making popcorns - what pans??

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
commercial microwave popcorn has chemicals in it. read where there was this guy ate & smelled microwave popcorn everyday. He got sick from some kind of cancer. evidentally, employees making this product got sick too. filed a lawsuit over this. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
75% of us are going to get some form of cancer and are all going to die. Originally Posted by gnadfly
FYI, follow the links in the 2nd and 3rd paragraph.

How To: Make Popcorn
by Faith Durand
Published: Sep 6, 2007

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Microwave popcorn was all over the news today. Diacetyl, which adds that buttery taste, can cause lung damage when heated and inhaled – leading to a potentially fatal condition known as “popcorn workers’ lung.”

And that’s not all – Angela at Shelterrific pointed us to this article: Plastic Ocean, which says that one of the chemicals used to treat microwave popcorn bags has serious health risks.

So, whether you like your popcorn plain, salty, buttery, or sweet, chances are you’re looking for another way to make it. Here’s the basics on making popcorn yourself – with or without a bag.

1. Stovetop, in a pan – The old-fashioned way, the way most of us made popcorn before these bags came along. All you need is a big pot with a lid. This method, while great for the home, doesn’t help those of us who like our popcorn at the office.

• Take a deep heavy pan – at least 4 quarts. Film the bottom lightly with corn or vegetable oil and set over medium heat. Pour in popcorn kernels in one layer, no more, and cover tightly. When you hear popping start, take the handles and shake back and forth to keep the kernels distributed evenly. When the popping slows, turn off the heat and remove the lid. Hey presto – snowy kernels! Salt or drizzle real butter on top.

2. Stovetop, in a Whirley-Pop – We have a friend who loves her Whirley-Pop so much it was probably the first thing she packed when she moved. The Whirley-Pop is a large deep pan with a hinged lid and a built-in crank to turn the kernels and help them pop evenly. Otherwise, it’s just like the method above. Stovetop, light oil, kernels. Also not practical for work, but it makes a great bowl of popcorn. If you have a bag-a-day habit, this one-use tool might be worth it.

• You can buy one for $23.31 at Amazon.

3. Air popper – This reeks of the 80s to us, these air poppers. Does anyone still use them for popcorn? Most of our friends who have these actually use them for roasting coffee! We always found their popcorn a little too chewy, too much like Styrofoam. But in the face of the microwave bag issues, we can see them making a comeback.

• This Orville Redenbacher Hot Air Popper is $20.41 at Amazon.

4. Microwave Bowl – You can easily pop popcorn in the microwave without a pre-filled bag. This Presto PowerPop is a bowl that goes in the microwave, and it claims to be quite a bit more efficient and thorough than bagged microwave popcorn. More kernels for the bang.

Presto PowerPop, $13.44 at Amazon.

5. DIY Microwave Bags – And if you just have to have your little bag of microwave popcorn, it’s not hard to do it yourself without all those nasty chemicals. Just grease a basic brown paper lunch bag and shake in some kernels. Microwave and eat.

• Find detailed instructions at Instructables and Treehugger. We’re going to try this out ourselves and let you know how it goes!

So that’s how to make popcorn without a microwave-ready bag. What’s your favorite method?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
there's a youtube video where the guy says top popcorn with lots of oil. so I gather is this, 2 layers of popcorn, fill it to the top of the popcorn.
he claims everyone of one of those kernels pop! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Oil deep enough for, to top of,one layer of popcorn is correct.
2nd layer, nope. The heated oil against the popcorn is the key.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
We used a Popper similar to this one when I was a kid.
It worked well on Gas Ranges and the Coil Type Electric Ranges.
Originally Posted by biomed1
And campfires as Winn Dixie mentions.
Can also be used in fireplaces, on top of wood stoves, etc.
Best to keep bottom level so oil stays spread out.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
well, this is guy is using a very interesting technique with a wok bowl, alumminum foil, and tongs.

spoiler alert: the guy's cheeky at the end of the video. lol!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Oil deep enough for, to top of,one layer of popcorn is correct.
2nd layer, nope. The heated oil against the popcorn is the key. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
well, I hate to break this to you. this indian granny disagrees with you. bahahaha!!!

she's making caramel popcorn in what appears to be a 20-24" wok pan over an open gas flame. she dumped something like 3 -4 levels of kernels with lots of oil.

9 minute video.

her way can work, provided of course, you have a very large pan to handle all that popcorn production.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
microwave popcorn on a stove! cool...

this is one attempt on a stove, results are mixed.

He had the right idea with this popcorn bag.

I agree with this guy, the stuff inside the microwave bag is disgusting!!! LOL!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
emmy does a test review between whirly pop and her steel pot.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
here's a new trick. instead of using oil, use water. yes you heard right.. water!!! lol!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
3 different ways to make popcorn oil free.

bonus: she gives interesting popcorn seasoning tips at the end.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
making popcorn with ghee (refined butter minus oil and water)
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
incidentally, I found I have a large stainless steel stock pot, prolly 8 qts I think. It doesn't get used to much. I didn't measure it, its likely around 12" x 12".

its not something I'd use for making popcorn, but it'll do temporarily. Its also a good size to make popping experiments for quantity.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Mistakes everyone makes when making popcorn

more popcorn making tips; dos and don'ts.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
last one for the road. I promise. this is the last popcorn tip from me.

The Popcorn Technique You Won't Find on the Internet

This simple at-home method mimics the way the movie theater does it.

this is known as Frank's popcorn recipe.