Cornyn - Let them eat steak!

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Nah. I'm not going to accept or justify what the government has done. Fuck them.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Now I enjoy a good filet as much as the next guy, but if “Big John” Cornyn isn’t a complete idiot, he’s got mighty big balls to be tweeting pictures of a dinner that likely woulda fed a hungry, unemployed family of four.

Where’s the Sense of Christianity he so often projects?

Wanna bet he didn’t drive to Buffalo Gap?

What a shameless whore. Wanna bet he didn’t buy that steak?

John Cornyn Condemned for Tweeting Tenderloin as Republicans Block $2,000 Stimulus Checks

By Darragh Roche On 12/31/20 at 10:01 AM EST

Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) has been criticized for tweeting a photo of a tenderloin while attempts to provide further COVID-19 economic stimulus have stalled in the Senate.

"Great tenderloin dinner from ⁦@PeriniRanch.⁩ Highly recommend," Cornyn wrote on Tuesday, sharing a picture of the steak. Perini Ranch is a steakhouse in Buffalo Gap, Texas.

Cornyn's tweet came on the same day that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said there was "no realistic path" to giving $2,000 checks to Americans, despite pressure from Democrats and President Donald Trump.

"Did they pay you or give you free meat for this advertisement?" said actor Patricia Arquette.

"LET THEM EAT STEAK," said Scott Dworkin, co-founder of the Democratic Coalition, a campaign group. He was referencing famous remarks attributed to French queen, Marie Antoinette.

Many other social media users highlighted the fact that American families are struggling as further economic stimulus was still being debated yesterday.

Some speculated about the price of the tenderloin, while many condemned Cornyn for what they saw as excess at a time of hardship for others. Cornyn's tweet had almost 5,000 likes at the time of writing but nearly 21,000 replies.

This 'ratio' is often seen by social media users as indication that a tweet has garnered far more criticism than praise. The comparison is also interesting considering the tweet was about a meal and not an overtly political statement. A review of the replies showed an overwhelmingly negative reaction.

"What kind of Senator brags about his fancy meals as his constituents suffer? Chew that meat very carefully because karma cooked it," said Twitter user Gailen David. He was replying to Cornyn's retweet of the original post. The senator had added: "One of my best Christmas presents."

"People are going without food and you tweet this. You are the embodiment of evil," said Kate Kendell, former Executive Director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR).

"2.5 million *households* in Texas didn't always have enough food to eat in November, but now I can see why @JohnCornyn doesn't give a damn about main street Americans," tweeted Michael Drake, an 82nd Airborne combat veteran.

"What a horror show, this your state @JohnCornyn?" tweeted campaign group People for Bernie, along with an image of an article about faltering food banks in Texas.

Senator John Cornyn has been contacted for comment.

This is the second time in recent days that Cornyn has caused controversy by tweeting about food. On December 24, he shared a photo with the the comment "Brisket family tradition."

Many social media users, including Texans, objected to the dish, arguing that what Cornyn called a brisket was a poor example of the Texas staple. The senator's latest food-related post has seen much more serious criticism, however.

Both Democrats and Trump have pushed for $2,000 stimulus checks but Senate Republicans have blocked the proposal. Cornyn has also publicly criticized the idea, while his Texas colleagues in the House were divided on the matter, according to the Dallas Morning News.

"This is all funny money, borrowed money at this point, and that's another consideration," Cornyn said on Tuesday. "I mean, [we're] being just frivolous about the way we spend money and rack up debt.

"I think people are willing to do what we need to do if they feel like it's an immediate need and it's an emergency, which we have already done and we'll probably continue to do."

The Treasury has started issuing the $600 checks that were agreed in the latest round of stimulus but it now seems unlikely there will be a third round of direct payments to Americans—at least not involving checks for $2,000.

"We just approved almost a trillion dollars in aid a few days ago," McConnell said on Wednesday of the $900 billion package. "It struck a balance between broad support for all kinds of households and a lot more targeted relief for those who need help most." Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

maybe you heard about this recently?

Gavin Newsom Under Renewed Fire Over French Laundry Lobbyist as Recall Bid Gains Steam

By Meghan Roos On 12/31/20 at 6:54 PM EST

California Governor Gavin Newsom came under fire again on Thursday after a new report from The Los Angeles Times delved into the details of his friendship with lobbyist Jason Kinney.

Kinney, a partner with the firm Axiom Advisors, was at the dinner party Newsom went to last month at The French Laundry in Napa Valley, an event the Democratic governor received criticism for attending. According to the Times report, the dinner was held in celebration of Kinney's 50th birthday.

The Times report walks through Newsom's history with Kinney since the two met in 2002. After Newsom was elected governor in 2018, the report said nonpartisan public interest research organizations have raised questions about the roles Kinney has played as an advisor to Newsom's administration.

A spokesperson for Newsom told The Los Angeles Times that Newsom has "never hesitated" to decline recommendations from organizations or individuals when he does not believe those recommendations run parallel with the "public good."

"The Governor has been successful throughout a twenty year career in public service because he makes decisions in the interest of the public good," spokesperson Sahar Robertson told the paper. "His decisions are rooted in good public policy, and he's never hesitated to say no to organizations and individuals he has long relationships with when their priorities run counter to the public good."

Newsweek reached out to Newsom's office for further comment but did not receive a response in time for publication.

The renewed criticism comes as an effort to recall Newsom continues gaining strength. Recall Gavin Newsom launched more than five months ago and amassed more than 911,000 signatures by Tuesday. According to California law, any attempt to recall a state official must receive support from a number of Californians equivalent to 12 percent of the voting population that participated in the official's last election. Recall Gavin Newsom must gather 1,495,709 signatures in order to trigger a recall.

Randy Economy, a senior advisor with the official recall campaign, told Newsweek the French Laundry incident was like a "tidal wave" for the current recall effort, which he said has gained more traction with Californians than similar efforts in the past due in part to the coronavirus pandemic.

"That was a tidal wave that started to crest over the horizon," Economy said. He praised the "courageous woman" who took pictures of Newsom at The French Laundry in November. Critics have called Newsom's attendance at the dinner party hypocritical due to his public recommendations for Californians to avoid gatherings as part of the state's efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Newsom later apologized for attending the dinner, which he said was a "bad mistake."

"You can live a sheltered life as a politician, but you can't hide from the people," Economy told Newsweek. He mentioned the appearances Newsom has made on California television stations throughout the pandemic, which he described as "free advertising" for the governor.

"That has been his Achilles heel," Economy said. "It hasn't helped him. It's gotten people enraged because of the French Laundry incident."

Economy told Newsweek he read the Los Angeles Times report shortly after it was published Thursday morning, which he said reinforced his opinions of the governor.

"Welcome to Gavin Newsom's world," Economy said. "Every one of his closely guarded secrets and people who have done his bidding ever since he got into politics are now being flushed out. This is emblematic of who he is—not only as a governor, but as a failed leader."

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Gavin is an obnoxious fool. his past indiscretions eventually catch up with him.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What does this have to do with John Cornyn?

One day back and you’ve already hijacked a number of threads.

What aboutism does not a debate make. Thanks for the hijack.

You and Your Butt buddy want to rag on Newsom, start another thread.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What does this have to do with John Cornyn?

One day back and you’ve already hijacked a number of threads.

What aboutism does not a debate make. Thanks for the hijack.

You and Your Butt buddy want to rag on Newsom, start another thread. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

congratulations! you are my first RTM of the Happy New Year!

winn dixie's Avatar
congratulations! you are my first RTM of the Happy New Year!

BAHHAHAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
9The good news is that cornhole didn't have to pay for the steak. That's why the gop are giving huge tax breaks to their supporters while fuckn the middle class workers and fuckn their stupid clueless supporters in their stupid asses.

Rtm this post trump biotch n keep your putin proud lol
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The good news is that cornhole didn't have to pay for the steak. That's why the gop are giving huge tax breaks to their supporters while fuckn the middle class workers and fuckn their stupid clueless supporters in their stupid asses.

Rtm this post trump biotch lol Originally Posted by Tsmokies

everyone gets the break. well probably except me because .. i earn too much. if the low cap is about 260k i might just get a few shekels out of this.

since you should easily qualify for the full 2,000 ara ya gonna praise the dems and blame the repubs for it?

and how do you justify that six figures income and my 2 college degrees with your usual "ingert trump supporter" shtick?

inquiring posters want to know!
adav8s28's Avatar
I got it from this article in the Wall Street Journal, published December 31,

The House bill would increase the $600 checks to $2,000 ($4,000 for joint tax filers) with another $2,000 for each dependent regardless of age. All told the House bill would provide benefits to a family of five making up to $350,000 a year. The cost would add $463.8 billion to the national debt in addition to the $165.7 billion in checks that passed Congress this month. In other words, Democrats want to burden future taxpayers to write even bigger checks to affluent families today.

And you may be right, I haven't read up on the various pieces of legislation and how they work. Something like what I described appears to be Pelosi's original proposal. DPS Bernie Sander's and RST Josh Hawley are co-sponsoring a bill in the Senate that's probably not as ridiculous, and likewise what Trump proposed might not have been as over the top.

DPS = Democrat/Progressive/Socialist
RST = Republican/Socialist/Totalitarian

I'll post a bit more on this in Oeb's stimulus thread. He called me out on it too. Originally Posted by Tiny
In the above example the family of five would get the $10,000 if each indivdual made less than $75,000 in tax year 2018 or 2019. Not sure how it would work if one person made $100,000 and the other 4 dependents each made less than $75,000. I think the person who made the $100,000 would not receive a check.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
My rent was 2k bro they gave jack fucking shit fuck them. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Get a better job and stop whining, Strokey McBrokey.

Yeah, I am overpaid, but I earned it. You pay me extra for my degrees and if you don't want to do so, I'll have no problem finding a firm that will is how I look at employment.
adav8s28's Avatar
Well, it makes a lot more sense to pay enhanced unemployment benefits rather than just hand out money to everybody. Originally Posted by Tiny
Agreed. Plus they extended the date for eviction notices.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I don't mean to be smug, but a lot of people will be moving in with their parents soon. And a lot of them will be homeless. It sucks. I feel their plight out of empathy because I can't even imagine having a family to feed and I have no money.

It is sad because desperate people do things to survive whether it is deplorable or not. The crime rate is about to go up now because there are a lot of desperate people out there who are hungry.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Get a better job and stop whining, Strokey McBrokey.

Yeah, I am overpaid, but I earned it. You pay me extra for my degrees and if you don't want to do so, I'll have no problem finding a firm that will is how I look at employment. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You didn't read my response. I moved to the city and got a 2k apartment because I had a good job and could afford it, up until the government shut it down and I was laid off. The gay ass leasing office also wanted me to buy out of my lease for some ridiculous price. What's up with that?

I was fucked out of tens of thousands of dollars, but I'm still doing okay. There are far worse stories of how people got fucked over by the gay ass government this year. The controversial 2k payment doesn't cover a quarter of the butt fucking they've done to people this year.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You didn't read my response. I moved to the city and got a 2k apartment because I had a good job and could afford it, up until the government shut it down and I was laid off. The gay ass leasing office also wanted me to buy out of my lease for some ridiculous price. What's up with that?

I was fucked out of tens of thousands of dollars, but I'm still doing okay. There are far worse stories of how people got fucked over by the gay ass government this year. The controversial 2k payment doesn't cover a quarter of the butt fucking they've done to people this year. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Stop being a victim and be a man, Srokey McBrokey. Your money issues are on you and nobody else. Get a better job and stop whining. I pay over $10K a month in houses and you're not reading me whining about it.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Stop being a victim and be a man, Srokey McBrokey. Your money issues are on you and nobody else. Get a better job and stop whining. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You will say the same thing to people who lost their businesses because of the government lockdowns and lack of support?

What the government did made no sense, and they screwed a lot of people over. I'm not trying to make this about me, I was just giving an example. Lots of people got screwed much worse than I did.

Chances are, you at least took a pay cut because of this bull crap. I wouldn't say that pay cut was your fault. The government and politicians, and even the CDC and WHO, handled this shit horribly, and they should be the ones paying for it, not us.