So on a Jew's Drivers License in space that indicates race there's a "J" for Jewish? I don't think I've ever seen that. Originally Posted by Levianon17
its a very obscure issue. its not played up.
So on a Jew's Drivers License in space that indicates race there's a "J" for Jewish? I don't think I've ever seen that. Originally Posted by Levianon17The Driver's License is to identify you. Of course there is no "J" on there. Jewish people are the same skin tone as white people. They just check "white" as well as they should. I'm guessing there is nothing for Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese people as well. They just check Asian.
I liked Fauci talking about Coronavirus over represented in black women yesterday, pretending he didn’t know why this was. He does, I do, everyone does, but saying 3/4 of them are the size of a Volkswagen will get you labeled a racist when it’s just a simple statement of fact. Originally Posted by JacuzzmeFat fuckers are going to die from respiratory infections, no matter what color they are, more than healthy fuckers.
Look, I'm not going to argue with you guys about this. Go back in time and argue with Hitler and prevent the holocaust. Trust me, he cared a hell of a lot more about this debate than I do.Hitler wiping out Jews doesn’t make Jews a race, it makes them one of many unfortunate groups on the receiving end of his ire. He also murdered Gypsies, the disabled, Slavs, gays, Germans who disagreed with his politics, and on and on, none of which are races.
The Driver's License is to identify you. Of course there is no "J" on there. Jewish people are the same skin tone as white people. They just check "white" as well as they should. I'm guessing there is nothing for Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese people as well. They just check Asian.My License doesn't even indicate race just Sex, Height, Weight and Eye color. I guess it's up to ever views it. It's not all that important anyway.
Look, I'm not going to argue with you guys about this. Go back in time and argue with Hitler and prevent the holocaust. Trust me, he cared a hell of a lot more about this debate than I do. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
If hydroxychloroquine becomes an accepted treatment, several pharmaceutical companies stand to profit, including shareholders and senior executives with connections to the president. Mr. Trump himself has a small personal financial interest in Sanofi, the French drugmaker that makes Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine.However, Trump’s Sanofi stake is indirect and rather small — he owns shares through a fund that includes a diverse array of stocks. As Vox’s Emily Stewart noted, a government official repeatedly promoting a product made by a company they have a minute stake in would be a very inefficient way to be corrupt:
Hitler wiping out Jews doesn’t make Jews a race, it makes them one of many unfortunate groups on the receiving end of his ire. He also murdered Gypsies, the disabled, Slavs, gays, Germans who disagreed with his politics, and on and on, none of which are races.Agreed
Agreed, I just found him tap dancing around the reason why the mortality rate is so high among that particular demographic entertaining. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Unfriendly Jew Fred is still talking a lot. I'm assuming it's about me but I don't care to read that idiot's posts.^^^ Daayyuumm! It sounds like Ivy League Luke is threatening a fellow poster - either with outing, physical violence, or both. That's clearly against the rules. Somebody should rtm Luke!
Let me ask you this though, Frederick; do you not think the midget hooker you are in love with who you gave all of your personal information to would not give it all to me if I paid her to do so? Think about that simple fact. She would give me all of your personal information in a second for the right price. And trust me, I can afford it. lol
Don't worry though. If I really wanted to find you, I don't need her.Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Forget about a vaccine. He wants to peddle this as he claims it’s much more effectiveWhere did you hear that bullshit?
And besides he’s invested a lot of $$$$ in the co that made it. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
I wondered where BWK got that information about Trump making money from Hydroxychloquine. I heard it was being peddled on NBC so unlike BWK, I thought I would look into it.+1
Trump has a distant financial link to a pharma giant that makes the drug he's been pushing to fight COVID-19 — but it's probably worth less than $1,000
President Donald Trump reportedly has a "small personal financial interest" in a drugmaker that produces hydroxychloroquine, a drug he has been enthusiastically touting as a possible treatment for the new coronavirus, according to a Monday New York Times report.Far from a fan of Trump
"As of last year, Mr. Trump reported that his three family trusts each had investments in a Dodge & Cox mutual fund, whose largest holding was in Sanofi," The Times wrote. Sanofi is a French drugmaker that produces hydroxychloroquine pills under the brand name Plaquenil.
A mutual fund is a portfolio that pools together money from several investors and then invests across various asset classes such as stocks, bonds and other forms of debt.
Business Insider followed the paper trail and concluded that the holding has a maximum value of around $1,300, only slightly larger than similar holdings by Trump funds in Google parent Alphabet, FedEx, and the French bank BNP Paribas.
Here is the logic:
The Dodge & Cox holdings are mentioned in this disclosure form, logged with the US Office of Government Ethics in May 2019.
Each of three family funds list a holding in the Dodge & Cox International Stocks Fund, valued between $1,000 and $15,000.
The funds are managed by JP Morgan without any input from Trump.
According to a prospectus dated December 2019, the Dodge & Cox fund in question has Sanofi as its largest holding at 2.9%.
If all three Dodge & Cox holdings are worth the full $15,000 — $45,000 in total — then a 2.9% share of that is $1,305.
Assuming, each holding is the minimum $1,000 — a total of $3,000 — then the 2.9% stake would equate to $87.
Trump’s promotion of unproven drugs is cause for alarm, but not because he’s making money off it
Trump indirectly owns a minute stake in a company that makes hydroxychloroquine. But that doesn’t seem to be why he’s been promoting it.
A Monday New York Times report appeared to offer one possible new explanation: financial interest — his own, and that of those close to him.
Per the Times:If hydroxychloroquine becomes an accepted treatment, several pharmaceutical companies stand to profit, including shareholders and senior executives with connections to the president. Mr. Trump himself has a small personal financial interest in Sanofi, the French drugmaker that makes Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine.However, Trump’s Sanofi stake is indirect and rather small — he owns shares through a fund that includes a diverse array of stocks. As Vox’s Emily Stewart noted, a government official repeatedly promoting a product made by a company they have a minute stake in would be a very inefficient way to be corrupt:
“I certainly understand why the president is pushing it,” Rosenberg told the Times. “He has to project hope. And when you are in a situation without hope, things go very badly. So I’m not faulting him for pushing it even if there isn’t a lot of science behind it, because it is, at this point, the best, most available option for use.”
But the report of Trumpworld’s connections to the pharmaceutical industry caused many to believe something more sinister was afoot — namely, that Trump hoped to use the coronavirus pandemic to enrich himself and his allies.
Trump has been accused of many crimes — but doesn’t seem to be doing anything wrong this time
Trump has on numerous occasions been accused of, put under investigation for, and refused to rule out using his position to financially benefit himself. And he was, of course, impeached about four months ago on charges of using his office for his political benefit.
It’s this history that has online observers, political strategists, and journalists highlighting the president’s financial ties to Sanofi, which makes hydroxychloroquine.
But while there are a number of outstanding questions about Trump’s financial stakes and how his current role influences them, it isn’t clear there is great cause for concern with respect to his pharmaceutical holdings.
For one, the president doesn’t directly own Sanofi stock. His 2019 financial disclosures suggest he holds it in three family trusts through an investment in the mutual fund company Dodge & Cox’s international stock fund. According to Dodge & Cox, that fund includes shares of a number of drug companies — including AstraZeneca, Novartis, Bayer, GlaxoSmithKline, and Sanofi. But it also includes shares of companies in other industries, from online retail to banking to electronics. And of the drug companies it does include, only some, like Novartis and Sanofi, are major manufacturers of hydroxychloroquine.
This would suggest that the president — and anyone else who bought this particular Dodge & Cox product — may not profit very much from increased hydroxychloroquine sales, and that any benefits drug companies in the portfolio see may not be enough to offset the loses of other included companies.
Trump’s financial disclosures don’t show exactly how much each trust has invested in the fund, but they do say it is $15,000 or less. Financial Times reporter Kadhim Shubber wrote this means the president’s stake in Sanofi is likely worth about $450.
But as we all know by now, BWK could care less what the truth is. How ironic is it that a person who professes to be upset at someone he perceives to be a liar and careless with his words is exactly that person himself. BWK is merely repeating what he heard from more than likely NBC or other MSM outlet without doing any research at all. Surprising? Nope.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever