Due to a lack of African American Violence, Biden directing FDA to ban Menthol Cigarettes and Flavored Cigars

winn dixie's Avatar

He posted links to opinions.

Not the same. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
good grief
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Controversial opinion: How about we don't ban anything because it's not the governments' job to tell people what they can do with their bodies. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
My body, my choice.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
just seems like a trivial issue to me.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
good grief Originally Posted by winn dixie

funkyd has a point. a weak one but a point none the less. they are opinions .. from uber leftist opinion writers on uber leftist sources labeling Joey Corn POOP Biden a ...


so of course funkyd has to disavow the far leftists branding Beavis Butt-Head Biden as the racist punk he is.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
funkyd has a point. a weak one but a point none the less. they are opinions .. from uber leftist opinion writers on uber leftist sources labeling Joey Corn POOP Biden a ...


so of course funkyd has to disavow the far leftists branding Beavis Butt-Head Biden as the racist punk he is.

BAHHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Now don’t go getting your feeling hurt, but ...
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Now don’t go getting your feeling hurt, but ... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

thank you hoehummer the post stalker
Yssup Rider's Avatar

thank you hoehummer the post stalker Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Check your PMs, bud.
adav8s28's Avatar
actually .. there is! and it's on Joey Corn Poop Biden!

even Al Sharpton has said banning menthol smokes is racist!

so Mumbles Biden is a racist bigot!


A Menthol Cigarette Ban Would Perpetuate the Racist War on Drugs


Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
A charity funded by Michael Bloomberg started the petition, not Sleepy Joe. From the link:

In 2013 a coalition of health “charities” funded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, initiated a citizen petition requesting the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ban menthol cigarettes. But, after years of ignoring the petition,

Bloomberg also wanted to ban 2 liter bottles of Soda in New York city.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They really don’t let the truth get in the way, do they?

Back in the pre-Trump age, there was a lot more integrity in the BS that was passing as truth from the RWWs.

Now that Trump has been vanquished, there is a mad scramble to occupy the chaos seat.

This is a stellar example of that rush to glory.
A charity funded by Michael Bloomberg started the petition, not Sleepy Joe. From the link:

In 2013 a coalition of health “charities” funded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, initiated a citizen petition requesting the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ban menthol cigarettes. But, after years of ignoring the petition,

Bloomberg also wanted to ban 2 liter bottles of Soda in New York city. Originally Posted by adav8s28
That doesn't shock me at all. Bloomberg thinks he knows best for everyone, the fucking despot.
adav8s28's Avatar
They really don’t let the truth get in the way, do they?

This is a stellar example of that rush to glory. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Waco Kid will post a lot of links. He just doesn't read what's in them.
ICU 812's Avatar
Wait a minute . . . .All this menthol ban talk refocuses the anti-tobacco hype of the last few decades .

For thirty years or more, we have had serious activist campaigns directed at banning tobacco consumption in all forms but mostly smoking, forced on us. Its been pretty effective too. Light one up now about anywhere and you are castigated as an anti-social bad actor.

And yet in the same time period, over half the states have legalized Marajuana consumption in all forms. Aside from the recreational effects, what makes Marajuana smoke any less deleterious to one's health than tobacco smoke? Anyone looked in the bottome of a pipe the morning after the night before?

How is Marajuana tar any less harmful to the lungs? What about secondary smoke?
You are seriously clueless why they want to ban menthol cigarettes, has nothing to do with children, but has a lot to do with addiction to nicotine, with menthol making nicotine addiction easier to get hooked on and harder to get off.
You're right if you want to harm yourself fuck just do it. you don't think that tobacco companies put warnings on cigarette packs for your safety, LOL... it's to keep you from suing them, you can't say you didn't know this may harm you since they tell you so on every single pack this shit is bad for you, that's why no one is suing them these days since they been doing this since the late 60's, you have to been a smoker before then to be able to sue, and most of them are dead now who could. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
If they cared about your safety they wouldn't make the shit. They also wouldn't use a chemical process with the use of Ammonia called "Impact Boosting" to render Nicotine more easily absorbed, which renders it more addictive. The warning labels are for liability purposes for the "Seven Dwarfs" (Tobacco Companies). They can be sued put they never seem to lose.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Wait a minute . . . .All this menthol ban talk refocuses the anti-tobacco hype of the last few decades .

For thirty years or more, we have had serious activist campaigns directed at banning tobacco consumption in all forms but mostly smoking, forced on us. Its been pretty effective too. Light one up now about anywhere and you are castigated as an anti-social bad actor.

And yet in the same time period, over half the states have legalized Marajuana consumption in all forms. Aside from the recreational effects, what makes Marajuana smoke any less deleterious to one's health than tobacco smoke? Anyone looked in the bottome of a pipe the morning after the night before?

How is Marajuana tar any less harmful to the lungs? What about secondary smoke? Originally Posted by ICU 812
I think marijuana smoke is less harmful to the lungs. They put all type of chemicals into tobacco to make it palatable. Have you ever tried smoking pure, unadulterated tobacco? I have. You can't even smoke that shit. It's like an American Spirit times one thousand. Tobacco also absorbs radioactive isotopes, for some reason.

Marijuana doesn't go through a treatment process where they put ammonia and whatever else in it so you can inhale it.

I don't think tobacco was ever intended to be inhaled. I enjoy smoking it in a pipe, like it was intended.
winn dixie's Avatar
Can we stay away from the forbidden topics?