Sharing Indys and resistance

Fucking FiFi/M Mendez. You screwed up more legit UTR places in Chinatown than anyone else in this hobby. I have no respect for you and I trust karma will kick in one day for you. There are better and more elegant ways to share but you just fucking need attention. Behaving like a fucking child, if you ask me. Originally Posted by ThoreXile
Not sure what could ever be so bad that would make me waste my time with a post like this. You seem like your middle school girl friend just dance with another guy at the 8th grade dance. I am confused why it would be a problem to share information about anyone at any point offering any service. This is a business, do you get upset when someone reviews or shares the location of your favorite steak house? If you are upset about something someone shares or reviews then this may not be the place for you and you should seek therapy for you attachment issues, just saying. I don’t have time to hunt down the best spots anymore so I rely on this forum to point me in the right direction. Keep sharing everyone we all are better for it…
I don't think that true since Sept 1st - that used to be the case. I know a lot of mongers who are being extra careful and selective with who and what business they review - no one wants a felony charge and to put any extra heat on their favorite location. If you don't think anything has changed and its all gravy - remove your blinders. it has.
I think sharing information is what this site is for. Sharing apt nos is not.

I appreciate your information and have visited a few.

Share. If you do not want to share publicly, send by pm.
I have to recognize that AN provided some valuable intel to me. And I'll thank him for that.
Unfortunately there will be morons who will mess everything up by spooking the providers and doing things that are obviously wrong. May be I missed some posts, but I've never seen something AN shld be blamed for.
Even with my very quiet activity here, I sometimes get bombarded by some idiots in PM. We have a good contingent of those in here...