Bill Gates.......Communist China’s Useful Idiot

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Gates made his initial inroads to his fortune as a thief and a huckster fraud.

No wonder he is now aligning with the group who are the largest thieves of intellectual property in the world. Must remind him of his early days. Originally Posted by eccielover
I don't think you know a lot about Bill Gates.

His Dad was a rich lawyer. He went to an exclusive private school where he had access to a mainframe computer.

Around the time he was at Harvard, he struck up a friendship with Paul Allen who helped start MSFT.

DOS was software brought by Bill from a widow of a programmer who had killed himself. He made billions off that one deal.

that part is not true. you might be thinking of the guy who founded Digital Research .. author of DR-DOS. he had the inside shot at IBM. accounts vary as to why that fell through. some say he wouldn't sign the NDA IBM wanted him to just to discuss IBM's plans .. not unreasonable. some accounts say he was running late, his wife wouldn't sign it not being business oriented and IBM left before he got there. that guy did later die. in a bar fight of all things.

that gave Billy and Paul Allen a shot to pitch IBM. they had nothing to pitch really but they knew of a software company in Seattle that had a similar DOS system like DR-DOS. So Allen bought it for 50,000 outright. of course not telling them he and Gates had a deal with IBM. interestingly .. Gates did not attend the meeting. only Allen did. Why? because Gates at 27 still looked like he 16. bahaaaa. so Allen and his big bushy man beard when in.

BAHHHAAA remember that Allen was only 3 years older than Gates. Bill looks like his son.

Is Gates a smart guy? Hell yeah. But don't think he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Microsoft entered the operating system (OS) business in 1980 with its own version of Unix called Xenix,[23] but it was MS-DOS that solidified the company's dominance. IBM awarded a contract to Microsoft in November 1980 to provide a version of the CP/M OS to be used in the IBM Personal Computer (IBM PC).[24] For this deal, Microsoft purchased a CP/M clone called 86-DOS from Seattle Computer Products which it branded as MS-DOS, although IBM rebranded it to IBM PC DOS. Microsoft retained ownership of MS-DOS following the release of the IBM PC in August 1981. IBM had copyrighted the IBM PC BIOS, so other companies had to reverse engineer it in order for non-IBM hardware to run as IBM PC compatibles, but no such restriction applied to the operating systems. Microsoft eventually became the leading PC operating systems vendor
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Bill Gates defends China's coronavirus response: Billionaire says Beijing 'did a lot of things right' at the start of the pandemic and claims criticism of the Communist Party is a 'distraction'

  • Microsoft co-founder pushed back against criticism of China in CNN interview
  • US handled COVID-19 response 'particularly poorly' compared to others, he said
  • Gates said criticism of China over coronavirus outbreak was a 'distraction'
  • He also defended World Health Organization as a 'phenomenal' agency
  • Republicans have accused China of not being transparent about origins of virus
  • Trump this month announced US would halt funding to the UN-run WHO
  • Decision to halt funding was blasted by Gates' wife, Melinda Gates
  • Gates' foundation is second largest donor to WHO behind the United States
  • Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19
he's not with microsoft any more.... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I thought he had a title like President Emeritus or something.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I thought he had a title like President Emeritus or something. Originally Posted by Jackie S

he relinquished the CEO role years ago to Ballmer. over a decade easy. recently he stepped down from Microsoft's board.

Bill Gates leaves Microsoft board

  • Bill Gates is leaving Microsoft’s board, the company announced on Friday.
  • Gates co-founded Microsoft in 1975 with Paul Allen, who died in 2018.
  • Gates is among Microsoft’s top shareholders, owning 1.36% of shares, according to FactSet.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Bill Gates’ ridiculous denial on China’s coronavirus coverup

On CNN Sunday, Bill Gates rejected claims that China "deceived the rest of the world" about the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan.

Bill Gates believes covering up a massive outbreak is China “doing a lot of things right at the beginning.” Yikes!

On CNN Sunday, the billionaire rejected claims that China, as host Fareed Zakaria put it, “deceived the rest of the world.”

“Well, I don’t think that’s a timely thing because it doesn’t affect how we act today,” Gates replied. “Like any country where a virus first shows up, they can look back and see where they missed some things.”

Missed? China’s government punished doctors for reporting that a SARS-like virus was loose. And it lied to the world about the virus spreading human-to-human.

Talk of China’s cover-up is a “distraction,” Gates said. Sorry: Beijing’s intentional failures matter plenty.
he's not with microsoft any more.... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Gates supposedly left the board last month
HoeHummer's Avatar
As bad as China is, the World Health Organization is as bad.

They stood by and let China get away with letting thousands of infected Chinese leave the Country, knowing they carried the virus. How many Swiss Bank Accounts were fattened.

How many WHO executives sit behind huge mahogany desk in plush high rise offices, living off of “donations.

The WHO is a corrupt bureaucracy that should not receive one more penny from the American Taxpayer.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Bill Gates - true genius,artistry,and creativity.... Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Bill Gates is a world-class grifter. He is/was great at it, no doubt. But a grifter just the same.

...I'm with Howard Stern,.. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
I'm sure ya'll make a fine couple. But ya know what? Ya'll don't matter or get to have an opinion, since you're not an expert in anything in my eyes.
sportfisherman's Avatar
All this China and WHO discussion is just to divert attention from Chump's slow inadequate response to this crisis.
It's called Blaming others to avoid responsibility.
Kinda like "My dog ate my homework".
We had and have our own Intelligence resources.
We don't have to and should not rely on China or WHO for the security of our country.So here's the list ;
6.State and Local Officials

Any others you want to add for your Whinin' Complainin' Excuse Makin' Leader ?
Ever notice how anything positive Chump owns it entirely,he is totally responsible for it.It's completely because of him.
Anything negative,he doesn't know anything about it.He doesn't know the guy.He never saw the report.He was innocently involved and just at the whim of China and WHO and whatever.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...The Chinese may (or may not) have lied about their numbers, and their laxity early on may have allowed this to get out of control.... Originally Posted by Tiny
They did and continue to do so.
BTW: the comma is not typically needed in an "and" continuation (compound sentence) That's just meant to drive Sporty off the short pier, so never mind

... But there's no doubting they did a better job of responding to the new coronavirus and getting their economy going again than we have or will. Attribute it all to their police state if you wish but there are other reasons that many Americans, out of arrogance or ignorance, won't admit. Originally Posted by Tiny
So when will you be permanently relocating you and your entire family to that totalitarian police state in Wuhan? Be sure to get a hovel with steel doors so they can weld ya'll inside, in case they feel the need to do so again. Feel free to update us when it happens, though we won't receive it because it will be censored. Enjoy Comrade!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...So here's the list ;
6.State and Local Officials Originally Posted by sportfisherman

If you would be so kinda as to grace us with your divine insights of the responsibility of those in your list, as it pertains to their handling and involvement of a world-wide pandemic response. It would be great if you graciously work from bottom up.

P.S. If you could expand on why you are so adamant to defund the WHO, that would be great.
sportfisherman's Avatar
The List is Chump's and Chumpster's ;
That is their blaming list for their Whinin' Complainin' Excuse Makin' Leader.
It is yours to own.
  • oeb11
  • 04-28-2020, 10:39 AM
Thank U - j66 jr.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Yeah, I know how to spell capitalist - it's B I L L G A T E S.

I'm not so sure how to spell crony capitalist but think it starts with "D". Maybe DONALD or DEMOCRAT. I think Donald used to be a Democrat, I get confused.

The Chinese may (or may not) have lied about their numbers, and their laxity early on may have allowed this to get out of control. But there's no doubting they did a better job of responding to the new coronavirus and getting their economy going again than we have or will. Attribute it all to their police state if you wish but there are other reasons that many Americans, out of arrogance or ignorance, won't admit. Originally Posted by Tiny

So, if China did lie and I believe they did and always will, how do you know what kind of job they did? To assume they did a good job based on their numbers and the possibility which you seem to think is "plausible", how can you conclude they did a good job?

Beijing city shuts down gyms again as fears rise over a second wave of coronavirus

So lets not get too excited about what a great job China is doing just yet or ever in my opinion.