There are some truths in the rant.

But if he's going all in on the Christian thing, he's definitely doing it wrong. Christianity isn't really about passing judgement on all those loser johns...or really judging others at all. He needs to think it through some more.
Especially when you were one!
sixxbach's Avatar
It's easy enough to dismiss the OP as a lunatic, but there is an important element of his message that I hope doesn't get lost.

I won't say most, but certainly a great many hobbyists who haunt these boards really don't like or respect women very much. It's obvious to everyone who these hobbyists are.

But it's unfair that the OP lumps together everyone who pays for pussy as misogynists. We aren't. And we aren't all malformed, drooling, social misfits who are otherwise unable to attract a woman. Some of us just happen to be in a sexless marriage, and paying for pussy is by far the least of all possible evils.

Not being a native Texan, I have no trouble saying that I think women - and not pickup trucks - are God's greatest invention. I love 'em. I think every hard-working provider deserves our respect. There are a few among them who are as lowly as some of the clients the OP has in mind. If you are one of the hobbyists who degrades, abuses or debases providers, then shame on you.

Happy hobbying, everybody. Originally Posted by mastermind238


I have no issue with you and value your reviews and insight but you got this one wrong. I love women. I treat all women I encounter with respect. When I comment on the boards, I am talking as a consumer and addressing the women as a business (which is what they are running). If I TRULY treated women terribly, women would not see me. I have had quite a few providers say that they may not agree with me but they respect that I will call out a provider out in the open as opposed to going to the men's area and trying to look good to other providers by not posting in coed. . They are able to read what is said anyway.

I treat all the women in my real life as queens and any woman I see BCD is treated with respect.

I also had issue with the last statement you made that shame on a poster like myself. Let's remember that NONE of us are saints. I don't know everyone's reason for hobbying but keep in mind some may feel they respect women more than some other hobbyists but the grand majority of us are disrespecting the women in our lives who TRULY matter. You know, the women who take our lying, cheating asses back, bear our kids, and deal with the BS that makes men what we are. I am not judging anyone but I don't think its cool to make statements like that when none of us are in a place to judge others.

I have no beef ya man, just had to make a point or two......

Ben There's Avatar
Well said Sixx.
GenesisNicole's Avatar
I have no issue with you, however, I do agree with what Mastermind had to say.

If you truely do treat the ladies with respect, then you wouldn't be one of those he speaks of...
Then no offense should be taken...

Just my $.02. *smile and wink*

sixxbach's Avatar
I have no issue with you, however, I do agree with what Mastermind had to say.

If you truely do treat the ladies with respect, then you wouldn't be one of those he speaks of...
Then no offense should be taken...

Just my $.02. *smile and wink*

Originally Posted by GenesisNicole
No beef with you either Gen. I just didn't like the "high horse" commentary. Like I said, there are no angels in this business when it comes down to it.

You also know very well that I have a bad reputation with some providers for being outspoken, that is no secret. Whether he meant me directly or not, I am in that group that is the subject of that post. It is what it is and I am not offended by being lumped in that group but will comment if its deemed that I should......

Whispers's Avatar
Whether he meant me directly or not, I am in that group that is the subject of that post. It is what it is and I am not offended by being lumped in that group Originally Posted by sixxbach
At least noone is suggesting you are like that dude Whispers.... That would really be insulting
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
What I see here is a serious lack of compassion for someone who seems to be going through a serious crisis. I would recommend the mods kill the thread. It would be a kindness to all of those here. Originally Posted by Takeshi Miike

Believe me, I would usually show more compassion toward someone going through so much turmoil... However, this poster has shown an unstable mental history, lack of ethics (as shown by his own admission that he has leaked private information before), hatred for other men who participate in the hobby combined with racism, homophobia, and general bigotry toward many arbitrary segments of the population.

Good riddance.
austinkboy's Avatar
The women I have great respect for. And because of this, this man needs to be gone. He is unstable and dangerous. Yes perhaps we should have compassion for this man, and the compassionate thing to do is to take him out.
mastermind238's Avatar

I have no issue with you and value your reviews and insight but you got this one wrong. I love women. I treat all women I encounter with respect. When I comment on the boards, I am talking as a consumer and addressing the women as a business (which is what they are running). If I TRULY treated women terribly, women would not see me. I have had quite a few providers say that they may not agree with me but they respect that I will call out a provider out in the open as opposed to going to the men's area and trying to look good to other providers by not posting in coed. . They are able to read what is said anyway.

I treat all the women in my real life as queens and any woman I see BCD is treated with respect.

I also had issue with the last statement you made that shame on a poster like myself. Let's remember that NONE of us are saints. I don't know everyone's reason for hobbying but keep in mind some may feel they respect women more than some other hobbyists but the grand majority of us are disrespecting the women in our lives who TRULY matter. You know, the women who take our lying, cheating asses back, bear our kids, and deal with the BS that makes men what we are. I am not judging anyone but I don't think its cool to make statements like that when none of us are in a place to judge others.

I have no beef ya man, just had to make a point or two......

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Sixx - I have no idea why you think I was addressing my comments to you. I wasn't. The kind of guy I had in mind was the one Whispers outed recently - I think it was Austinguy08 or something like that. Why can't we selectively condemn the kind of behavior we hear about all the time - guys leaving empty donation envelopes, guys forcefully trying to bareback, guys who fuck women who are too drunk even to stand up, etc, etc? I just don't see ANYTHING in my post that would make you believe I had you in mind.

texasfeet's Avatar
I'm a simple man so I live by a simple rule; "do unto others as you would have them do unto to you." that takes care of Karma and everything else.
guest031812's Avatar
plus 1 texasfeet..... thats a great rule to live by
A night ago, a pervert kept stalking a 32 year old homeless girl and kept asking her to hop in his car. I was walking back from this bar near North Loop and there was the pervert in his $5.5 billion dollar Lexus. He was harassing the girl and I called the police. I got his license plate and gave it to the police. He was stopped by two cops because GOD answered my prayers and the guy deserved what is coming to him. Originally Posted by The_Leopard
So, in the short time span of walking out of a bar you are able to deduce: A)the woman's age B)that she was homeless C)that the guy was a pervert D)that the man in the car was stalking her? You're better than Sherlock Holmes.

P.S. If you were so worried about her why didn't you confront him directly instead of having police distracted from real crimes to your imagined ones?

P.P.S. Does the 5.5 billion Lexus come with CD player standard or is it extra?
  • E2
  • 08-01-2011, 02:17 PM
Now THAT my friends, is a melt-down!
Is there anyone who didn't see this coming? Originally Posted by riday


recent rant - May 18

I think his meds are refilled on a quarterly basis.
You boys fight like school girls. Pull hair. Throw rocks. Tell each other bad names. Cry like bithes. Then you beat up on the little kid in the street. I am learning much from you.