$300K raised for San Francisco salon owner who Pelosi says set her up

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It would require QUITE the reversal of fortune from the primaries. She beat out the closest competitor by almost 60 percentage points. Its a lot like the numbers from Klacik's first attempt at MD-7. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

peeloosi got 70% in the jungle primary.

Tip O'Neal thought he had a safe seat, voters tossed him out in a shocker in 1987.
Grace Preston's Avatar
peeloosi got 70% in the jungle primary.

Tip O'Neal thought he had a safe seat, voters tossed him out in a shocker in 1987. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Voters tossed him out? I thought he had retired.....his only political loss I can find was when he ran for City Council in Cambridge, which according to every source I can find-- was his only electoral defeat.

California is oddball in terms of their Rep elections. She is running against another Dem for the seat-- apparently their primaries advance the top 2 vote getters, regardless of party affiliation. That's why I'm pretty sure she's safe-- she beat him handily the first time around.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Voters tossed him out? I thought he had retired.....his only political loss I can find was when he ran for City Council in Cambridge, which according to every source I can find-- was his only electoral defeat. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
my bad. it was Tom Foley, not Tip. got the names mixed up.

California is oddball in terms of their Rep elections. She is running against another Dem for the seat-- apparently their primaries advance the top 2 vote getters, regardless of party affiliation. That's why I'm pretty sure she's safe-- she beat him handily the first time around.
Yes, California jungle primary is odder than Louisiana jungle primary. LA has jungle primary, if no one gets 51% of the vote, the top 2 goes into the runoff in the general election. this is different as the top 2 goes into the runoff regardless if a candidate had over 51% of the vote.

I don't think the way they set it up is legal. they should be holding their jungle race in November. LA was forced to hold theirs in November in a lawsuit against the october federal election.

this system actually puts her position at risk. safe district for her, but funny things can happen and bad optics have happened already.
HoeHummer's Avatar
YR - Erica might do your hair - outside on SF shit strewn sidewalks.

an appropriate milieu. Originally Posted by oeb11
Always with the names-calling and scatologies, Ramboebsy!

Yous are going to give Clay Media a runs for his money, eh?

Check your PMS, little guy.
Grace Preston's Avatar
my bad. it was Tom Foley, not Tip. got the names mixed up.

Yes, California jungle primary is odder than Louisiana jungle primary. LA has jungle primary, if no one gets 51% of the vote, the top 2 goes into the runoff in the general election. this is different as the top 2 goes into the runoff regardless if a candidate had over 51% of the vote.

I don't think the way they set it up is legal. they should be holding their jungle race in November. LA was forced to hold theirs in November in a lawsuit against the october federal election.

this system actually puts her position at risk. safe district for her, but funny things can happen and bad optics have happened already. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

She's running against someone even more left of the dial than she is. In that district.. they're more likely to go with the nutter they know than the one they don't.

Also-- Foley was in a district that became increasingly conservative during his tenure... so really-- while he was the first sitting Speaker to lose since 1860-- its not like it was 100% unexpected.
  • oeb11
  • 09-10-2020, 07:15 AM
On topic - erica announced her business is closing.
Congratulations pelosi, biden and harris - another business destroyed - and cannot provide you any taxes for the parasitic elitist DPST terrorists to live off of.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
She's running against someone even more left of the dial than she is. In that district.. they're more likely to go with the nutter they know than the one they don't.

Also-- Foley was in a district that became increasingly conservative during his tenure... so really-- while he was the first sitting Speaker to lose since 1860-- its not like it was 100% unexpected. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

what did him in was the term limits lawsuit he filed.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Its simple really SHE doesn't CARE about ANYONE ONE but herself ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,No more no less,,,,