Moscow Mitch Upset

bambino's Avatar
moo goo gai pan is food.... lol! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
No shit Dilbert.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
This is the fucking point Dilbert:

The McConnells got rich from her family connections in China. I don’t care if they were speaking Cantonese, Mandarin or Moo Goo Gai Pan. Mitch and his Cronies, like Biden got rich striking sweetheart deals with the Chi Coms. Why do you think our government never took on the Chinese via Trada? That’s the fucking point Dilbert. Mitch didn’t get rich in Moscow. Would you prefer Mao Mitch? Originally Posted by bambino

Mao wouldn't work McConnel is not a commie.

Hong Kong Mitch prolly work.

now where's hong kong phooey when you need him!??!
bambino's Avatar
Mao wouldn't work McConnel is not a commie.

Hong Kong Mitch prolly work.

now where's hong kong phooey when you need him!??! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The Commies own Mitch.
  • oeb11
  • 08-05-2019, 08:40 AM
McConnell is at home - fell and broke a shoulder.
McConnell is at home - fell and broke a shoulder. Originally Posted by oeb11
I heard it was the result of a group of rats sent by Cummings and the left from Baltimore to damage his patio and cause the fall.

I mean YR did ask what it would take to get him out of our government, but like most of the lefts dreams these days, McConnell was easily treated and is back Making America Great Again.