Ban-A-Palooza 2020 (Who’s Out? Who’s Still In? Who's On Their Way Out?

Champagne Brown's Avatar
heh... he wrote "because of a drive-by..." bbaawahahahahaha!

"PMSing was probably..."
As is his pseudonyms Sis, Girl Solider and you^^.

Who was left out?
I think you left out CB who is not to be cornfused with cb, CDB, etc. Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera
CB, not to be confused with cb, had one foot in the door but calmed that ass down a bit. Originally Posted by boardman

Not that I had to point out the obvious, some suffer from selective seeing I's really not that serious to me because I know this stuff is a freaking sick game that you're playing..

Everyone around here knows I'm CB..

I wasn't banned, and how would he know if I was one foot in? Y'all supposed to have been a long time ago..But y'all didn't drop your names, being on the verge of being banned.

But to make some claims like that it's like he has intel..

I'm a words person,and read in-between the lines, and what's being said..

Just leave my name outta the fake banned remarks..