nothing on him.

The Merry Mexican would get a 2-fer! Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
Kamala Harris's payoff from fucking Willie Brown has been well worth it for her.

I personally don't hold it against a woman for sleeping with guys for pay, BTW.

It's done all the time but she should be honest about it - just like most liberals should admit they like taking it up the ass.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Only thing missing is the freckles... and maybe he could lose a tooth?

Originally Posted by lustylad

and dye his hair red/auburn.

passing resemblance.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

personally, we already have Alfred Neuman. He's POTUS.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
[QUOTE=I B Hankering;1061480115]So your disingenuous fall-back position is to play like Odumbo in Reverend Jeremiah Wright's church?

Thanks to you and Bambino for pointing out some instances in which some news people have made comparisons to Trump and Hitler.

You earlier stated:

"It's obvious you don't read newspapers or listen to the lame-stream talking heads on the radio or TV. Otherwise, you would have heard almost everyone of them refer to Trump as Hitler and call those who voted for him fascists, racists, unintelligent, illiterate, uneducated, etc., ad nauseam day-after-day; night-after-night for more than two years now."

However, in my defense, you stated "almost everyone of them" which simply is NOT true. I never watch shows like "The View" or "Morning Joe". I watch news shows, sometimes CNN, sometimes FOXNews, and mostly the local and world news in the evening. And I have never heard those negative terms used against Trump or those who voted for Trump. So yes, there are people who I've never heard of for the most part, using analogies of what Trump has done and compared them to Hitler, but it is NOT that common.
So your disingenuous fall-back position is to play like Odumbo in Reverend Jeremiah Wright's church?

Thanks to you and Bambino for pointing out some instances in which some news people have made comparisons to Trump and Hitler.

You earlier stated:

"It's obvious you don't read newspapers or listen to the lame-stream talking heads on the radio or TV. Otherwise, you would have heard almost everyone of them refer to Trump as Hitler and call those who voted for him fascists, racists, unintelligent, illiterate, uneducated, etc., ad nauseam day-after-day; night-after-night for more than two years now."

However, in my defense, you stated "almost everyone of them" which simply is NOT true. I never watch shows like "The View" or "Morning Joe". I watch news shows, sometimes CNN, sometimes FOXNews, and mostly the local and world news in the evening. And I have never heard those negative terms used against Trump or those who voted for Trump. So yes, there are people who I've never heard of for the most part, using analogies of what Trump has done and compared them to Hitler, but it is NOT that common. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Here's seven more of the "uncommon" referrals to Trump...
They are documented quotes.
I found ten more links...would you like them SPEED??
What rock did you just crawl out from under??
That TDS is some POWERFUL shit!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Thanks to you and Bambino for pointing out some instances in which some news people have made comparisons to Trump and Hitler.

You earlier stated:

"It's obvious you don't read newspapers or listen to the lame-stream talking heads on the radio or TV. Otherwise, you would have heard almost everyone of them refer to Trump as Hitler and call those who voted for him fascists, racists, unintelligent, illiterate, uneducated, etc., ad nauseam day-after-day; night-after-night for more than two years now."

However, in my defense, you stated "almost everyone of them" which simply is NOT true. I never watch shows like "The View" or "Morning Joe". I watch news shows, sometimes CNN, sometimes FOXNews, and mostly the local and world news in the evening. And I have never heard those negative terms used against Trump or those who voted for Trump. So yes, there are people who I've never heard of for the most part, using analogies of what Trump has done and compared them to Hitler, but it is NOT that common.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Sally Kohn and Dana Bash work for CNN.

Here's seven more of the "uncommon" referrals to Trump...
They are documented quotes.
I found ten more links...would you like them SPEED??
What rock did you just crawl out from under??
That TDS is some POWERFUL shit!! Originally Posted by bb1961
rexdutchman's Avatar
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Sally Kohn and Dana Bash work for CNN.

+1 Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Yes, there are comparisons between Trump and Hitler. Not to the extent you believe though. One has to search rather hard to find someone mentioning such a comparison. Probably anyone alive shares some characteristics with Hitler. Some of the comparisons are true. Hitler was an egomaniac, as is Trump. He attacks his political opponents and the media.

And Obama was compared to Hitler many times. No one here mentioned that:

Why Republicans are obsessed with comparing Obama to Hitler

Everybody is Hitler These Days

For a long time, perhaps since shortly after World War II, it has become relatively common to label ones ideological or political opponents as “Hitler.” In U.S. political discourse in the 21st century, such a tactic has become particularly pronounced. All U.S. Presidents during this period, for example, have been called or compared to Hitler.

Comparing politicians to Hitler is nothing new, of course. We live in an age where George W. Bush, Saddam Hussein, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton (“Hitlery”) and Barack Obama have all seamlessly been compared to Hitler. That’s just a few of the more recent examples, but they clearly show just how little value such glib analogies have.

So on those rare occasions that someone in the media makes a comparison between Trump and Hitler, take it with a grain of salt. It has happened to many others before and it will happen to many other again.
Sally Kohn and Dana Bash work for CNN.

+1 Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Kohn worked for Foxnews and many other outlets. She's a disingenuous, hysterical lesbian. I don't see why networks even have her on.
Yes, there are comparisons between Trump and Hitler. Not to the extent you believe though. One has to search rather hard to find someone mentioning such a comparison. Probably anyone alive shares some characteristics with Hitler. Some of the comparisons are true. Hitler was an egomaniac, as is Trump. He attacks his political opponents and the media.

And Obama was compared to Hitler many times. No one here mentioned that:

Why Republicans are obsessed with comparing Obama to Hitler

Everybody is Hitler These Days

For a long time, perhaps since shortly after World War II, it has become relatively common to label ones ideological or political opponents as “Hitler.” In U.S. political discourse in the 21st century, such a tactic has become particularly pronounced. All U.S. Presidents during this period, for example, have been called or compared to Hitler.

Comparing politicians to Hitler is nothing new, of course. We live in an age where George W. Bush, Saddam Hussein, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton (“Hitlery”) and Barack Obama have all seamlessly been compared to Hitler. That’s just a few of the more recent examples, but they clearly show just how little value such glib analogies have.

So on those rare occasions that someone in the media makes a comparison between Trump and Hitler, take it with a grain of salt. It has happened to many others before and it will happen to many other again. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Keep telling yourself that Speedy.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yes, there are comparisons between Trump and Hitler. Not to the extent you believe though. One has to search rather hard to find someone mentioning such a comparison. Probably anyone alive shares some characteristics with Hitler. Some of the comparisons are true. Hitler was an egomaniac, as is Trump. He attacks his political opponents and the media.

And Obama was compared to Hitler many times. No one here mentioned that:

Why Republicans are obsessed with comparing Obama to Hitler

Everybody is Hitler These Days

For a long time, perhaps since shortly after World War II, it has become relatively common to label ones ideological or political opponents as “Hitler.” In U.S. political discourse in the 21st century, such a tactic has become particularly pronounced. All U.S. Presidents during this period, for example, have been called or compared to Hitler.

Comparing politicians to Hitler is nothing new, of course. We live in an age where George W. Bush, Saddam Hussein, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton (“Hitlery”) and Barack Obama have all seamlessly been compared to Hitler. That’s just a few of the more recent examples, but they clearly show just how little value such glib analogies have.

So on those rare occasions that someone in the media makes a comparison between Trump and Hitler, take it with a grain of salt. It has happened to many others before and it will happen to many other again.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You're in denial. You need to come with about ten more examples, because we came up with more than ten examples without breaking a sweat.

The right has had enough of being insulted by the supercilious and hypocritical left.

The current dim-retard governor of Virginia won the election by painting his Republican adversary as a red-neck racist, and look at who the fuck was caught wearing black face in college -- and that lying, hypocritical POS is still in office.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Harvard Law professor deletes tweet claiming Trump-Hitler 'physical and behavioral resemblances'

(Washington Times)