ICE plans massive sweep this weekend.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

it doesn't look like ICE did shit. don't tell me "oh, ICE kept the addresses a secret".. let's not play that bullshit game. the Administration backed down.. again. who are we kidding? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

yeah. CNN quoting advocates. that's proof right???
Chung Tran's Avatar
yeah. CNN quoting advocates. that's proof right??? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
do you ever say anything else? you sound like a 7 year old.. "prove it", LOL

where is your proof that anything happened? "oh, my Lord Trump said raids would happen".
Chung Tran's Avatar

how about some more "proof"?

seems to me, though, you should want to be "out" if the ICE raid is targeting you. the raids (if they really occur) will be at homes, so unless you plan to be armed and bunkered, why avoid going out? you can blend in, be away from your address that ICE has.. this is not logical to me.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
do you ever say anything else? you sound like a 7 year old.. "prove it", LOL

where is your proof that anything happened? "oh, my Lord Trump said raids would happen". Originally Posted by Chung Tran

how about some more "proof"?

seems to me, though, you should want to be "out" if the ICE raid is targeting you. the raids (if they really occur) will be at homes, so unless you plan to be armed and bunkered, why avoid going out? you can blend in, be away from your address that ICE has.. this is not logical to me. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
cnn and msn are prime examples of fake news and knowingly reporting negative stories about Trump and his policies.

why do you thinck this was leaked? so these fine people from shithole nations wouldn't be home. probably hiding with "advocates" which is aiding and abetting criminals.

Arya .. for open borders?? doya want millions of illegals spending your tax dollars without contributing? there's your deficit, sport.

social welfare. the pox on America. Democrats in action!!

eccieuser9500's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Bluff. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

yes, you are bluffing. what else is new?
The LSM now says that enforcement of the law is a "threat" and it's not over yet. Coaching the law breakers on how to avoid arrest and only get this shit from the left.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like they did raid a few areas.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
looks like they did raid a few areas. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

paging Wang Chung .. er ..Chung Tran ..

Chung Tran's Avatar
paging Wang Chung .. er ..Chung Tran ..

BAHHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
page heard.. and dismissed.

a couple of little raids, LOL.. so fucking what. Obama deported way more people than Trump.

Trump was asked today about the raids.. he looked uncomfortable, before bullshitting that actually the raids have been going on for several days prior to Sunday.. sure they have. nobody noticed. Mexico is paying for the Wall. sure. the Border problem is way larger than Obama, under this guy who promised to curb illegal immigration. when are you going to wake up to the Bullshit rhetoric?

how about some more "proof"?

seems to me, though, you should want to be "out" if the ICE raid is targeting you. the raids (if they really occur) will be at homes, so unless you plan to be armed and bunkered, why avoid going out? you can blend in, be away from your address that ICE has.. this is not logical to me. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Chung...thanks for your tip to the law breakers...they already have these and more tips from your liberal enablers.
Why don't you write a book to avoid law enforcement if you are wanted.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Why don't you write a book to avoid law enforcement if you are wanted. Originally Posted by bb1961
that begs the question.. are these folks REALLY wanted? they have had signed, sealed Deportation Orders for months now.. real felons, not just average illegals. and Trump still hasn't moved on them. all those people housed at the border? Trump is letting in way more than are going out? he is pulling a fast one, and y'all haven't caught on yet.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
that begs the question.. are these folks REALLY wanted? they have had signed, sealed Deportation Orders for months now.. real felons, not just average illegals. and Trump still hasn't moved on them. all those people housed at the border? Trump is letting in way more than are going out? he is pulling a fast one, and y'all haven't caught on yet. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

you need to keep up on current events. these people have been ruled on and are to be deported. the democrats are fighting this for obvious reasons. they are the party of open borders and sanctuary cities. they've been opposing Trump in every way possible since the day he was sworn in. dismiss that.

btw Beto says his family used to own slaves. and his rich wifey's too. Beto is a dead man walking in this election cycle. he's just hanging around trying to kiss enough starfish to be Warren's VP. so they can get destroyed by Trump.
Chung Tran's Avatar
you need to keep up on current events. these people have been ruled on and are to be deported. the democrats are fighting this for obvious reasons. they are the party of open borders and sanctuary cities. they've been opposing Trump in every way possible since the day he was sworn in. dismiss that. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
no argument here.. I know the Democrats hate it, but Trump is in charge.. those raids will happen when and if he says they will, fuck what the Democrats want. you reiterate my point, which is the rulings are there, deportation should be effected. so when will we see them? will we ever see them? or was this a Chess Game from the start, and Trump was never serious?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
no argument here.. I know the Democrats hate it, but Trump is in charge.. those raids will happen when and if he says they will, fuck what the Democrats want. you reiterate my point, which is the rulings are there, deportation should be effected. so when will we see them? will we ever see them? or was this a Chess Game from the start, and Trump was never serious? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

because unfortunately .. he's not really an Emperor. Congress holds the money bags. and they won't make any move to secure the border. like they promised to before under Bush then Obama. Schumer is on record, on video decrying open borders. Now he thinks it's EVIL because Trump actually wants to do something about it. the point i reiterate is the Democrats are the square pegs making Trump beat them into a round hole. just to get them to uphold the law.

my solution ... a 30 million man march on Congress .. with ball-peen hammers!