Parking ticket.

If it makes you and Levi feel better, his momma is a maroon...……or simply put, an idiot. Look at Levi's posts. he doesn't appear to come from a deeply intellectual family. I thought I was being nice to Levi and his momma. I don't think you can call someone retarded anymore Originally Posted by themystic
Your are fucking dense aren't you. You already admitted in several previous posts where you offered your supposed olive branches that you agreed bringing family in was childish. But you really don't give a shit do you?

I mean you invoke your own family member regularly as well. You have already self admitted to living in yo momma's basement, while railing against anyone talking about about your "dead" momma. It's a shame you have so little respect for her or anyone else's family for that matter.

So Norman Mystic(or is it Mystic Bates), you need to just grow up.

themystic's Avatar
Your are fucking dense aren't you. You already admitted in several previous posts where you offered your supposed olive branches that you agreed bringing family in was childish. But you really don't give a shit do you?

I mean you invoke your own family member regularly as well. You have already self admitted to living in yo momma's basement, while railing against anyone talking about about your "dead" momma. It's a shame you have so little respect for her or anyone else's family for that matter.

So Norman Mystic(or is it Mystic Bates), you need to just grow up.

Originally Posted by eccielover
I'm outraged at your behavior EL!!!!!!!! How dare you talk about my dead momma. You need to grow the fuck up penis lover
I'm outraged at your behavior EL!!!!!!!! How dare you talk about my dead momma. You need to grow the fuck up penis lover Originally Posted by themystic
Aww, that's a shame. But I see where you don't understand the difference in me pointing out to you your own childish words and attacks. I haven't disparaged yo momma at all. What's one bad thing I've said about her?

You on the other hand continue with childish rants and name calling of others family.

So Norman Mystic(or Mystic Bates), do you think you can put on your big boy pants and stop the family attacks?

I'm guessing not
themystic's Avatar
Aww, that's a shame. But I see where you don't understand the difference in me pointing out to you your own childish words and attacks. I haven't disparaged yo momma at all. What's one bad thing I've said about her?

You on the other hand continue with childish rants and name calling of others family.

So Norman Mystic(or Mystic Bates), do you think you can put on your big boy pants and stop the family attacks?

I'm guessing not Originally Posted by eccielover
Ill try EL. Can I still mention Lollipop Hankering? I still have relations with her
Ill try EL. Can I still mention Lollipop Hankering? I still have relations with her Originally Posted by themystic
You just can't get over the childish behavior can you? They have treatment for that!!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Ill try EL. Can I still mention Lollipop Hankering? I still have relations with her Originally Posted by themystic
You're still sucking on those dim-retard lollipops, Moscow Mystic. They make you have delusions, Moscow Mystic.
themystic's Avatar
You're still sucking on those dim-retard lollipops, Moscow Mystic. They make you have delusions, Moscow Mystic. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I love Lollipop Hankering even though one of her sons is retarded.( I wont disclose which one, but here's a clue.....I...……..B...…..
I B Hankering's Avatar
I love Lollipop Hankering even though one of her sons is retarded.( I wont disclose which one, but here's a clue.....I...……..B...….. Originally Posted by themystic
You must be chain sucking on those dim-retard lollipops, Moscow Mystic. You're really suffering from delusions, Moscow Mystic.
If it makes you and Levi feel better, his momma is a maroon...……or simply put, an idiot. Look at Levi's posts. he doesn't appear to come from a deeply intellectual family. I thought I was being nice to Levi and his momma. I don't think you can call someone retarded anymore Originally Posted by themystic
Sure we can still call people retarded. You're the poster child for retardation. You're lousy disgusting human being. I don't offer you any respect for your blatant insulting behavior you've displayed with myself and other posters of this forum. You're nothing but a lowbrow fucking coward, you know it and everyone in this forum knows it. You're dismissed you little prick. I am through with you.
themystic's Avatar
Sure we can still call people retarded. You're the poster child for retardation. You're lousy disgusting human being. I don't offer you any respect for your blatant insulting behavior you've displayed with myself and other posters of this forum. You're nothing but a lowbrow fucking coward, you know it and everyone in this forum knows it. You're dismissed you little prick. I am through with you. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Awww the little farm boy retard doesn't like being on the receiving end of Donald Trump like insults? I thought you Trump fucks liked when people "tell it like it is" Just like I suspected, your just another pussy who got his MAGA hat slapped off and couldn't do anything about it. Kind of reminiscent of the way Putin punked Trump out in Helsinki. Run along now you un American coward
Awww the little farm boy retard doesn't like being on the receiving end of Donald Trump like insults? I thought you Trump fucks liked when people "tell it like it is" Just like I suspected, your just another pussy who got his MAGA hat slapped off and couldn't do anything about it. Kind of reminiscent of the way Putin punked Trump out in Helsinki. Run along now you un American coward Originally Posted by themystic
You can't go long without mentioning Trump. It's shit like you that makes Trump a blessing for this country. You can play your chickenshit Socialist game all you want, but Trump will be around for another Four Years whether you like it or not. Now go jerk off to your Obama poster chump, lol.
themystic's Avatar
You can't go long without mentioning Trump. It's shit like you that makes Trump a blessing for this country. You can play your chickenshit Socialist game all you want, but Trump will be around for another Four Years whether you like it or not. Now go jerk off to your Obama poster chump, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I wonder why I would mention Trump so much in a political forum? There are lots of intelligent Trump supporters who know he is a liar, and that hes a despicable human being but it is all about their conservative beliefs. They had a choice between him and Hillary. They don't pretend that his fucked up narracistic behavior doesn't exist. Then there are the dumb fuck Trump supporters who view Trump as some kind of WWE wrestling champion. They believe whatever he says You fall in the category of dumb fuck Levi. Please do not breed anymore Levi
I wonder why I would mention Trump so much in a political forum? There are lots of intelligent Trump supporters who know he is a liar, and that hes a despicable human being but it is all about their conservative beliefs. They had a choice between him and Hillary. They don't pretend that his fucked up narracistic behavior doesn't exist. Then there are the dumb fuck Trump supporters who view Trump as some kind of WWE wrestling champion. They believe whatever he says You fall in the category of dumb fuck Levi. Please do not breed anymore Levi Originally Posted by themystic
You mention Trump because he scares your little pussy ass. The whole Democratic party lies their ass off so fuck off jerk. Trump 2020 Biatch, lol.
themystic's Avatar
You mention Trump because he scares your little pussy ass. Trump 2020 Biatch, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Pick up your MAGA hat and run home Scardy cat
Pick up your MAGA hat and run home Scardy cat Originally Posted by themystic
Hahaha, You got your chump ass handed to you again. It's easy to tell because you mention MAGA Hats. You aren't intimidating so give it up punk. Your Candidates aren't intimidating either. They are afraid of Trump because they can't inspire their base and Trump can inspire his. Enjoy the next Four Plus years with Trump at the helm or cry about it, nobody gives a shit. Now go clean yourself up you crusty bastard.