Orange turd tells lie after lie after lie.

HedonistForever's Avatar
I thought I was immune to your baiting but I guess not. I'm only human. And I'm not putting up with this shit any longer. STOP GLORIFYING SMOKING! Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths in the U.S. EACH YEAR. Originally Posted by Tiny

Just one of the reasons I put him on ignore, having to look at those stupid meme's and then you guys post him so I have to see it.

If you guys are going to quote him, why I do not know, edit the stupid meme's please.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I saw part of that on live television, and it so wild that I transcribed it. Basically he said he was great friends with Xi. They got along great. Xi took him on a grand tour of China and showed him all kinds of wonderful sites, the Great Wall and whatever else. And then Trump volunteered out of the blue, "Chairman Xi, how would you like it if all those wonderful sites were bombed to rubble?" Trump said Xi then knew he was dealing with a different sort of character. Indeed.

Now you might think this would show that Trump's crazy. Well, maybe. Or maybe he's crazy like a fox, which is to say people think he's crazy, but he's really extremely clever.

He did the same thing with the Little Rocket Man, told him he was going to blow North Korea to bits if he messed with American interests. And then thoughtfully sent him a recording of Elton John's "Rocket Man."

The piece de resistance was almost bombing Iran. Did he really make a spur of the moment decision and recall the bombers and missiles? Or did he plan that from the beginning? Maybe it was a great way to scare the shit out of the Ayatollahs but not start a war. Please recall this was a reaction to the Iranians shooting down one of our drones.

Anyway these episodes had the effect of making foreign leaders believe some guy who was bat shit crazy controlled the U.S. nuclear codes. Which perhaps was exactly what he wanted. Actually, those here who believe that Trump could have really extracted us from Afghanistan by May 1 without creating the same chaos that's happening there right now must be operating from the "Trump is crazy like a fox" theory. Originally Posted by Tiny

Damn Tiny, you were doing so well there for a while, very insightful and then you blew it. You have absolutely no idea how a draw down under Trump may have happened but there is plenty of evidence to suggest, he wouldn't have done it the way Biden did.

A number of military people seemed quite sure that Trump would have listened to what the military would have told him, it was the same thing they told Biden. Leave the 2500 in place because they were getting the limited job done. That if left there with Bagram still open, still flying cover sorties providing two or more exits and perhaps before the Taliban was at full strength, it would have been different.

I don't know if it would have been different under Trump but lots of other people said it, might have, could have but that is all academic at this point. In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "what difference does it make now". Nobody can offer any "proof" that Trump wouldn't have done it this way but others say there was a better chance that Trump would have listened to the military when Biden didn't

Biden fucked this up. We know it, the military knows it and our allies know it and they are being quite vocal about it.

Tucker started his show tonight with a reporter from CNN no less, ripping Biden a new one like never before and he reminded us that no story on CNN goes on air without the expressed consent of Jeff Zucker. We found this out last year with leaked audio from a couple of Zucker's morning briefing meetings on what the story line would be that day and every single anchor and on air person said LITERALLY the exact same words on any anti Trump story that made the air.

Yeah, yeah, you'll ( somebody ) will tell me Fox does it to so I won't belabor the point any more.

Trump didn't do the with drawl so we don't know how it would have turned out. We do know how this turned out and right now, the MSM that protected Biden "till now" has turned on him and get this, actually questioning his competence and after his press conference today about how Americans are not having trouble getting to the airport and Secy. Austin is telling at the same time how he has reports of the Taliban stopping and in some cases beating Americans and taking their passports and the the stunner that "Al Qaeda is no longer in Afghanistan" when intelligence reports have known Al Qaeda operatives are in at least 15 Provinces and how untold hundred of them have just been released from Afghan prisons under the direction of the Taliban.

The MSM today ( this was the theme of Tuckers show tonight ) are calling Biden a liar or an incompetent or both and not fit to lead.and not fit to lead.

And our allies are saying it out loud all over the world.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Just one of the reasons I put him on ignore, having to look at those stupid meme's and then you guys post him so I have to see it.

If you guys are going to quote him, why I do not know, edit the stupid meme's please. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
There's a lot you don't know. I'll show you.

Who's the master? Keep quoting me Chiquito! So I know you are replying to my post. It's only professional courtesy.

Damn Tiny, you were doing so well there for a while, very insightful and then you blew it. You have absolutely no idea how a draw down under Trump may have happened but there is plenty of evidence to suggest, he wouldn't have done it the way Biden did.

It's anyone's guess, genius. And your guess is as good as his. As mine. Or anyone else's.

A number of military people seemed quite sure that Trump would have listened to what the military would have told him, it was the same thing they told Biden. Leave the 2500 in place because they were getting the limited job done. That if left there with Bagram still open, still flying cover sorties providing two or more exits and perhaps before the Taliban was at full strength, it would have been different.

I don't know if it would have been different under Trump but lots of other people said it, might have, could have but that is all academic at this point. In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "what difference does it make now". Nobody can offer any "proof" that Trump wouldn't have done it this way but others say there was a better chance that Trump would have listened to the military when Biden didn't

Biden fucked this up. We know it, the military knows it and our allies know it and they are being quite vocal about it.

Tucker started his show tonight with a reporter from CNN no less, ripping Biden a new one like never before and he reminded us that no story on CNN goes on air without the expressed consent of Jeff Zucker. We found this out last year with leaked audio from a couple of Zucker's morning briefing meetings on what the story line would be that day and every single anchor and on air person said LITERALLY the exact same words on any anti Trump story that made the air.

Yeah, yeah, you'll ( somebody ) will tell me Fox does it to so I won't belabor the point any more.

Guess who?

Belabor. Good word.

Trump didn't do the with drawl so we don't know how it would have turned out. We do know how this turned out and right now, the MSM that protected Biden "till now" has turned on him and get this, actually questioning his competence and after his press conference today about how Americans are not having trouble getting to the airport and Secy. Austin is telling at the same time how he has reports of the Taliban stopping and in some cases beating Americans and taking their passports and the the stunner that "Al Qaeda is no longer in Afghanistan when intelligence reports have known Al Qaeda operatives in at least 15 Province[sic] and how untold hundred of them have just been released from Afghan prisons under the direction of the Taliban.

The MSM today ( this was the theme of Tuckers show tonight ) are calling Biden a liar or an incompetent or both and not fit to lad.and not fit to lead.


And our allies are saying it out loud all over the world. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Tiny, you have absolutely no idea how a draw down under Trump may have happened.
  • oeb11
  • 08-21-2021, 09:07 AM
I thought I was immune to your baiting but I guess not. I'm only human. And I'm not putting up with this shit any longer. STOP GLORIFYING SMOKING! Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths in the U.S. EACH YEAR. Originally Posted by Tiny

95zeroes Castro.Che pics are not about smoking.

It is about his love for Castro and Che' - and it is understood teh cigars are a phallic symbol.
Basic. elementary psychology.

Smoking is unhealthy.
Perhaps someday 95zeroes will come out of the closet into the loving arms of his very own LGBTQ faction of the Communist DPST party!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I thought I was immune to your baiting but I guess not. I'm only human. And I'm not putting up with this shit any longer. STOP GLORIFYING SMOKING! Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths in the U.S. EACH YEAR. Originally Posted by Tiny
that's a cigar, not a cigarette!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Tiny, you have absolutely no idea how a draw down under Trump may have happened. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
the draw down would have turned out differently had Biden not shut down the crisis response bureau in March. why did he do that? who knows.

these guys job was to handle and coordinate an orderly transfer out.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
trump lies
biden lies

so whats new? lol!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
trump lies
biden lies

so whats new? lol! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Politicians lie. Egotistical narcissists lie. The difference is the narcissist will not spin the truth. Just deny deny deny.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
that's a cigar, not a cigarette! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

10 of the Most Famous Quotes Never Said or Misattributed

The symbolism of the cigar due to its shape and the often misunderstood sexual drives described by Freud seem to be the source of this quote, rather than the words of Sigmund Freud himself. The quote is probably at least a partial source for the famous quotation attributed to Groucho Marx – itself an urban legend without a shred of truth – that he told a mother with several children that he liked his cigar but he took it out once in a while.

You're a very interesting person dilby.
Fox News pushes false story that Biden “dismantled” an agency to evacuate Americans.

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  • Tiny
  • 08-21-2021, 02:13 PM
Actually, those here who believe that Trump could have really extracted us from Afghanistan by May 1 without creating the same chaos that's happening there right now must be operating from the "Trump is crazy like a fox" theory. Originally Posted by Tiny
Damn Tiny, you were doing so well there for a while, very insightful and then you blew it. You have absolutely no idea how a draw down under Trump may have happened but there is plenty of evidence to suggest, he wouldn't have done it the way Biden did.

A number of military people seemed quite sure that Trump would have listened to what the military would have told him, it was the same thing they told Biden. Leave the 2500 in place because they were getting the limited job done. That if left there with Bagram still open, still flying cover sorties providing two or more exits and perhaps before the Taliban was at full strength, it would have been different.

I don't know if it would have been different under Trump but lots of other people said it, might have, could have but that is all academic at this point. In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "what difference does it make now". Nobody can offer any "proof" that Trump wouldn't have done it this way but others say there was a better chance that Trump would have listened to the military when Biden didn't

Biden fucked this up. We know it, the military knows it and our allies know it and they are being quite vocal about it. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Hedonist, Trump and Pompeo negotiated an agreement with the Taliban that brought the number of troops down from 13,000 in March, 2020 to 2500 when Trump left office in January. I believe he agreed to leave altogether by May, 2021.

What you're arguing is that Trump would have reneged on the deal, which is quite possible. If he had, I doubt we could have just left 2500 troops there and maintained the old status quo. We probably would have had to ramp back up again.

I don't have a problem with the idea that the U.S. should get out of Afghanistan. The problem is the chaotic exit and more importantly the people who had our backs that are being left behind. The Biden and Trump Administrations could have prevented this with better planning, but as I posted elsewhere, the real blame lies with some people in the State Department. Afghan translators are appearing on Fox and CNN who've had visa applications in for years, and they're still stuck in Afghanistan. People should have been vetted and out of Afghanistan, or alternatives to settlement in the USA should have been sorted out before the withdrawal started.

So I'll stick with what I said earlier. If Trump indeed was going to leave by May 1, or even lie and maintain troop levels at 2500, the Taliban would have to fear and respect him for that to work.

There's a lot you don't know. I'll show you.

Who's the master? Keep quoting me Chiquito! So I know you are replying to my post. It's only professional courtesy.

Tiny, you have absolutely no idea how a draw down under Trump may have happened. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
OK EccieUser, I'm quoting you, but not to annoy Hedonist. Instead I'm taking this opportunity to replace the photos of cigar chomping revolutionaries with warnings about smoking from the American Cancer Society and some handy dandy tips for quitting smoking.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Hedonist, Trump and Pompeo negotiated an agreement with the Taliban that brought the number of troops down from 13,000 in March, 2020 to 2500 when Trump left office in January. I believe he agreed to leave altogether by May, 2021.

What you're arguing is that Trump would have reneged on the deal, which is quite possible. If he had, I doubt we could have just left 2500 troops there and maintained the old status quo. We probably would have had to ramp back up again.

I don't have a problem with the idea that the U.S. should get out of Afghanistan. The problem is the chaotic exit and more importantly the people who had our backs that are being left behind. The Biden and Trump Administrations could have prevented this with better planning, but as I posted elsewhere, the real blame lies with some people in the State Department. Afghan translators are appearing on Fox and CNN who've had visa applications in for years, and they're still stuck in Afghanistan. People should have been vetted and out of Afghanistan, or alternatives to settlement in the USA should have been sorted out before the withdrawal started.

So I'll stick with what I said earlier. If Trump indeed was going to leave by May 1, or even lie and maintain troop levels at 2500, the Taliban would have to fear and respect him for that to work.

OK EccieUser, I'm quoting you, but not to annoy Hedonist. Instead I'm taking this opportunity to replace the photos of cigar chomping revolutionaries with warnings about smoking from the American Cancer Society and some handy dandy tips for quitting smoking. Originally Posted by Tiny

I agree about the delay in VISA applications for those that worked with/for us under the Trump watch. I think it was shameful we didn't get more out and I'll predict we will leave the majority behind.

Quote 9500 all you like, just don't include his stupid pictures. Thanks.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The $3.5 trillion reconciliation budget that was recently passed in the Senate lays the groundwork for a historic reconciliation bill that will be transformative for working families, the children, the elderly, the sick and the poor. It will be a long-overdue step forward in the fight for economic, racial and social justice. It will also create millions of good-paying jobs.

As Chairman of the Budget Committee, my hope is that the various committees will soon finish their work and that the bill will be on the floor and adopted by Congress in late September.

The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report makes it absolutely clear. The United States and countries throughout the world must move extremely aggressively in combating climate change if we are to prevent irreparable damage to our country and the planet. There is no time to lose. The future of the world as we know it is at stake.

Take a look around.

  • A huge fire in Siberia is casting out smoke for 3,000 miles.
  • Greece – burning.
  • California – burning.
    Oregon – burning.
  • Historic flooding in Germany and Belgium.
  • Italy just experienced the hottest European day ever.
  • July 2021 is the hottest month ever recorded.
  • Drought and extreme weather disturbances are cutting food production, increasing hunger and raising food prices worldwide.
  • Rising sea levels threaten Miami, New York, Charleston and countless coastal cities around the world in the not-to-distant future.

This is not a silly plot in some disaster movie. This is reality. This is what we are experiencing now, and it will only get much worse in years to come if we do not act boldly NOW.

This Reconciliation Bill, the details of which are still being written, will not do everything that needs to be done. But, by investing many hundreds of billions into the reduction of carbon emissions it will be, by far, the most significant step forward in our country's history in fighting climate change and will set an example of what other countries should be doing.

Here are some of the proposals that are currently in the bill:
  • Massive investments in retrofitting homes and buildings to save energy.
  • Massive investment for the production of wind, solar and other forms of sustainable energy.
  • A major move toward the electrification of transportation including generous rebates to enable working families to purchase electric vehicles.
  • Major investments in a greener agriculture.
  • Major investments in research and development for sustainable energy and battery storage.
  • Billions to address the warming and acidification of oceans and the needs of coastal communities.
  • The creation of a Civilian Climate Corps which will put hundreds of thousands of young people to work transforming our energy system and protecting our most vulnerable communities.

As you may know, the Budget Resolution was passed last Wednesday at 4:00 a.m., by a vote of 50-49 after 14 hours of debate. No Republican supported it, and no Republican will support the Reconciliation Bill. The Democratic Caucus will have to do it on its own.

That means that we must demand that EVERY Democrat supports a Reconciliation Bill that is strong on climate change. No wavering. No watering down. This is the moment. The future of the planet is at stake.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
That’s a lot of money to spend because it’s summer.